Chapter 19.8: Death will never tear us apart
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I have a secret. I didn't tell anyone about this. Not even Haru. I have... depression. It has been on my daily life lately, but not until I met Haru... He made the rainclouds go away. He gave me more happiness that I always deserved. He made me feel...complete. He loved at me flaws and will always love me more... He is my hero.


But if there is a hero, there is always a villain. A villain that will crush my hero. As my story goes... happiness will be turn into sadness once again...


My father had prepared a fixed-marriage with someone else. That man was a famous model and rich. And because he, my father.... knows... that my boyfriend is a just poor commoner. I tried explaining it to my father but he didn't listen. He just said...


He grabs my hair and pull me off to the ground. My mother, gave me a cold, dejected look.

Mrs. Connor: "You are a disgrace to this family."

She hitted me with the fan that she was holding. My maid intercepts.

Maid: "Please, let her be to the boy that she wants! He is not even who you thinks he is...."

He punches my maid.

Maid: "Gackkk! *cough*

Mr. Connor: "You corrupted my daughter's mind! Call the security. YOU ARE FIRED! GET OUT!"


I saw a group of men drag my maid outside.... they dispose her like trash. Then, a man came inside.

Mr. Connor: "This man, is your new butler. Butler, if my daughter tries to escape her room... use force if necessary. Don't make her see that lousy boy. And as for that boy... I will find him and file his family a complaint... I WILL CRUSH YOUR STUPID CRUSH ON HIM.... TAKE HER AWAY!"


And with that, my butler drag me outside their room and locked me inside my room.


It was summer vacation. I told Haru that I can't go out. I was about to call him when my butler destroyed my phone. My memories of him, that kept me sane... gone... I wasn't able to see nor hear him...


The rainclouds... are back... they are killing me on the inside...


The first day of school came once again. I was able to meet up with Haru. I hid my bruises but he always know me to well... I later came on their house.

Haruno: "Your father did this you? Didn't he?"

He inspects my body with bruises while applying an ointment on it. He was so kind... he keeps my rain clouds at bay...

Haruno: "One day..."

"Huh? What is it?"

Haruno: "One day, I'll crush them.. I will swift you out of their feet. Your family."

I didn't come to hate Haru for what he had said... he had this despaired looking eyes... he was crying... I know... he was missing me... and seeing those eyes of his... he cried and cried... for me...

Haruno: "You know, my dad... he was sued by your father... that's why he's undertaking trial in the court with my grandparents. He started to go ill as well... then when I asked your father, he just look at me with those demon-looking eyes."

"Haru, do you hate me?"

He answered No with a kiss on my lips.

Haruno: "Why would I? I love you. Besides, I can never come to a reason to hate you..."

He hugs me so tight. I miss his warmth.

Haruno: "Tomorrow, let's meet up again at the rooftop. Let's talk there.."


He comforted me the whole day... we didn't came to school. I stayed on his room.


I have no plans on going home for now. I stayed overnight at his house. He gave me his clothes to wear. It was quite big on me. On height differences, he's quite taller than me. He finishes to clean up.

"You look so great when you are out of the shower."

Haruno: "I envy my clothes... they are hugging you right now."

"We both look like a married couple..."

Haruno: "Y-yeah.. couple...."

He gets in the bed with me.

"Sorry for making you wash my clothes."

Haruno: "It's fine... it matters to you..."

He's so quiet... he remains like that.

"Haru, what are you thinking right now?"

He blurted out what he was thinking.

Haruno: "It's going to be my birthday soon..."

"Oh? When is it?"

Haruno: "I haven't tell you? Ohh.. well, August..."

"What date?"

Haruno: "Sixteen. And I'm turning eighteen."

"We have the same birthday?"

Haruno: "W-we do? That sounds nice. We can celebrate it together then."

Once again, silence fills the room. Haru whispers me something.

Haruno: "I don't want this."


Haruno: "I don't want to see you get hurt... because of me... I don't want to let you go... But, I was.... thinking... if I don't see you again.... they will stop torturing you... and hurting you... so maybe, we should not see each.... other often."

"Wait, you mean you plan to stay like this in secret? You are not breaking up with me?"

Haruno: "I won't. It's just that we should make them feel like we broke up. So, if it is okay with you...."

"No, I don't want that... and I appreciate you for your plan... but I don't think that I can accept. Please, be with me, alright?"

Haruno: "Alright. Then would you mind staying like this?"

"Sure. And I trust you. You won't do anything to me.... to hurt me... I love you.. Haru."

