Sinners Shall Burn (2)
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[As the difficulty of the scenario has increased, a balance patch is being applied.]


[an n% amount of memory has been released. Participants temporarily have access to the ‘Attributes’ tab.]


millions of images flashed through my mind in that moment, they disappeared so quickly that I couldn't quite make out what I was looking at- but they all felt nostalgic in some perverse way. It was like I was reliving my life but someone had changed parts. 


“@^*&^!@^$%*^&!%$&^@!$*^%#!%@#^!%@*$^%!*&^@$%&^!%$&^!@%#^!%$*” an illegible noise echoed through the forest, I turned my head and caught a glimpse of the source. 


Participant 6-

This game.... It’s so realistic’ I thought to myself.. The temperature had continued to fluctuate as I roamed the various environments that were presented to me, currently- I was barreling through a forest towards my 3rd elimination. ‘I’ve never played a game with such realistic death mechanics.’ Something landed on my face and I swatted it away out of reflex, it was a fly. ‘Unfortunately, this was the only mount that I could find.’ It’s fatty flesh was rotting and thousands of flies enjoyed a free meal- though it didn't look the least bit disturbed by this.


The beast under me caught onto the trail of another player and began to run after it, after a few minutes the person came into view. I tried to identify their name- but before I knew it my tame had already begun devouring their body. 


[A tamed monster has eliminated a participant- kill credit will go to its owner.]


[The Participant “Jason Vornir” is on a 3 kill streak.]


[ “Hundred-Handed Giantess” has bet 100 coins on the participant “Jason Vornir” on the condition that he clears the main scenario]


[ “Lustful Demoness” has bet 100 coins on the participant “Jason Vornir” on the condition that he clears the main scenario]


[ “Thieving Rapist” has bet 100 coins on the participant “Jason Vornir” on the condition that he clears the main scenario]


“Three in a row!” I cheered as I achieved my third elimination, My face brightened and I began to do a victory dance- sadly, my celebration was short lived, because I felt a heavy presence fall over me. That’s when I noticed her, she had long silver hair and a body that could kill. “It’s unfortunate that I have to kill you even though-”




Suddenly I fell to the floor. [Your sin “Gluttony” has been exercised.]


Nori Espoir

I once read a story about a boy, as it went I began to question the meaning behind he who lost the ability to discern fantasy from reality. His actions were more befitting a horror antagonist than a good protagonist. I concluded that fantasy and reality should always be kept away from each other, else run the risk of people like that boy to appear.


“You're just like that boy, uncompassionate and uncaring. You lost your path and wandered the path of a delusion.”


The boy's expression filled with confusion as he tried to push himself away from me. “Look, I don't know what you're talking about.” He tried reasoning, “You killed without any hesitation, people like you leave a bad taste in my mouth.”


I reached into the translucent panel in front of me and pulled out a small golden coin, I didn't have time to examine it, so I flipped it instead. “If there's a chance that those people you killed will rest in peace, No matter how small, Then I’ll do everything in my power to let that happen.”


The coin landed in my hand and I threw it into a different panel. 


[The Participant “Nori Espoir” has bet 1 Coin on the participant ‘Nori Espoir” on the condition that she eliminates the participant “Jason Vornir”]


The man quickly stood and clumsily pulled a shiv from his pocket. “S-stay back!” he shouted, “I’ll kill you!” His movements were clumsy. ‘Wait, what am I comparing it to?’ regardless of my inner turmoil, I concisely moved just out of range of his frantic stab motions. “Wha-?” I had grabbed his wrist, “I won't make you suffer.” somewhere, in the deepest part of myself, I could feel the remnants of hellish training. Again, those images flashed by- but this time... They were clearer? 


I'm not sure the reason as to why it was happening, but I wasn't about to start complaining. In my hands an object began to appear- It was translucent and took the form of a sword, the length was somewhere in the 10’s of feet. I wielded it like it as another limb and soon enough another panel appeared.


[You’ve eliminated another participant. The speed of your sin will be permanently decreased.]


“Stop looking at me like that…” I mumbled, the color in his eyes was draining at a rapid rate, so I softly closed his eyelids to give him a somewhat proper death.


[The participant “Nori Espoir” and the “Keeper of the River Styx” have won the bet!]


[Account is being created]


[602 Coins have been deposited into your account.]


[You have shown an unknown amount of “Compassion.”]


[Your sins have been unexpectedly forgiven.]


[You are one step closer to qualifying for a “virtue” ]


I looked into the sky and noticed it, the sun peaking over the mountains.


[You Have cleared the (0)th Main Scenario.]


[The scenario is experiencing difficulties and is unable to reward you at this time.]


And so, the sun rose on my first scenario. 

    ???, ???

“So, were there any interesting participants this time?” one woman asked another. “A few, sadly one died during the scenario.” Each woman was beautiful in their own respective right, one wore revealing clothes that emphasized her bust- while the other was more reserved. One started to pull on her hair and berate herself, “Why didn’t we bet on the oddity??.”


A man interrupted her, “What we should really be asking is how in the world she managed to be forgiven on the base floor- that's something that should happen near the 17th.”








“Mind if I chime in?” another man spoke, “What if her sins were miniscule from the beginning? That would explain how she annihilated the glutton and why she was forgiven so easily.”


“It’s possible…”


“That does make sense.”


“Why would she be here if she had not sinned? The purpose of this tower is retribution, is it not?”


As each member of the group bounced ideas off each other, the story became less and less cohesive. “Could one of the greater gods have interfered? It was odd how she entered without permission...”


“At this point,” another man interrupted. “We’re all just speculating- lets just send in a request and hope for the optimum conclusion.”


The group agreed and moved onto their next topic as a man in the corner lit a cigarette. 


Administrator 11

    “So... the old man finally makes his move” The hat wearing man began to laugh. “I guess everyone really is a little mad sometimes.”