Chapter 22: Then, I Should Gladly Choose…
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Monika: "Okay, you three! Can you sit here in front?"

Meeting time. After that moment with Yuri, I think l have gain another understanding about her. And Monika... it seems weird earlier but right now, as always, it is back to normal. Wait, she sounded weird just now.

Monika: "Why don't we start figuring out-"

Natsuki: "Wait a minute. Is it just me or did you say something so strange just now?

Yuri: "Something did sound a bit unusual."

Natsuki: "Yeah, I think it was her catchphrase...."

Monika: "I-I d-don't have a catchphrase..."

"Hmmm, isn't it something like "Hello everyone" or "Good new everyone" or something like that?"

Monika falls silent.

"Oops, sorry about that, Monika. I didn't mean to offend you."

Natsuki: "Ughh, what is with this atmosphere? Look, even Yuri is immune to it."

Yuri: "Stagnating air is a common foreshadowing that something terrible is about to happen...."

"Well, in your books.... it will. But the only thing that I know here is the fact Sayori isn't here."

Monika: "Well, she is the vice president. She always makes the mood go lighten. But now, it seems like everyone is thrown off balance when she is not around."

Natsuki: "Yeah, even Haru has been acting so nice to everyone."

"Well, it's because I am nice, Natsuki. It is just me, that's all."

Yuri: "Hooooh?"

Seriously!? That curious expression coming from Yuri, of all people? I need Sayori right now. She's like the Yin and Yang here to balance everything. That's why everyone is getting more weird lately...

Monika: "Hey, you thr--- I mean... Hey, everyone! Calm down now! We need to talk about the festival. Let's decide what everyone will be doing this weekend. We already know that Friday is off due to service day..."

Shit. I didn't know that. I actually didn't listen to Mr. Sakurai's announcement last time. I just keep writing a reviewer in class. It was my urge to do it. Even though I'm bored in class. I need to listen more to class announcements more often.

Natsuki: "I already know what I am doing!"

Monika: "Yeah, we need a lot of cupcakes. Different styles, colors and more. Think you could do it by yourself, Natsuki?"

Natsuki: "Challenge accepted!"

Monika: "Me and Sayori will be printing and assembling the poetry pamphlets. So that leaves Yuri. Uhmmm..."

It seems that she forgot about Yuri for what would she do, so I'll just back her up.

"You mean Yuri can help about the atmosphere?"

Monika looks at me, suprised at my words.

Monika: "A-ahhhh! Yes! Yuri will be the one who will be in charge on the atmosphere."

Yuri: "I-I.... I love atmosphere! I'll do it!"

She seems determined.

Monika: "So that just leaves you, Haru."

"Hmmmm, what can I do?"

I think for myself.

Monika: "Well, if you want, you can help one of us?"

Yuri and Natsuki's head turns to me. Oh. Oh oh... I feel something bad is going to happen.

Natsuki: "Well, if he can help me with the baking, I guess I wouldn't mind. But I will only give him the dirty work."

Yuri: "Natsuki, if I recall your words earlier, you said you'll be just fine alone, right? Besides, Haru may be interested in helping me."

"Uhhh, girls?"

Monika: "Yeah, I agree with Yuri. But Yuri, don't you think you can handle it by yourself? What if you make Haru feel complicated? I don't think he can handle such delicate preparations, right?"

"Well, you are right. I don't know how to improve the atmosphere or what not, but are you guys listening to me?"

Yuri: "For your information, he'll do just fine. He just need to-"

Natsuki: "Ohhh! I see what's going on. So you want our new member by yourself right, Yuri?"

Monika: "You too, just calm down. We can settle things out. Besides, Haru can be with me. He has been with you guys lately. Maybe I like to spend time with him alone."

Natsuki: "Wha-? Did you literally just said that?"

Yuri: "Monika, please take this seriously. Also, I thought you had Sayori helping you out? So maybe you both can do it by yourselves, am I right?"

"Okay, what is happenin-"

Monika: "Well! We can just let Haru decide! After all, if he choose one of us, we can get this over with."

Natsuki: "Hmph! You just want to be pick by Hary by making him pressured."

"Hey, please sto-"

All girls turn to me. They look at me with their eyes. How did this turn into that situation? In the game, I need to choose one, like literally. But if I choose one of them, the other party will get angry or maybe sad... worst, my affection towards them might lowered and I can't get to help them. Oh, fucking shit. How did I even get stuck here? If Sayori was here, I won't get tense up. Think! Haruno! Think! Think of a way! How could I get out of this deadlocked? Should I choose Monika? Yuri? Natsuki? Wait, Sayori is in the choices as well, right? But, Monika would just remove it and make me choose either of the three....








This is my new reality! Why would I follow those choices? Fuck it, I'll go with this!