We slept in the same bed. Haru just keeps hugging me.. it feels though like he was going to say goodbye... or I was just imagining things.....


Today, we both skipped class, because it wasn't a regular class for now. We stayed in the rooftop, talking about things till afternoon. He said he was aiming to be an engineer, that's why he's taking part time jobs for a while. Then, when I was planning to go home for now because I can't bother Haru for his work... something about this word... shock my body...

Haruno: "Goodbye..."

I replied back.

"There's no such thing as goodbyes. Only "See you later!", Haru!"


And today, is the last day I am going to see him. When I went to the classroom the next day, the teacher said he transferred into another school. I remembered his words, his plan... his goodbye... instead of hating him for what he had done. I decided to find him.

"I can't live a world without you know, Haru."

I spent months finding him, I didn't go to school. I stayed at my maid's house and we look for him. We eventually track down his school, but they said he wasn't coming anymore... teachers said he was bullied and cause a psychological traumas onto him... I became more worried... and so, we decided to track down his new home. I heard his father died on our birthday... and I am all alone... for my birthday.

"Ohh, Haru... I should have tell you... maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't leave me if I did..."

My depression became worst. I hear myself in my head... I was getting crazier. But hope isn't lost. We found Haru's address. Me and my maid decided to go to him.

"Thank you for helping me so far..."

Maid: "I cost you trouble too that time. That's why, I'll support you till we find him. And you will live together. I will take good care to both of you."

I hugged her so tight....

"Meika... I'll start calling you Meika..."

Meika: "Miss Emily, you remembered my name."

"You are my friend, right?"

We both continue to go Haru.


We arrive at his grandparents house. They said he just went out to buy food at the conveniece store... I was excited... I waited... until I got shocked by a loud noise... it was a bit far away... but it sounds like a bomb... me and Meika started to check on it.

"We'll be right back."

We headed off to where that noise came from. And because I have this heavy feeling in my heart... that something bad happens...


As we approached the dark road... close to the intersection... my heart was crushing me.... then I saw....

"A body?"

I look closer.... my eyes didn't believe this... it's our senior high school uniform... and this person... is....


NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.....


I rushed to Haru's body... he was cold... and eyes show nothing but oblivion... Haru is dead....

Because of that... I run away from everything. I run so far away... far from everyone... Haru.... is dead... his dead body flashes through my eyes, I kept running until I saw the road near the ocean. I started to think....

"It is all my fault. If I just made him stay for more... it's not his fault... he made that decision...because of my family..."

I hated the world. I hated the people. I hated everyone in my family. And I hated myself. I heard a voice.

???: "Why won't you jump over there then? A deep dive can set you free..."

"Oh yeah, maybe if I die... this will be all just a dream? Ha... ha.... ha..."

I laughed at myself. I started to jump across the road baricade. I looked down and see a dark, cold ocean.

???: "Yes. Continue. Now jump... so you could be awaken to this dream called life."

"NO, WAIT! What am I doing? Who are you?"

Suddenly, someone pushes me. I fall off to the ocean. But as I fall, I didn't see anyone. Nobody is there...


That's when I realize. Nobody did push me. Nobody is talking to me. It was me. I pushed myself. I wanted my life to end. That's it. The water didn't broke my fall. I hit my head onto the rocks on the ocean. It was not that deep. I feel my concious dying... fading away...

"Ahhh... Haru... I'm sorry. You'll get mad at me for doing this, right? But at least, I will join you... to... the next life...."

I cried while my heads bleeds.

"God, please. If I were to be reincarnated....


If I lost my memories, it's fine... I just wanted to be with him... for eternity...."

Slowly.... my conciousness starts to fade...






I feel like I am dreaming. I am hearing something. I started to wake up to an alarm.


"Hmmm, turn it off..."

Haruno: "Sorry, just going to reach it."

"Hiyaahhhh! Watch where your touching!"

Haruno: "Sorry Sayori... I feel so sleepy... that feels soft... what is that?"

"It's fine... Baka Haru..."

Huh? What am I dreaming again? It felt so real, but I can't remember it.


I wake up to Haru's bed. Oh, right. We were watching movies last night and I must have doze off. It's all his fault for making me said all that yesterday. But I feel... happy right now...


Haruno: "Come on now, Sayori. We got to go to school. I'll be cooking you breakfast."


I get out of Haru's bed.

"Well then. Now that's done with, let's start a new day! A brand new one!"

Haruno: "It's great to see you like this again. Sayori."

He holds my hand and stands me up.

Haruno: "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I am just so happy right now."

And with that, I started a brand new day.... with someone that I loved. My bestfriend...

