Chapter 08: The Mysterious Book Lover
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Yuri starts to approach me. Why is that? I am panicking right now? Wait, why? She is just gonna come closer, that's all. I am so nervous about Yuri. She is an expert about literature, especially when it comes to books. I prepared for her attack. Here goes nothing.

Yuri: "Thanks for keeping your promise, Haruno. And coming back to the Literature Club. I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you."

Phew. I thought she's gonna lecture me or something. Or hate me for not being interested enough for literature. And here I am, overthinking. Why would I be scared to a beautiful girl?

"Ahh, don't mention it. I'm alright here."

Yuri: "Making you dive headfirst into literature when you are not accustomed to it."

Oh no, I guess she's thinking about what I said last time. The girl's talk finishes then Natsuki butts in.

Natsuki: "Oh come on! Like he deserve any slack. Sayori told me you didn't even want to join any clubs this year. And, last year too!"

What? So I am not here last year? So why am I saying those things in my mind like last time? And Sayori knows? I shrug it off for now. I'll ask Sayori about that later.

Natsuki: "I don't know if you plan to just come here and hang out, or what... But if you don't take us seriously, then you won't see the end of it."

Here comes Monika to join the conversation too. Is she going to lecture me like Natsuki here?

Monika: " Natsuki, you certainly have a big mouth for someone who keeps her manga collection in the clubroom."

Oh my Juice! Her look with that smug face on. She burn Natsuki into crisp. Hahaha. Sorry Natsuki, I am still your friend but I am gonna laugh this one out.

Natsuki: "M-M-M-"

She finds herself stuttering between the words "Monika" and "Manga". Help! I am going to bust a loud laugh if you guys don't stop.

"M-M-Motherfucker! Manga is Literature!"

"Oh heck yeah it is. But watch the profanity."

What is with these girls and their profanity? Even I get involved. Weird. I don't swear that much too. Or it's because I can show them my real nature like everyone else does?

Natsuki must be pretty mad, it is like I can see steam coming out from her ribbons. Experiencing defeat, she plops back to her seat.

"Hey, come on Natsuki? Let's talk about manga some more."

She refuses to speak to me, for now that is. Oh well, I'll just ask her next time if she likes Sailor Moon or any other magical girl manga.

Sayori: "Don't worry guys~ He may not look like it, but Haru always give his best as long as his having fun! He helps me with busy work without me even asking. He even cleans my room and cook for me."

Yuri: "How dependable."

Of course, I just can't stand that, Sayori.

"Sayori, that's because your room is always so messy. I am so suprised you used to crawl out of that pile every morning. And when you tried cooking once, how can you even set fire on water, huh!? I thought your house is gonna burn at that point."

I am not mad at her though. I am actually worried. But, I decided to tease her with that. It really brings back a memory. She tried cooking noodles for a sphagetti, but the water has fire on it. The noodles was burning. I don't know what kind of magic she use that time.

Sayori: "Is that so... Ehehehe..."

Yuri: "You two are really good friends, aren't you? I think I might be a little jealous."

Sayori: "How come? You and Haru can become good friends too!"

Well, yeah. If she wants a shut-in, isekai'd otaku to be her friend that is...

Yuri: "U-um... Sayori..."

Sayori: "Hmmm?"

"Hey, that would be nice, right?"

As usual, in weird situations like this, Sayori seems to be so oblivious. Not that I can blame her or anything. But she's a genius for putting me in this situation. I'll really thank her later.

Sayori: "Ohh, ohh! Yuri even brought you something today, you know-?"

Yuri: "W-wait! Sayori..."

"R-really? For me? I am much obligated then. Can you show me what it is?"

Yuri: "Umm, not really."

Sayori: "Come on, don't be shy."

Yuri: "It's really nothing."

"Nope, I won't take no for an answer. What is it?"

Yuri: "Nevermind. Sayori made it sound like a big deal when it's really not. Uhhh, what do I do...?"

I am starting to notice something about Yuri.

Sayori: "Ehhh? I'm sorry, Yuri. I wasn't thinking."

This situation became awkward. Let me help them out.

"Yuri, don't worry about it. First of all, I wasn't expecting anything in the first place. So any nice gesture from you, it is a pleasant suprise. It'll make me happy ni matter what."

I smiled at her. I don't want her to be embarassed. And curiousity kills the cat. I am curious for that thing she got me. If it is a book or what not, I'll take it. Besides, I only got gifts from my Father. So, this is new to me and I want to appreciate what she will be giving me.

Yuri: "I-Is that so?"

"Sure. I won't make it a big deal if you don't want me to be."

