Chapter 16: Hidden Messages
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I started to gain conciousness as I open my eyes. Suddenly, someone is obstructing my field of vision. I nearly fall out of my chair.


It was Sayori. She seems...mad at me?

Sayori: "Oops. I'm sorry, Haru. Wait! I am not sorry! This isn't the napping club!?"

"Wait, there's a napping club? May I join there as well?"

Sayori: "Hah, if I were to join the napping club, I would be the president automatically! Wait.... why am I agreeing with you?"

"Yeah, I could ask you the same. But thank you for always looking out for me. Also, now that we are talking about napping and sleeping...."

Sayori looks troubled. Like she knows what will happen to her. I still remember what I saw earlier...

"Can you tell me how many times you get-uo on time? You are still oversleeping everyday, aren't you? You always take care of me, but how about you?"

Sayori: "Ehhhh, not eveyday...."

"That's not very convincing... at all..."

Sayori pouts for her defeat.

"But back to the main question... How many days this week have you gotten up on time?"

Sayori: "That's.... It's a secret..."

"Haaa... Sayori... it is no secret to me."

Sayori: "Wait? Are you spying on me?"

"I may be smart, but I didn't even think about that.... not a chance."

I gave a big sigh.

"Well, now it is my turn to help you, Sayori. I need to do this for you. You have been such a rush the past couple of days."

I looked around to see the clubroom, empty. Except for us though. I guess they are on an errand with Monika. Anyway...

"Look here, your hair is sticking out all around."

I started to run down the side of Sayori's hair trying to straighten it out. Her hair is very soft and has a nice scent if shampoo. I wonder what they used these days? Girls got a bit more complicated than the last time I hang out with one.

"Your hair need a brush."

Sayori: "My hair is just really hard to get it right."

"You know I wouldn't fall for that... Not to be picky too but your bow isn't very straight either... and there's a toothpaste stain on your collar"

I know this is gross but, I wet my finger a little bit and wipe the toothpaste stain off.

Sayori: "Uhhhh... B-but nobody would ever notice that..."

"Well, I do. Because I care about you. I will be here always..."

Sayori: "That's very sweet of you... But I don't think you should spend so much energy on me..."

"What are you even saying right now? Besides, I keep wondering why you always keep your blazer unbottoned...."

Sayori: "I WON'T tell you."

"Well, seems fair. But at least I can do is help you. Is that alright with you."

Sayori: "If it is you, it is fine then."

I started to buttoned her blazer from the bottom.

"Glad you finally see it my way."

Sayori: "Ehehe... This is so funny.."

"Why so?"

Sayori: "I was just thinking how weird it is to have a friend who does these kind of things."

"It is not weird at all. I should have been helping you more. It's my fault that things like this have turned out the way they are."

Sayori: "But, it's okay. I am okay."

No. It is not. How things are in not okay... Not at all.

Sayori: "But you are happy doing this, aren't you?"


Sayori: "Hey! Watch out! The button might come off."

I look at the place where I am buttoning her.

Sayori: "Ehehehe. You might want to stop where you're at, you might get in trouble."

"Woops. You're right."

Luckily, no one saw us. I quickly take my hands back. There, she looks better... at least.

Sayori: "I think my boobs are getting bigger again..."

"Ahh... so that's why... I get it now... you're uniform..."

Now I have done it. I can feel myself blushing.

Sayori: "Ehehehe."

I still blush when I look at Sayori. But why seeing her blazer buttoned up feels weird? It is so strange...

Sayori: "Thank you for eveything, Haru. But I can't breathe at all now. Ahhhh! It's not worth it at all!"

She unbuttoned her blazer quickly. She twirls around me to see she is better that way. Well, I agree. It is not like Sayori to see her blazer buttoned up.

Sayori: "There we go! Much better! Plus if I keep it unbuttoned, then I won't get a boyfriend, right?"

"I didn't actually said that."

Sayori: "You didn't? Anyway... if I had a boyfriend, then he wouldn't even let you do things like this? Well, you do take care of me better than anyone else. That's why I kept it unbuttoned."

"Oh yeah? So what if I was your boyfriend? Would you say otherwise?"

Sayori: "........Huh?.....What!?!"

She looks at me, then hastely proceeds to try buttoning her blazer again. But, failed miserably. I get her point...

