Chapter 27: The Festival
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I wake up to my alarm. This is it. The day that will give me the chance to save these girls. I feel no pain in my head. It's time to think of something.

"What gifts can I give them?"

I have myself think in vain, well it lasted for minutes until I had a moment of clarity.

"First is Monika."

I know Monika more than anybody else now. I love to see her write more poems. And probably, to write something more than poems. Like, a song. I decided to give her a caligraphy pen set. I somehow remembered buying this but never used it. I mean, you can see right here that it was not open yet. Man, I really got to spend money wisely. I put it on my desk and wrap it.

"Next is Sayori."

I know how she loves me, as well as the stuff toys I gave her. Actually, those toys in her room are mine. But seeing her happy, I gave it to her. She loves cute things so I decided to give her a key chain. I wrap it as well and put it on my desk.

"I was supposed to give her this one time, right?"

I ask myself. I am still not used having this memories inplanted in me. Well, it took me time to know it wasn't really mine.

"Next is Natsuki."

I know her father is a fucking, son of a bitch. That bastard doesn't feed her. I know. Natsuki is too small. That's why I know how to make her happy. I decided to cook for her. I went downstairs.


As I went downstairs, I whip up a healthy breakfast and put my love into it, like how Natsuki poured everything in her cupcakes. After all of that cooking, I stuff it at a big bento. I cooked some more food for me and Sayori, knowing that they will both like it. And after minutes have passed, I am done for preparing it. I place it into a bag near the door, as well as the banners that I grabbed in the spare room. I notice that the banner is missing something. Maybe I can talk to Yuri about this later. I brought some water paint colors as well and place them into my own school bag. I took a shower afterwards and a nice warm meal.

"I actually woke up pretty early?"

I notice that I set my alarm at six. I thought I put it at 7. But, it seems working so who am I to complained?


"Lastly, is Yuri."

I know her. She's been cutting herself. She may be doing it recently too. I need to make sure that she doesn't do it anymore. I need to treat her wounds. Especially, those books that she always read, they made her insane. Last time I check, I didn't find any copy of these books online. Seriously, where did she find those books? Or....

"Who did she get them from?"

Yes. It was suspicious. I don't want to doubt but, she may be targeted by [that person]. No, she already have been targeted. I should be cautious about Yuri now. I don't want to... but it will leave me no choice.


Still thinking about Yuri, I take out the "Portrait of Makrov" book and scheme through the pages. As I did that, I started to lose myself and become engrossed with the book. As I go on, I saw some weird text on the book. I can't read it but what made me terrified is that....

"Is this my own handwriting?"

I feel a sharp pain pierce my head. I black out.

"Ackkk! Ahh....."








I wake up, lying on the floor.

"Ughh, my head hurts...."

I must have hit my head at a desk or something before I blacked out.

"Fuck, this book is so dangerous. I feel my sanity almost broke into shreds."

I decided to burn it. But my body doesn't let me. Instead, I locked it away again on my desk. I feel something. I must collect the other copy as well. There is another. I just remembered.


Hmmm, I think I got it. I know a gift that will make her love it. I know she likes something like "Isekai" genres. I decided to pack there of my volumes. It is named "El Hazard- The Magnificent World." I actually like this series. But what it makes it more breathtaking is the fact that this exisited here as well. I know I got reincarnated, but I never expected some of my favorite mangas existed here. After that, I decided to head out of my room and go downstairs.


I check the time.

"What the fuck? It's eight already! I passed out for an hour?! How am I supposed to be there on time now?"

I was planning to go back and forth. But suddenly, I heard my doorbell rang. It rang again some more. I head to the door and open it. I was suprised when I opened it.

Sayori: "Suprise! Hehehe!"

Yuri: "We are not going to leave you behind just like that!"

Natsuki: "Lucky you, huh?"

"Wow, I am suprised.... really..."

I almost teared-up. This is enough to make a man cry.

Sayori: "If you are wondering about Monika, she went on ahead to the clubroom to make things go as planned."

Natsuki: "Yeah, whatever she says."

Let me butter them up.

"Well, now that you are all here.... will you beautiful ladies help me carry these?"

They all jumped, flustered. Seriously, they are so fricking adorable right now. I love them all. They started grabing the banners and the cupcakes and we head off.


As we walk and make our commute, the girls are all silent. Maybe because they don't know what to say to me, or they are just embarassed.


We finallly made it to school.

"Wow, they weren't kidding about a festival."

The school classes started late so that's why they held the festival this early. And man, they put it up a notch. As you can see, everywhere has a stand for foods, drinks, picture, and even those wedding booths. Maybe I will get to try them later. For now, let's get to the club.


We enter the school. As soon as we reach the entrance hallway, I called out to Natsuki. She still looks so cute because of her face getting red. I gave her the lunchbox.

"Here. It's for you. And I won't thank "No" or any words connected to refusing."

Natsuki: "Ah, damn it. Okay... then... thank you..."

We all head to the Literature Club.


As we enter the clubroom, I saw Monika sitting around, finished putting up the chairs into a masterpiece of arrangement. It's like all eyes on front huh?

Monika: "I am so glad that everyone made it! It's the first time for me as well. Hehehe!"

Well, I know. This is the day the game resets because of Sayori's suicide. But now I am here, I won't let it happened. No more.

"Well, I guess our hard work paid off then. Now, President. What's your command? Hehehe..."

Monika: "Okay, everyone! Let's do our preparations now! Let's go!"