Yuri: "Alright.... Well, here."

Yuri reaches into her bag and pulls out a book. Nice one Haruno. It is a book. I want to read books as I want to read manga.

Yuri: "I didn't want you to be left out. So, I picked out a book that I thought you might enjoy. It's a short read, so it should keep your attention, even if you don't usually read. And we could, you know... discuss it if you wanted..."

Th-this is... How is this girl so cute without even trying?! And to think that she even picked out a book she thinks I'll like, despite me not teading so much...

"Wow! T-thank you Yuri! I'll definitely read it."

I take the book from Yuri's hand. Her hand is so warm to the touch. But the book gives me a cold feeling when I touch it. It gives me the chills. Strange.

Yuri: "Well, you can read it at your own pace. I'll look forward to hear what you think about it."

Well, I guess I should start reading. I sit down next to my school bag and open the book. But after several seconds, I feel a strange pressence penetrating me... I notice Yuri is gazing at me with more intensity than the sun! Wow, she have pretty eyes though. I blush a little.

Yuri: "Oh sorry."

She said that as she realized something. Wait, that book in her hand? Is it the same one as mine?

"Hey, isn't that the same book you gave me?"

Yuri: "Ah, it was- was on sale."

Well, if that's the case then what's the harm to buy two copies huh? Ahh, I have an idea!

"Hey Yuri, want to read together? Since we have the same book too. And maybe you could introduce me to it. Like, give me your own sypnosis. You can spoil me too."

After that, she flips over the book at insane speed to check the summary. Woah, I guess that's her power. While she was doing her thing, I look at the cover of my book.

"Portrait of Makrov..."

There's an ominous-looking eye symbol on the front cover. It looks like it is staring into my soul. That's creepy. The chills came back. The book is quite heavy. I should probably remember that I could use this to knock someone out if I hit them with it. I feel like a video game character. Yuri then suddenly speaks up.

Yuri: "Alright! I don't want to give something wrong away so please listen carefully."

"Sure thing. On your lead then."

Yuri: "Basically, it is about this girl in high school who moves in with her long-lost younger sister. But as soons as she does, her life changed. She gets targeted by these people who escaped from a human experiment prison. And while her life is in danger, she needs to desperately choose who to trust. No matter what she does, she ends up destroying her most of her relationshipss and her life starts to fall apart."

How... how can someone make something like this so fucking dark?

"That's kind of-"


Whoa. She started giggling, then starts laughing uncontrollably. Fucking hell. Is this what they call a "yandere"? I am so worried about her. But maybe because she is like Natsuki? I guess she seems happy that she is sharing her book with me. I calmed myself down despite the situation.

Yuri: "Are you not a fan of that sort of thing, Haruno!??"

Besides, I've always like reading something like this. It's just that, I didn't developed a thing about it.

"Well, I can't say I am not a fan. But, I have read a few books like that."

Some fucked-up manga that is. Maybe it's worth mentioning too.

"There's this some really messed up manga I've read in the past. Like, a girl was trying to change her appearance and style and then people just started to taking advantage of her. Sorry for the poor explanation."

Yuri's acting kinda strange. You know, her smile is like a "gesugao". Or maybe it's her eyes. She has pretty eyes. What's with me and eyes? I though I was in for thighs? Damnit, I am too calmed. In a few seconds, she's back to normal. I don't want to judge her, for now. I am just going with the flow like Natsuki last time.

Yuri: "It's just that... those kind of stories. They challenge you to look at the life from a strange, new perspective. When horrible things happen not just because someone wants to be evil. But because they have theor own goal or their philosophy that they believed in."

I guess that's true. If I were to say, villains are just broken down heroes, fighting for what they think what's right.

Yuri: "Then suddenly, you thought you related to the protagonist. They're made out to be the naive one for letting their one sided morals interfere with the villain's plans. I- I am rambling, aren't I? I'm sorry."

Hearing this for some reason makes me think I heard this somewhere before... but can't seem to recall it.

"No, no. It's fine. You apologize a lot, don't you Yuri? I think that is pretty cute of you. Besides, hearing you explain stuff and giving your own opinions, I guess I pretty understand how you feel."

Yuri: "Ohhh? (Cute?!) Well, I guess it's alright then. But I feel like I should let you know that I have this problem... When I let things like books and writing fill my thoughts... So, I am sorry if I end up saying something strange! And please stop me if I talk to much."

"Nahh, don't bother. Keep talking. I don't mind at all. You know, that's just means you are very passionate. The least I can do is listen, hearing a good story is as good as reading one. Let me tell you this, in the old days, knights used to tell and sing from across the land."