Sayori: "Why can't I buttoned them up!?"

Wow... she looks so serious. Alright, alright. I got your point.

"You know what? Just keep them unbuttoned. It feels better because it fits your style anyway."

She need a larger size too. She did grow....big.... well, bigger.

Sayori: "Just one..."

"Excuse me?"

Sayori: "I want.... to get... a buttoned... in!"

I feel guilty for what I have said. I should,xt have done that.

"Okay, okay. Let me help you the-"

Sayori: "No! I want to do it myself!"

"Okay then. I'll wait for you then."

Minuted passed, she managed to buttoned up everything. I am proud of her. Well, it is my fault she did that though.

Sayori: "I did it. Haru! Are you proud of me?"

"Yeah. So proud that I can cry right now."

I said that with a sarcastic tone. What else can I say? I know why she is doing this?

Sayori: "Yey!"

Sayori's shirt ends up unbuttoning from her excitement.

Sayori: "Whoops."

"Well, now that we are past that and done that... I'll make and help you to surely wake you up a little earlier, okay?"

Sayori: "Only if you focus on going to bed earlier."

"Want to trade then? It's a deal!"

Sayori: "Yey! Ehehehe! I guess we really are better at taking care of each other than we are at taking care of ourselves."

"Yep. Couldn't agree more."

I don't know if she realized what I was saying was so serious. I've got to find a way to reach through to her better somehow.

Sayori: "So, you should go to my house everyday and wake me up."

"Sayori. That's the plan alright. Plus, I already said I would."

Sayori: "Ohhhh! I forgot!"

"Man, it's impossible to tell what you are thinking sometimes... Well.. I--"

Monika: "Okay everyone! Now that's done and all..."

"AHHHHH! Oh my lord. Is that a jumpscare?"

Monika suddenly calls out.

Monika: "Sorry, Haru. Hehehe.... Oh, why don't we share the poems we wrote now?"

"Well, I can't wait. Let's go then."

Sayori: "Yey! I can't wait to read yours!"



Who should I go first? Heh. I'll go with Monika first and show her my poem. I take it out of my pants pocket.



"Hello Monika!"

Monika: "Hello Haru! How has your day been so far?"

"Pretty much okay, I guess. Sometimes, I feel really tired, that's all. But I pretty enjoy it here. It feels so relaxing. And yeah, sometimes... It's been strange and shockingb at the very least... quite an aye opener to me..."

Monika: "Really? That's news to me."

Oh, uhhh... Can I tell you something, Monika? It is something serious..."

Monika: "You can tell me anything! I am the club president after all!".

I hesitated, but I still told her. I explain to her what I have found in Sayori's room in the morning. I just want to know something. I still can't remember how Monika do those things. Maybe she already known it, despite she's been saying those things to me like did I leave Sayori hanging and such... Her expression changes from smiling at me, to a horrified yet...later relieved expression on her face.

Monika: "Oh my! That's terrible! That was too soon. How could this happen?"

"Huh? What?"

Monika: "Haru. Thank you for protecting Sayori. I knew there was something different with you this time."

"This time? What do you actually mean?"

Monika: "Make sure to keep an eye on her. Something is definitely wrong. Thank you so much, Haru. For protecting her. I can count on you.... anyways, can I see your poem?"

"Well, alright.. I guess."

Monika: "I'll take that."

Well, Monika is.... Just Monika. She looks like she isn't lying earlier for those expression. In fact, I feel like she's doing these so I can't reach something, to protect me from it... like the truth of what's going to happen. Still, I am keeping my eye on her.


She holds and reads the poem that I made.
Confused, she reads and rereads my poem again and again. Did I suck at making one this time?

Monika: "This very blunt. It feels like you're not only getting more comfortable with your style... But the imagery... it is so better than the last one I read! Just wondering... where did you learn this writing style?

"I don't know, but it actually comes to me at times. Then I write what's on my mind on a piece of paper then there you go..."

Monika: "Well, it's great!"

I'm happy she liked it.


Monika: "I'm happy you're applying yourself. Maybe soon you'll come up with another masterpiece!"

"Ahhh, I am not sure about that... but you never know... I'll keep this up then... So, can I read your poem now too?"

Monika: "Here you go!"

