Chapter 15: And Then, I Am Back at the Literature Club!
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I entered the room. Yey. Club time. As I soon entered, Monika gave me a nice, warm welcome. Kinda weird though. She's so nice to me.

Monika: "Hey Haru! I hope you got one of those poems for me."

"I sure do. You are in for a treat."

Monika: "Wait, really?"

"Yes. Yes, I did."

Monika: "Wow, I am really impressed. I'm amazed at you Haruno. You've really changed."

She smiles at me, before looking around and glancing about the room.

Monika: "Ahh, Haru. One more thing...."

Monika walks up to me and whispers something into my ear.

Monika: "Thanks for not leaving Sayori hanging."

Monika walks away pretty fast. Wait, what the hell? What did she say just now!? I start to walk to Monika to ask her what she meant by that. But, Sayori made contact to me. I will put that on hold. I talk to Sayori.

Sayori: "Oh hi Haru!"

"Hi, Sayori. Looks like you are in a good mood today?"

Thank god, she's still okay. I let out a sigh of relief.

Sayori: "Ehehehe! I am just still not used to you being in the club, that's all."

"Don't worry, Sayori. For I am here... to stay."

For you, and the rest of the girls.

Sayori: "Speaking of which... I'm kinda hungry. Will you come with me to buy a snack?"

I literally forgot! I have bread here but I must have eaten or forgot them. I check my wallet and looks like I am short on funds too.

"Sorry, but I don't think I have enough on me today."

Sayori: "Ehhh? That's not like you at all?!"

"Well, I just have enough change for maybe a soft drink, if I am ever lucky. Did you bring your wallet with you?"

Sayori: "E-eh?"

Next time, I want more alowance. And also, I should get a bag of sweets in hand so I can give her at least.

Sayori: "Why did you ask me.... that ... all of a sudden?"

"Well, if you have some small change, maybe we could combine it with what I got and we can get you something."

Sayori nervously retrieves her coun purse. She fumbles with the latch and gets it open.
Then, she turns it upside-down and let its content spill onto the desk. Only two small coins fall out.

"Darn, that's still not enough, even with mine."

She's in the same situation as me.

Sayori: "Uwaaaaaa-! I give up. Don't make me feel guilty!"

Huh? What? I am not doing anything?!

"Sayori? Hey wait... I wasn't trying to..."

Yuri: "Ahahaha..."

Yuri suddenly giggles. I did not notice that she was listening in.

Yuri: "Oh. I'm sorry. I wasn't eavesdropping or anything. It was just....somthing in my book..."

She was reading a different book for today. Where did that book go? Hmmm...

Sayori: "Yurriiiii.... Can I please borrow somee money?"

Yuri: "That's-- Don't get me involved like that, Sayori. Besides, you should buy only what you can responsibly afford. And frankly, trying to bum money off from friends, let alone trick them, your suffering is just retribution."

"That's kinda cold... but epic..."

Yuri: "Ahhh! Sorry. Did I just-- I didn't mean that! I.... ahhhhh...."

"No problem, I got you. You got absorbed from your book that's all. So, don't worry about it. After all, you have us thought a valuable lesson. Right?"

Yuri seems embarassed. But I am more worried about Sayori. She seems smiling at Yuri for what she have said. It is like she is showing her happy thoughts. Yuri hides her face in the book she's holding right now.

Yuri: "Ahahaha. I really like when you speak with your mind, Yuri. Though, it doesn't happen that much, but it is a fun side of you!"

Yuri: "Ehhhh? Uhmmm..."

Sayori: "Besides, I did something bad and now I have to accept the revolution."


Yuri: "Still, coming from you, Sayori... I guess there's a little devil inside all of us, isn't there."

Sayori: "Ehehehe..."

"Yeah, you might be right about that. After all, she told you guys that she was bringing me to the club before she even told me."

I chuckled a bit.