What am I, a knight right now?

"What I mean was that this is a Literature Club after all..."

But a Literature Club is about reading, not talking, right? Right? Duhhh!

Yuri: "Ahhh, that's... you're right."

"In fact, I should start reading right now. Would you mind reading with me too?"

Yuri: "You don't have to."

"Ahahahaha! What are you saying? Do you want to talk about it more? I would like to discuss it with you."

Yuri: "I-I guess..."

"So is it fine if sit right next to you?"

Without a word of permission, I slip into the seat next to Yuri.

"Ahh, you seem apprehensive?"

Yuri: "No! No, it is not like... I don't want you too. I am just not really good at sharing people what I read."

Jackpot. See? She is just like Natsuki. Well, let's hope for that.

"Just tell me if I end up distracting you or anything. I don't want be a bother to you."

Yuri: "I don't mind."

Alright then! I started to open the book and read the prologue. I soon understand what Yuri means about reading together in company. It feels very warm to the feeling. A nostalgic memory, my Father and I do this when we are reading a new release of the light novel of a certain manga or anime. We would stay up all night when he had no work to do. I never thought this feeling would brought that back.


Couple minutes have passed, it seems pretty quite, despite Sayori, Monika and Natsuki are chatting at the back. I started to look to Yuri. When I realized, she wasn't reading from her book, she was reading from mine! She suddenly notices me.

Yuri: "Ahhh, sorry."

"You really apologize a lot, huh?

Yuri: "I do? I don't mean to.. I'm sorry... Ahh! I mean...c

"Okay, okay. It is just fine. Besides, you look so cute right now. Hehehe."

She gets flustered. I can see her embarassment. And as for me, I have this suprise attack on her.

"You know what? You gave me an idea. Let's do this then."

I slide my seat next to her. She looks shocked. Oh yes, one point for me.

Yuri: "Ahh..."

"It is easier to read together like this right?"

Yuri: "R-right..."

She then slides her own book into her bag carefully. Then started to hold mine.

Yuri: "If you are finish reading, you can tell me so I don't flip it to the next page by mistake."

"Are you sure about that? Well, thank you, Yuri."

We go on like this for almost an hour. After I finish reading a page, she would flip it for me. But then, I realize the trap I have putten myself. Oh my God. Yuri looks so beautiful. I decided to peak at her, but not to notice me doing it. But, she was doing the same thing. Our eyes met multiple times. I can feel my face burning. Focus, Ishikawa. It's just Yuri. I continue reading.

"Hey Yuri, this might be a silly thought but... the protagonist seems like you..."

Silence once again fill the atmosphere.

Yuri: "Ehhh, does she? What makes you think that?"

"Well, I guess she's blunter in a lot of ways. But she also secound guesses all of the things that she says and does. Like, she's afraid of doing something wrong. Hey, don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I can see into your head or anything. But they're kind of reminiscent of some of your manners."

Yuri: "I see.."

She remains silent for a while.

Yuri: "But, Haruno? That's probably a terrible thing to have in common with her!"

Crap, I messed up. Big time.

"Ahhh, I don't mean it in a bad way or anything. I'm sorry, I really didn't know you were self-concious about that sort of thing. I guess I more meant that it's cute and pretty actually..."

Yuri: "Wha- what are you saying so suddenly?! I- not-"



Fucking lamb sauce! That scared the crap out of me. My heart is beating like crazy.

Monika: "I think it's time we share today's poems with each other. We might not have enough time if we wait too long."

I looked at my wrist watch. Ohh. 5PM? That really took it's time. I guess we should now. School closes at 6PM.

Yuri: "Ahhh."

Yuri exhales spared from finishing her thought.

Monika: "Is that alright? Yuri? You look kind of down... Well, I'm sorry if you haven't looking forward to this."

Yuri: "Ahhh, no. It's fine."

"Don't worry Yuri. We'll reaf more again soon. I promise."

I close my book and place it into my bag.


Alright! I guess it's time to share poems.

Monika: "Haruno, you are up first! Who would you like to share your poem with?"

Now that she mentions it, WHERE DID I PUT MY POEM? I check my bag and can't find it. Fuck, I guess this my karma for spending time with cute girls. Shit. OH WAIT! I REMEMBER NOW!

"Excuse me while I whip this out!"

The Girls: "EYAAAHHHHH!"

I pull the folded poem out from my pants pocket.

The Girls: "Ohhh, that's what you meant..."

"What? Were you expecting something else?"

The Girls: "Ummm... Nevermind..."

Hmmm.... who would I go to first to show my poem?