She happily gives me her poem. I read it carefully for I have this feeling that it is having "hidden messages". Like, her so called epiphany that time.


Save Me

The colors, they won't stop.
Bright, beautiful colors
Flashing, expanding, piercing
Red, green, blue
An endless
Of meaningless

The noise, it won't stop.
Violent, grating waveforms
Squeaking, screeching, piercing
Sine, cosine, tangent
Like playing a chalkboard on a turntable
Like playing a vinyl on a pizza crust

An endless
Of meaningless

Load Me


See? Look at this.... it feel like she is...

"Hmmmm... Hey Monika, not to be rude but are you in pain?"

Monika: "Ahahaha. Ehhh?"

From reading her poem, the feeling of pain and suffering... torment... is inside her poem. I can feel it. Tears roll from my eyes.


Monika: "Why are you crying, Haru? Is my poem that bad?"

"I'm sorry. It's not that. I just feel like something from reading this poem. I feel pain and sadness at the bottom of my heart."

Monika's poems have this clear messages to something unordinary, and painful to her. I feel like I can always relate to her pain. Even though she may have cause horrible things... I need to find out what's causing her this pain. Everyone in this club has their own problems.

"I love your poem Monika. It speaks directly to me."

Monika: "I....see... I...kind of like playing with my space on the paper. Choosing where and how to space your words can actually change the mood of the poem. It's almost like magic. The way I wrote the lines really short makes it feel like they're trying to speak over the noise."

"Well, I can hear you just fine, and I am willing to listen to you."

Monika: "You are so silly, Haru. Sometimes, asking what a poem is about isn't the right question. A poem can be abstract as a physical expression of a feeling. Or a conversation with a reader. So putting it that way, not every poem is about "something". They can be about "someone" as well. Anyway, here is Monika's Tip of the Day!... Sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision..."

What? Is she talking to me? I feel like she's staring... inside me....

Monika: "You never know when you might change your mind. So don't forget to save your game...."

What does she mean now? "Save your game?" Does she know?.... who I....

Monika: "...Or when something unexpected may happen!"

I hold her shoulders and gave her a big shake. I need to stop her...

Monika: "Huh? Oh wait. AHHH! What was I even talking about just now? Ahahaha..."

"Are you alright now?"

Monika: "I... I don't know, Haru. Sometimes, I just act strange and not like myself..."

"Well, if you need someone to talk to... I am here for you. You don't need to shower yourself all the burden. You can share it with me... okay?

Pain is an old friend after all. I still don't like it. But, I can endure it...

Monika: "Thank you, Haru. It's the first time I've ever heard that from you..."

Wow... I guess Monika... isn't Just Monika anymore. She isn't... herself as well. Like Sayori... I do need to get to the bottom of this. I smiled at her and give her a pat on a shoulder. She gave me back my poem as I did the same. But it looks like she does want to keep it.

"Thank you, Monika. And for sharing your poem with me... this was fun and worthwhile."

Let's go to Sayori next....



"Oh, Hi Sayori!"

Sayori: "Hello, Haru!"

"Want to read my poem now?"

"Sure thing Haru!"

She grabs my poem like an excited and energetic girl. And of course, again... confused at my poem, Sayori stared and rereads my poem again and again.

"So... how is it? Was it bad?

Sayori: "Oh my gooooddnesss! This is really gooood! I love it!"

"Ohh.. Seriously? Well... thanks a bunch!"

Sayori: "It's even better than yesterday!"

"You're too honest sometimes, Sayori."

Sayori: "No, no. I want to put it on my wall! Can I?"

"You did ask nicely, and you love it so why not then? But after I show it to everyone else, alright?"

Sayori: "Yey! Thank you, Haru! Anyway, want to read my poem now? I did my best...really like this time!"

"Well then, let's see it. I feel excited to be honest."

I grab her poem that is written on a spring notebook sheet.



I pop off my scalp like the lid of a cookie jar.
It's the secret place where I keep all my dreams.
Little balls of sunshine, all rubbing together like a bundle of kittens.
I reach inside with my thumb and forefinger and pluck one out.
It's warm and tingly.
But there's no time to waste! I put it in a bottle to keep it safe.
And I put the bottle on the shelf with all of the other bottles.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in bottles, all in a row.