Sayori: "But, you wouldn't have come if it weren't for the cupcakes. I have to trick Natsuki to baking them." *pouts*

Suddenly, an unidentified flying object came right to Sayori's face. It sounded si hard.

*loud whack sound*

Sayori: "Kyaaa. Huh? Hahhhh? A coooookieee? I guess I paid my restitution!


Yuri: "Actually, that almost worked out."

Natsuki: "Heh! I was going to give that cookie to you to see the look on your face but I heard what you said about the cupcakes. But totally worth it. Ahahaha!"

Sayori: "N-natsuki? That's... so nice of you! Thank you!"

She hugs the cookie to her chest. Last time, I want to be a paper. But now, I want to be a cookie. Lucky cookie.

"Jeez, just eat it already!"

Sayori rapidly tears open the wrapper and takes a big bite. Her expression say it all. It's delicious.

Sayori: "Nom nom nom nom. Shoooo goooddd. Mmf- I bit my tongue!"

Natsuki: "Hahaha."


She sounded like the Cookie Monster. Ahh, I love that show.

Natsuki then starts to open up the wrapper oh her cookie. She starts biting down as well. Her expression shows a sweet look. Maybe it is because she made them to be good. But what do I feel this is a food por--

Sayori: "Hey! Natsuki! Can I have a bite of your cookie? That's sweet, tasty chocolate cookiee~."

Natsuki: "Hey! Beggars can't be choosers. Besides....Why did you think I gave you that one?"

Sayori: "Fine. But still, I am so happy that you gave me this. Ehehehe."

Sayori gets closer to Natsuki and goes behind her, then wraps her arms around her.

Natsuki: "I get it. I get it."

Cookie still in hand, Natsuki reaches up to nudge Sayori off. Sayori suddenly pushes Natsuki down and takes a bite from her cookie.

Sayori: "Nom nom nom."

Natsuki: "Wha- my cookie?!"

Natsuki is underneath Sayori. Wow, Is this what they call a "yuri" scene? Not you, Yuri.

Natsuki: "Did you seriously just did that?!"

Sayori: "Uhuhuhuhu!"

Natsuki: "Ahhhh! Get off Sayori! You are too heavy! Help me out here, Haru! Ghhhh- Sayori!"

Sayori with mouth full, runs away.

Natsuki: "Hey! GET back here!"

Yuri and I giggled to what's happening. It suddenly hit me when I remember Natsuki's poem that I found on the ground. She most likely worked hard to get both of those cookies and she gave one to Sayori. They have been in so much trouble, yet, I couldn't help them. But, not anymore.

Natsuki: "Come on here, Sayori."

Natsuki motions her hands.

Natsuki: "Come here right now Sayori, so you could get a taste of my "bear" hands!"

Sayori: "Please Natsuki! There's gotta be a "otter" way around!"

They both giggles as they exchanged animal puns. So pur-fect, so cute.

Natsuki: "Oh yeah. Monika! Can you tell- Huh? Wait. She isn't here yet?"

She glances around the room. So did I. Monika isn't in the clubroom.

Natsuki: "Ughh. Where's Monika right now?"

Yuri: "Good question. Have any of you heard anything about her being late today."

"Huh? But I saw her here just now? She's the first one in the club. She's at the back of the classroom. She even greeted me. Didn't you guys see her?"

I once again glance around the room. Huh? Where in the name of Abraham is she?

"Wow, she's gone."

Yuri: "That's a bit unusual."

Sayori: "I hope she's okay."

Natsuki: "Pffft, of course she will be okay. She probably just had to something today. She's pretty popular after all."

Sayori: "Do you mean- She could have- a....!"

Yuri: "Ahaha. I wouldn't be so suprise. She's more desirable than all of us combine."

I scratch my head in amazement. I'm suprise. I am suprised to hear that from a girl with that type of.... posture. Why are they talking about this in front of me? Am I considered one of the girls now?!? I really have no idea why they want to talk about this in front of me.

Sayori: "Well, that's true."

"What are you saying right now?"