This is my fucking answer!

I cleared my throat and screamed.

"ENOUGH! All of you!"

The girls fall silent.

"Why are you fighting over me? I can just choose right?"

Yes. I will definitely choose....

The Girls: "W-well....? Who would you choose?"

"It's obvious. EVERYONE!"

The Girls: "Huh!?"

Fuck it, it's big brain time! I speak out what's on my mind.

"Just think about it. We have a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday right?"

Monika: "W-well, you heard that right."

"So, here's what I have in mind. Friday, will be my time with Monika and Sayori. I'll be helping them with the pamphlets since I have a printer at home and some materials.


Saturday, I will be with Yuri to help her make the atmosphere or what not. I may have materials as well.


And Sunday, I will be with Natsuki... to bake some cupcakes. Even though if I will make the dirty work, that's fine. Because right now, what I think the best is to help everyone as much as I can."

Everyone looks at me with a confused and shocked expression.

Natsuki: "Why Sunday though?"

"Because if we make them before the festival begins, it may become soggy or won't taste good anymore. It'll be best to make them at Sunday. It is still fresh on Monday, which the festival starts."

Natsuki: "Oh, you do have a point. I guess I won't complain then."

Yuri: "Well, me too. I have no objections."

Monika: "If you said so, then I'll trust you."

"ALRIGHT! Then it's a DATE!"


The girls faces starts to reddens from embarassment. And that's how it's done!

Monika: "A-alright then... E-everyone, you know what to do. The plan is all set now. Let's go home right now so Haru could take a rest for his weekedn events."

Without a word, the girls run to their seat and arranges their bags. Monika whispers to my ear.

Monika: "It's a date, right? Here... is... my address... call... or.... message... me...."

Gahhh! That voice is so cute! I exchanged my address to Monika. After that, Monika rushes outside the clubroom with a blush on her face.

"Aight, time to head out."

Natsuki approaches me.

Natsuki: "Here... my address. Can we exchange? You almost leave me without any communications."

"Ohhh, I can't believe I almost forgot that. Here."

Me and Natsuki exchanged address. She give me a small punch. That tickles. She whispers to me.

Natsuki: "Earlier that time, I didn't mean that, okay? For what I have said. Sorry."

"Ohh, the dirty work? It's fine. I know the reason."

Natsuki runs outside like a cheetah. Then, I imagine her wearing a cat hoodie. Fuck. I almost died out of my imagination.


"Aight... I guess now it's time to head out."

Yuri approaches me next and tap my shoulder.

"Oh, Yuri? What is it?"

Yuri: "Oh. I just thought that you were going to leave without a way of communicating me. So, here's my address."

"Ohh, I can't believe I almost forgot that. Here."

Wait, did I say the same thing?

"Anyway, here's my address."

Me and Yuri starts to exchange address. After that, she storms out. I guess that's it huh? But I can't believe I got three addresses in one day.... and it is from girls.... from the Literature Club!

I looked around to see no one is here anymore.

"OKAY! I guess it's time to head out!?"

I locked the Literature Clubroom and went straight home.


"Man, I feel so exhausted. I can't even remember what happened earlier. But all I know is Sayori will be fine now."

Suddenly, I receive a call.

"Oh, it's Sayori."

I picked it up.

Sayori: "Hello? Haru? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. How are you right now?"

Sayori: "I'm at the hospital, getting screen for depression. My parents was actually confused and scared at first, me too actually. I didn't expect them to know this. Anyway, I am feeling okay now. The doctor gave me medicine for my depression and my parents and I will come home later."

"That's good too hear."

Sayori: "I also hear from Monika about what you did at the club. Thank you Haru for caring. For everyone. Including me."

"Of course. Now, just rest well. I am heading home right now. Let's catch up later, yeah?"

Sayori: "That would be nice. But before that, can you check our house? Thank yoy Haru."

"Not a problem. See you later, cinnamon bun. I love you..."

Sayori: "Hehehe.... see you later too, Haru."

She hangs up the phone. I heard Sayori and her parents laughing at the background. They must have heard me. Well, not like it matters. I do love her. And everyone else. Nothing can stop me.


I quickly check Sayori's house before going home. I made sure everything is in place and locked the doors and windows.


"So, they catch that shithead here, huh?"

I remembered how he killed me that time.

"That truck driver though... he resembles that character from Yuri's book."

There's a story in the book, Portrait of Makrov, where a man hunts down the girl protagonist and he is a serial killer. He was wielding a butcher's knife as well.

"Maybe I'll read that book again, if I have time...."


I went straight home and relaxed for a while. I'll make dinner later.

"I feel so tired. A short nap wouldn't hurt, right?"


I gently laid my body at the sofa and snooze off....