My collection makes me lots of friends.
Each bottle a starlight to make amends.
Sometimes my friend feels a certain way.
Down comes a bottle to save the day.

Night after night, more dreams.
Friend after friend, more bottles.
Deeper and deeper my fingers go.
Like exploring a dark cave, discovering the secrets hiding in the nooks and crannies.
Digging and digging.
Scraping and scraping.

I blow dust off my bottle caps.
It doesn't feel like time elapsed.
My empty shelf could use some more.
My friends look through my locked front door.

Finally, all done. I open up, and in come my friends.
In they come, in such a hurry. Do they want my bottles that much?
I frantically pull them from the shelf, one after the other.
Holding them out to each and every friend.
Each and every bottle.
But every time I let one go, it shatters against the tile between my feet.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in shards, all over the floor.

They were supposed to be for my friends, my friends who aren't smiling.
They're all shouting, pleading. Something.
But all I hear is

echo, echo, echo, echo, echo

Inside my head.


Holy.... fuc....crap.... Finally! This poem... This is the real her! I see it now! My another answer... This poem... Her pain, her sorrow is all in this poem, laid out right in front of me. All the pieces of her puzzle... are falling into place. All I need is a bit more push... I can save her.. I definitely can... I read it again. I feel a like sharp knife is in my chest as I reread it. A torrent of sorrow, masied behind happy thoughts for others. It stifles my breath. I realize more of her feelings now. And how like Monika's poem, somehow, not just understanding them... I also feel them piercing through my very being.

Sayori: "Are you okay? You are crying right now!"

"Y-yeah... I just.. really loved this..."

I do... now I really know her. I feel so distant to ber these days but now... I feel so ironic. How am I the one wh's holding in my own feelings. And yet, this must be a crucial moment to show her my support...

"Sayori... did you really write this? It is super great!"

Sayori: "Of course! Didn't I tell you? I am gonna write the best poem ever!"

"Sorry... What I meant to say is I didn't expect this. It's amazing!"

Sayori: "Ehehehe... Monika has been giving me advices lately..."

"Ohhh? What kind of advice?"

Sayori: "Ahhh, it is a secret. Anyway... I've been really in touch with my feeling recently."

"Sayori... This poem..."

I took a deep breath...

"This poem is the real you, isn't it? Well, part of you anyway... You always show me, well, us, your cheerful side... But there are times you have to be sad... right?"

I need to push her out of her shell. She hesitates... pauses... and became quiet.. I waited for her... her response. She took a deep breath...

Sayori: "I just... I just feel like I was meant to express myself this way. It even helps me understand my own feelings a little bit better. Writing is like magic!"

"Well, I can see you express yourself more than you usually do. Please..keep this up...

Sayori: "Sure thing! Writing is the best! I'm gonna keep writing till I die!"

Her face goes still. She stares blankly and doesn't say anything. I poke her to get her out of her illusion.

"Hey! Don't die. Okay? If you did... I....I.... won't ever be able to forgive you! You got that?!"

I hold in my tears... this is so hard. I remember crying this hard when I remember "her" on my past life... it still hurts... like this...

"Well, anyway... Sayori. Thank you for showing me your poem! I really enjoyed this!"

I patted her head and give her a great one... Don't you worry... I'll have a plan for you... I will beat those sadness out of you...

I headed next to Natsuki. But she is sharing with Monika so I decided to go to Yuri.



"Heyyy! Yuri?"

She's engrossed to her book. That "Easily Disturbed" book. But as I stand and watch her... I notice that.... she's ignoring me? Well, it is because of what happened earlier. Tskk. I said I will set that aside for now. I called her many times.

"Yuri? Hey? Yuri? Yuri? Yuri!"

Yuri: "Ahhh!"

"Sorry! It's time to share our poems."

Yuri: "Ohhh, what did you write for today?"

I hand her my poem. Well, I feel relieved that she showed a suprised expression.

"Do you... like it?"

Yuri: "Exquisite! Unexceptional! Haru! How did you pick up on this so quickly? Just yesterday... you wrote something so astonishing, and now..."

"Well, I really want try giving more imagery of my thoughts and dreams and bring them to life... like what you did. So, I think I did this too because of you.."

Well, yeah. I did say I learn something from her ... and putted in my poem.