Why would Sayori agree to that? I feel even worst about how I've been treating her...

"In my opinion... All of you are quite cute."

Sayori: "......!"

Yuri: "........!"

Natsuki: "Wha-Wha-Wha-What did you just say!?"

They started acting strange. Seriously? Did I do something wrong again? Before I have the chance to respond to them, the door slides open. Suddenly, Monika enters the clubroom.

Monika: "Sorry! I'm super sorry!"

Oh thank God.

"Ah, there you are... Why did you leave?"

Monika: "I didn't mean to be so late... I hope you guys weren't worried or anything!"

"Of course we're worried!"

Natsuki: "I sure wasn't...."

Natsuki sits back down and pouts. What? Wasn't she the one who brought this up? Ughhh. Nevermind.

Sayori: "Ehhh? SO, Monika did chose the club over her boyfriend after all..."

Monika: "Boyfriend? Ahahaha... What on earth are you talking about?"

Monika quizzically glances at me.

"What are you guys saying right now? She was literally here a few minutes ago..."

Fuck. I give up. Everything again seems so weird. Well, weirder.

"What happened? You were literally here a minute ago. Then you dashed off."

Monika freezes for a minute, as if she forgot what to say.

Monika: "Ah. Well. My last period today was study hall. To be honest, I kind of just loss track of time..."

She seems unenergetic for her answer. She is smiling, but barely. Seriously? What is wrong with you? You.... are making my... head hurt. So much. I am so damned confuse. The dialogues that they are having, it seems rehearsed. My head hurts again for the time being. I stood in silence for now.

Natsuki: "You would have heard the bell ring, at least."

Monika: "Maybe I didn't hear it because I was practicing to play the piano."

I got some moment of clarity back. My head still hurts, nevertheless, I would be just fine though.

Yuri: "You can play the piano? That's impressive of you, Monika."

Well, at least I am not the only who's confused.

Monika: "Well, I did started recently. I have always want to learn piano.ç

Sayori: "That's so cool! Mind if you play something for us?

Monika: "Hahaha, that's... maybe if I get a little bit better. I will."

I look like the statue of confusion here. I decided to give a simple encouragement.

"Well, that's fine. I'd also wish you do good. I will look forward to it."

Monika: "Is that so? Well then, I won't let you down, Haru."

I want that too.

"Me too. Monika. I'll make sure to do the same for all of you."

They all smiled at me and blushes.

"No pressure though. Okay?"

Monika: "Ahahaha, don't worry. I have been practicing the piano for like, eternally."

Another weird thing from her. Or maybe she meant something. Like does she have a piano at her house or might have said just a wrong word. I am sure this is the third day for school. Right? Anyway, I am still so beat...

"Well, in that case.. best of luck to you."

Monika: "Hehehehe."

She then clears her throat and speak up once more. I decided to close this awkward talk for now. I'll be keeping my eye on Monika.

"Then, I'm going to start organizing the club activities. I'll let you know when it is time to share poems."

"Sounds pretty good to me. Keep it up a more."

Monika: "Alright, have fun with them... Oops! I mean "us"!"

Well, that was... so strange. At least everything looks they are settling down. I saw Natsuki in the closet. Probably reading manga. Sayori and Monika are writing about something. I go check Yuri. She's at the back of the classroom. I head towards her.

"Hey Yuri! What's up? Anything new?"

I notice Yuri is reading another book. It is called "Easily Disturbed". Is it me or I am "disturbed" at the books that she is reading? Everything, is colored red. Stands for blood. I guess though I won't need to say to her that she needs to stop reading that book, Portrait Of Makrov. Maybe she already finish it at some point. That's the way of life. Like me, if I finish a manga, I always find more and decides to say farewell to that manga that I was reading.

Yuri: "Ahh. No. I was just waiting for you."

She quicly hides that book. I starting to remember something. It is in the back of my thoughts. Man, I need to keep remembering amd sorting out my memory lane. I am still annoyed that I forgot important things at important moments.