Yuri: "I am not used to this..."

"Take your time... It's fine..."

I want to observed you too. Your movements, expressions. Maybe I could learn about you more. You have this serious problem, but I lack more power. Not to mention, evidences. If I started bringing this with other, they might oanic and lead Yuri to more bad situations .

Well, at least I started to see her hands sweating... she's nervous about this. A minute later.. she started speaking after collecting her thoughts.

Yuri: "Yeah...I just think I may understand im a way what your poem may have been alluding to... Your style is mixed. You have mine in a way, yet you also have the likes of both Natsuki and Sayori, and with your own twist... and seeing someone motivated by my writing... it really makes me.... REALLY HAPPY.

She's panting. Shit... I need to be more smarter than her. Every answer lead to new routes of her. Flashbacks of earlier comes to me. Yuri recomposes herself.

"So, you are saying that you are really shy or something when sharing things...?"

Yuri nods in agreement. Thank God... I thought she will one-punch me again. And that hurt like a knife.

"Really, I can't believe that. You're writing is far superior that what I can even come up with."

Yuri: "I really only write for myself.. and besides... people would just laugh at me..!"

"Do you really think that? Do you really think your friends would laugh at you if they read this?"

She answers back.

Yuri: "I don't have any friends..."

"What? Then what do you think of me then? I thought I am a friend to you? The club members too..."

Yuri: "!!!"

She is really quiet. Well, no matter. I'll give her a piece of my mind. This is my another first step.

"I wouldn't laugh at you... am I'm your friend."

Yuri: "You wouldn't? You...? My friend?"

"Of course! I've begun realizing more and more what these poems mean to all of you! I would be so heartless if I laugh at you. And I don't want that.... Yuri, would you like to share your poem you wrote for me today?"

Yuri: "....Yeah... if it is you..."

Yuri hands me her poem and I slowly read it.


The Raccoon

It happened in the dead of night while I was slicing bread for a guilty snack.
My attention was caught by the scuttering of a raccoon outside my window.
That was, I believe, the first time I noticed my strange tendencies as an unusual human.
I gave the raccoon a piece of bread, my subconscious well aware of the consequences.
Well aware that a raccoon that is fed will always come back for more.
The enticing beauty of my cutting knife was the symptom.
The bread, my hungry curiosity.
The raccoon, an urge.

The moon increments its phase and reflects that much more light off of my cutting knife.
The very same light that glistens in the eyes of my raccoon friend.
I slice the bread, fresh and soft. The raccoon becomes excited.
Or perhaps I'm merely projecting my emotions onto the newly-satisfied animal.

The raccoon has taken to following me.
You could say that we've gotten quite used to each other.
The raccoon becomes hungry more and more frequently, so my bread is always handy.
Every time I brandish my cutting knife the raccoon shows me its excitement.
A rush of blood. Classic Pavlovian conditioning. I slice the bread.

And I feed myself again.


Oh my juice? Ahhh shit! Fuck, I wouldn't have figured this poem out if it wasn't for what happened in the the hallway. I would have just shrugged it aside thinking what happened earlier. But, this is something so serious. Her poem is about feeding her endless addition to cutting. There is no raccoon... only her... and a knife.

Yuri: "I was a little more daring with this one than yesterday's..."

"Well, I can really see that. It is really metaphorical... Say...Yuri? Can I keep your poem? I love what you write for me today..."

Yuri: "Uh, sure thing Haru. I have already shared it with everyone. I'd love for you to have it!"

"Thank you so much!"

I folded her poem and put it in my pants pocket. Sheesh... everything is so damn hard. And the difficulty level has rised up some more. Yuri... what can I do for you? She's too shy to share it with eveyone, and I have this weird feeling that if I were to tell this to the girls... Yuri might hurt them... not because she will get embarassed but I do feel like she's the only one who trusts me. I can't drag them to a dangerous path. Yuri is mine to deal with... alone. Well, speaking of which... if Yuri is sharing her problems out though... it means she needs our help... and can't ask me about it... In the poem, she even said that she can't stop cutting herself. That made me shed tears...

Yuri: "Are you alright? Haru?"

"Yeah... Your poem is just... it really hit me... It made me feel something."

Yuri: "Ohh? To be honest, I used the poem as a canvas to express vivid images, and conveying emotions through them."

"Yeah, if I were to take face value, then I would never figure out what this is supposed to mean."

I bited my lip, to prevent saying something harsh.

Yuri: "I think it's something that different people can relate in to their own way. I wanted to express the way it feels for me to indulge in my more unusual hobbies. It's those sort of things I'm usually force to keep for myself. So, I sometimes enjoy writing about them."

That is not good. She isn't safe. I need to help her.

"Well, I look forward to more of your writing. I'd love to see it."

Yuri: "Thanks..."

"By the way, you never showed your poems before until now right?"

Yuri: "Y-yes. Because... it's embarassing... and people would make fun of me... Don't you have anything like that, Haru?"

"I do have a fair share of my embarassing hobbies. But I always know, your work here in the Literature Club will always be appreciated."

Yuri: "I wish I could have the same mindset as you, Haru. The best we can do is to respect each other and our individualities. Even if it is difficult sometimes... and something make us uncomfortable... After all, if I hadn't learn to embrace my own weirdness, I would probably hate myself. I might be ranting a little bit now."

"Nope, it's fine. You can just say what's on your mind like that. And also, I pretty agree on what you said."

I kinda envy her. She still accepted herself despite she love doing those things. I actually hate myself for the things that I have done in the past.

"Don't worry. You are not weird Yuri. I am more likely the weirdest one out of all of you."

Yuri: "Well, it is actually good to know. Thank you for being such a good listener. You are so good. Listening, writing.... But really, you listening to me is a nice feeling.... And, uhmm, you can go to Natsuki now... she's been like... staring at us."

Oh crap! I take up my time to much. Time to go to Natsuki. I gave Yuri a pat on the back and head off.

Yuri: "Thank you for your time!"



"Hey, Natsuki! Wazzup?"

I see her tapping her foot as she waits for me.

Natsuki: "Hey, Haruno! Wazzup?

Did she just mimic me?

"Well...anyway. Here is my poem."

She grabs it and starts to read it slowly. She keeps glacing at me, then back at the poem. By now, she must have read it more than once. She slowly begins to look quite irritated.

Natsuki: "... Shouldn't you suck at this?"

"Is that a compliment? If so, I'll take it!"

Natsuki: "No! I mean....urghhhh!"

She struggles to find the word she wants.

Natsuki: "I shouldn't be expecting these kinds of things from you! That's all, really! I mean, raising my expectation like this is just gonna make tomorrow even harder for you to top this!

She is looking flustered...

"Well to be honest, it is all thank to you! I just got lucky though."

Natsuki: "What?! Really!?"

"Ever since I joined this club, I've been able to see things in a whole new light, and express myself in ways I never knew before."

Natsuki: "Hah! You're just lucky. It's not always this easy. Like, ever. Don't get used to writing like this! Because literally NO ONE writes like this! You won't manage to write poems this coll. I mean-- ahhh! I mean well written... No!... Goddamnit!"

"Ah, so that's how it is. My poem is cool?"

Natsuki: [>o<] "No! HEY! WHY ARE YOU SMILING!"

"It's because I like when I hear you say something nice."

Well, I do like her and that personality of hers. It's just that this time, it caught me off guard. This is bad for my heart.

Natsuki: "H-huh! Reading it again, I decided that it is not so great after all. It's too emo and edge lordy. It would only know... girls who like those kinds of things... AHAHAHA!"

For some reason, Natsuki's laughing is incredibly easy to see through... I don't know why, but she's just not about to admit what she's feeling. Whether she actually hates it or not.

Natsuki: "Of course... You're gonna read mine now, right? Judging by your taste, you'll probably like it a lot. You'll probably learn something too. Don't forget who the real pro is."

"Yes please... Can I read your poem? I am really eager to see it. I am always happy to learn more from the [Prosuki]!"

Natsuki: "What did you just say?"

I grabbed her poem and read it.


Amy Likes Spiders

You know what I heard about Amy?
Amy likes spiders.
Icky, wriggly, hairy, ugly spiders!
That's why I'm not friends with her.

Amy has a cute singing voice.
I heard her singing my favorite love song.
Every time she sang the chorus, my heart would pound to the rhythm of the words.
But she likes spiders.
That's why I'm not friends with her.