"Ohhhh...? I see. Why don't we get started then?"

Yuri: "Ehehehe. Before that, Haru. I have a request. Would you mind if I make tea first?"

"Well, surely. Not at all."

Yuri: "Great. Then I should make more too. Not to mention, for yourself as well."

"I'll take you up to that offer then."

I follow Yuri to the closet. She grabs a small water pitcher from the shelf- with that kind of metal filter inside.

Yuri: "Can you hold this for one moment?"

"Sure thing."

I hold the pitcher while she starts putting and getting cups from the shelf. She also grab an electric kettle.

Yuri: "Wait, let me just plug this in at the teacher's desk and I'll get some water."

She quickly heads to the front and plug the kettle. She then quickly goes back to me.

Yuri: "Okay, may I have the pitcher?

"Here you go."

Yuri: "Let me just get water from a nearby source. I'll be back."

"Hey wait! Can I do it?"

Yuri: "NO! Ahhh, I mean. Please, I can do this."

"Well, alright then. I'll wait for you."

She then heads out. That's the first time I saw, her angry face that is. It is like she's going to stab me at the back and tear it up to shit and mess my insides. Fuck. Why did I imagine that? Wait, what? Huh. She is not that kind of person right. She is...

Monika: "Oh no, Haru. Did Yuri leave you again? You might want to check on her right now."

My head starts to hurt again. But this time, it is in immense pain.


Monika: "Haru! Are you alright? You look like you are in pain?"

"I am fine. But you know what, you're right. I'll be right back."

I head outside the clubroom despite the pain that I am having right now.

"Yeah, Monika's right. What is Yuri doing right now? Squeezing rocks to be water?"

As I walk through the hallway, I think the most logical place for Yuri to be would be the nearest water fountain. I started to walk through the hallway. I leaned to the wall while waling.

"This hallway. I feel it is so long."

???: "Haah....haah....nghhhhh....Haah."

What... the...fuck...? A girl? What is she doing? It sounds like heavy breathing. And getting quite naughty actually. Maybe erotic? I check to see the corner.

???: "Khhhhhh..... AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Oh my god. It is like she's getting stab! She's in pain. I walk faster. I peek at the corner..... Then I saw....

"What? What!? Yuri?"

Yuri: "Haah. Haah. HAHAHAHA! Huh? Yahhh!"

Oh my fucking god! She sliced herself! Shit!

When Yuri saw me, she clenched her fist and punched to the face.

*punches the shit out of Haru*

"Gaaahhh! Ackkk!"

With the pain in my head still going, she gave me another one. I black out....




I awaken back at the classroom.

"Wha-? What happened? Ughh. My head. My face. Huh!"

Was I just one shotted by a girl!? Worse yet, what were those cuts on her arm!? They seem pretty deep! I stand up, leaning against the wall.

Yuri: "Thank God. You're okay! I was worried about you! I found you lying down the hallway! Monika said too that you aren't quite feeling good."

"WHAT! Shouldn't I be saying that to you? Yuri... what happened in the hallway?"

Yuri: "What are you talking about, I found you blacked out in the hallway... I had ti have Natsuki help me get you back into the room, she went off to go get the nurse.ç

She has a frantic expression right now. Even if I keep blabbering about this, no one will believe. I will keep this shit for now. I am watching Monika but Yuri, is I think the most dangerous here.

Natsuki: "I'M BACK! The nurse wasn't around, but I can try PUNCHING him awake. Oh wait. He's up."

She looks exhausted. And disappointed. She wanted to punch me that badly?

Natsuki: "Well, that was a waste of my energy. Tch... whatever."

She folded her arms to her small chest.

Natsuki: "If you need me, you know where to find me."

She pouts and did that "tsundere thing" again. This time, it was hardcore. That brought a bit of joy to my heart. She looks so cute. She heads back the closet.

"Wait. Yuri, I am not done with you yet. What happened to the tea?"