One time, I hurt my leg really bad.
Amy helped me up and took me to the nurse.
I tried not to let her touch me.
She likes spiders, so her hands are probably gross.
That's why I'm not friends with her.

Amy has a lot of friends.
I always see her talking to people.
She probably talks about spiders.
What if her friends start to like spiders too?
That's why I'm not friends with her.

It doesn't matter if she has other hobbies.
It doesn't matter if she keeps it private.
It doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt anyone.

It's gross.
She's gross.
The world is better off without spider lovers.

And I'm gonna tell everyone.


Wait... WHAT!? She knows about Yuri too? Or is this about her not telling anyone ajout her manga hobby?

Natsuki: "Not bad, right?"

Am I really getting this right? Is it me or every poem I read has these deep, or should I say... hidden messages into these poems? Obviously.. even Natsuki doesn't have such a normal life.

"Yeah! It is quite longer than yesterday's too!"

Natsuku: "Yesterday's poem was way too short. I was just warming up! I hope you didn't think that was the best I could do."

"Well, of course not."

Natsuki: "Anyway, the message is pretty straightforward in this poem."

"I agree on you with that.. Sometimes you can explain complicated issues with much more simplier analogies."

Natsuki: "Yeah. Sometimes-- Wait, are you really a mind reader?! Well, anyway... and it helps people realize how stupid they're being. Like, anyone would agree that subjects on this poem is an ignorant jerk..."

"Natsuki... I...know."

Natsuki: "Of course. It's a about how everyone thinks my-- wait! What do you mean you know!"

I lean closer to her and started whisper to her ear.

Natsuki: "Hey... wait? What are you doing...?"

"There's no Amy, is there? This has got to either about Yuri or you, right?"

Natsuki: "How did you figure this out so easily?!"

"I saw... her arms... and the knife..."

Natsuki: "So you know too..."

"Yeah. Unfortunately, I found out and was consequently punched out for it."

Natsuku: "But Yuri told me you were passed out on the floor..."

"Well, now you know."

Natsuki: "......! I guess now it makes more sense. And as for me... I found out yesteeday, in the restroom. I heard strange sounds when I went in, and I found her... by the sink. I ran out before she could say anything to me."

"Oh. Yuri wrote something in her poem today about this. She even let me keep it."

I pull out Yuri's poem and showed it to Natsuki.

Natsuki: "....!!!! I- I was just blowing off her poems ss fancy writing."

"Yeah, Yuri said her poem was about an unusual hobby of hers. Now your poems reaffirms it as well. "

Natsuki: "Really...Well... I don't want to judge her or anything... I didn't think.... That since it's a weird hobby... and it's not hurting anyone else. It's not a problem.. right?"

"You care about Yuri, don't you?"

Natsuku: "Yuri made me feel insecureabout myself. But I don't hate her as a person."

She starts to fidget around. She wouldn't have written that poem unless she was asking someone else for help in this situation.

"Alright. This is what we'll do. I care about Yuri too. As friends, we should do what we can to help one another with what we can. The more, the merrier... right? So if you are alright with it.... I'll help you with this as well."

I need to help Natsuki too. About the poem she dropped last time. She has her own problems too, about her abusive father. I need to protect her too. I need to protect everyone. Even if I shed my own blood. Now I know why I still exist... I have a big responsibility.

Natsuki: "Well, you know what? Thank you. Haru."

"Well, thank you too for being honest with me."

Natsuki: "What do you mean? I'm always honest!"

I wish you would... be more honest with yourself... to me...

Natsuki: "Just look forward to tomorrow too, okay?"

"You know I will."

I gently patted her head, it's actually good because she doesn't refuse and just lets me do it. But I feel like petting a tiger. One wrong move and she'll bite me.



After everyone shares poems with each other, we still have some free time. I want to rest for a while and gather my thoughts. I am starting to realize more and more about this new life I am having. Plus, it is a good thing I keep remembering... even if it was a little detail... it might still help me... well at least it would.


I really made up my mind. No more running. It is time to face what's ahead of me. I'll save these girls. Whatever it takes. Even...if.. it cost me... my life...


"Now that's done with... maybe I could relax some more?"

Then suddenly, Sayori came to me yelling about something...