Yeah, let's restart. I'll drag that out of her. In time. I mean, look at this! She started reading that book, Easily Disturbed, while I am talking to her! She wants me ignored. I can feel frustration. This girl.... is going to be harder than I thought. But thanks to that punch earlier, I started remembering what Yuri is. She likes hurting herself, especially her arms. Right now, I have a hunch that both of her arms are wounded. I want to treat them somehow. But I know she won't let me and I will cause a ruckus if I tried. Yuri, wait for me. I will save you all somehow. This isn't the right time, isn't it? You can't solve a problem that is incomplete? Okay. Okay. I am keeping my eye on everyone.



It looks like Natsuki is free now. I'll spend time with her. I head to the closet.


She's sleeping. She must have been tired. I want to pinch her cheeks, but resist the urge. She looks so cute. Is this what they called "a sleeping tiger?" I mean look at her. She look so calm. And somewhat, frail. Maybe that's why she is like a tsundere. Her dad seems like abusing her.

"I need to do something about that as well."

I patted Natsuki on the head. I promised, I'll do something about you too. I took a picture of her for now. Rest well, Nats.


I sat down on my desk. Well, I am sitting at it so it's mine.


There's nothing I could do for now. Right now, if I am comparing myself to a video game character, I am still at Level 0. I died, lived in this world, and died... then I live again.... I have no power right now, except "that power". I hope to level up soon and save them. Plus, the events is still incomplete. I need a big one. A big event. Near this area. I can then work out a plan somehow....


I feel so drowsy... and exhausted. Mine as well sleep. Since Monika and Sayori is near at my desk, I heard some of their conversation.

Sayori: "We're probably gonna seem really lame compared to all the other clubs, though."

Monika: "Well, we can't give up. The festival is our chance to show everyone what the literature club is all about!"

Huh? A festival.... I heard that in the first day, in the stadium. Hmmm... interesting.

Monika: "The problem is the idea of a literature club sounds too dense and intellectual."

It does, but this one is actually funny.

Monika: "But, it's not like that at all, you know? We need a way of showing that literature can be something that speaks to their creative minds."

Sayori: "No. There is still one problem!"

Why do I remember that Bugs Bunny meme?

Monika: "Ehhh? What is it?"

Sayori: "Sorry, sorry. It's nothing much. It should be fun too. We forgot to put the fun part, you know?"

Monika: "Mhmmmmm... You're right."

Well, I hate to admit, that's true... Sayori's pretty smart... I have to give her more credit...

Sayori: "Nobody will come in the first place of it is a literature event. So it is more important to figure out how to get people to show up in the first place. And after they come, we can do the thing to speak to their creative minds."

Wait, are we... hosting one? Please don't tell me we will need to recite poems or anything. Sayori talks seriously though. I enjoy seeing this type of her.

Monika: "In that case, do you think food will do the trick?"

Sayori: "You mean.... cupcakes!"

I am too exhausted, but did she just say cupcakes? A woman of my own heart...

Monika: "You're right. Natsuki would love to do that. She makes the best cupcakes."

Sayori: "That sounds great. Cupcakes speak to my creative tummy. I'm hungry..."

I am sure that she just want to eats cupcakes. Well, me too. I should cook her dinner tonight. Maybe I could ask her for me to go to her house

Monika: "Anyway, we still need to work out the details of the event itself."


I started to become sleepy. In the end, Sayori is still her usual self. But therein lies the unexpected reason I admire her. Unlike me, motivation is hard for me. She's so fired up. But I feel something within me has changed recently.... Still, I wonder what it would be like to see the world through her eyes. I still remember what I saw this morning. She was doing this. Just to make everyone elses happy. But no one makes her to be. I need to be that no one. And make her happy now. I'll be there for you Sayori. As your best friend. More than your bestfriend.... Hah. What am I talking about? I do like her. And yet I do like someone than her too. I feel so dumbed. Am I getting a harem or something. Well, if possible...


My conciousness starts to sleep...