Monika hops with joy to every seat while she puts the pamphlets. Sayori starts to take out the cupcakes while Natsuki arranges them. Yuri was putting of a dark cover for the windows to create a more intimidating atmosphere. Which reminds me...

"Oh Yuri!? Some banners are missing some details!"

She looks shocked. She looks like she intentionally made that mistake. And why do I know that?

Yuri: "Ohhh! Ahhh... Yes! Because the paint won't dry that time and I... uhhh... can't put another layer of color. It will mix with it."

"Got you covered though. Here's some water color paint."

Yuri: "Great!!! Ahhhh! Hahaha! I mean, thanks... now, I'll just go get some water."

She grabs a plastic container at the closet.

Yuri: "I'll be right back!"

Wait! You won't get away this time!

"Hold up! Wait, I can get it by myself."

I grab Yuri's hand. She looks angry. I don't care though. She was about to fuck up herself again with the cutting. Not on my watch. I rush and run as fast as I could outside the clubroom and locate the nearest water source. And yeah, it was the school fountain. Minutes have past because I got tired so easily, I saw everything is already at place. I smell Yuri's diffuser. The aroma seems so nice to the feeling. The windows are sealed with black cartolina, the cupcakes at the back looks so organized, the pamphlets are in place and the girls are taling about something over there. I notice a piano inside here as well, place in front with the podium. There's a light focusing on the podium. Everything looks great!

"I guess I'll go cleaning then."

I head to the closet and grab a broom and a dustpan. I started sweeping the floor.

"Gotta sweep, sweep, sweep!"

As I do my work, the girls starts talking. I can't hear them though.


Monika: "Look at him. He's changed...."

Sayori: "See? He was always passionate at doing things!"

Natsuki: "Well, yeah. He's kinda great and all now."

Yuri: "The way he do things, he really cared for this club after all..."

Monika: "And that's why I love about him."

Yuri: "What?! Did you just love?!"

Monika look at her with a dejected face.

Monika: "Oh, sorry. Did I stutter?"

Sayori: "Ahhh, guys... as all you know.. Haru is min-"

Natsuki: "Hold up! What are you all saying? Clearly he actually likes m-"

Monika: "WELL THEN, EVERYONE! Why not we play rock-paper-scissors then? After all, we all need to take a break... at once..."

The girls starts to get fired up.

Sayori: "Roar! You're on!"

Natsuki: "Then, I won't lose then!"

Yuri: "Grahhhh!"


I can't hear them. I just stared at them while sweeping. But it seems like they are competing about something.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

They finish playing immeadiately.


Monika: "Yey! I'm first!"

Natsuki: "Second place isn't bad... well.. up to these two then."

Yuri: "Why do I keep losing?!"

Sayori: "Maybe I am just better than you?"

They all looked at me with their eyes. Those eyes of hunger. Oh no. I think I am in danger. I gulp down.


People started to go inside the clubroom. Some of them are here for Monika's piano presentation, Natsuki's cupcakes, Sayori's sweet smile while inviting people, and Yuri's wonderful and creative atmosphere. Wow, I feel lonely right now. They are all occupied. Well, at least there's no one to see me here. I am glad for a reason. I don't do well on people. Not like these girls. I saw my classmates came here. Well, I am toast. My poem isn't that great. I made poems, but can this make them go all eyes on me?


We almost filled the clubroom. I signal Monika for her cue.

Monika: "Okay, everyone! Listen up! Welcome to the Literature Club! I am the President, Monika."

Sayori: "Hello, everyone!"

Monika: "And here is my Vice President, Sayori."

Sayori: "And here's the rest of the Literature Club!"

Monika: "Here are Natsuki, Yuri and Haruno."

My classmates waved at me. I waved back and smiled. It's a natural thing to do, right?

Monika: "Before I start my piano performance, we would like you to listen up to our whole club's poems."


Monika: "What is it, Haru?"

"I would like to go first."

Monika seems shaking. Everyone is shaking. Even Natsuki can't even hide it. I feel something more than me. I want to go first. I'll show them that there is nothing to fear. I will help them and give some inspiration.

Crowd: "Is that Haru? He looks so handsome."

Crowd: "Hey, he's that guy that they are talking about. He looks cool. Well, he does look like a foreigner."

Crowd: "Ohh, now that's a confident guy. I though he was like "Ladies First." Am I right?"

Classmates: "Go, go, GO! Haru! Wohooo!"

Everyone fell silent. I walked in front into the podium. I introduced myself.

"Hello. My name is Haruno Ishikawa. I am a student at 1-A. Some might know me, some don't. So, I am here now to represent my work. My poems. Because, I know that I can show you how literature is awesome and not just some boring thing. Words are wonderful. It shows our emotions, feelings... thoughts... and more... I know, I talk to much so now I will start a 3-short poems."

"This one is called [Lying on A Dune Sand]."


Lying on the dune sand
this day I recall...
the anguish of my first love.

"The next one is [I've Work Harder Than Hardest]."


I've worked harder than hardest,
Yet I'm no better off.
I only look down at my bony hands.

Lastly, this one is called [Doctor's Questions]."


Doctor says
"Well now,
tired of living?"
I keep my mouth shut.



The audience fall silent... the girls are entranced. They notice it was over. Everyone gave me a round of applause.

"Well, I have one more... to be honest. If you all wouldn't mind. That's just a warm-up."

Then, the audience once again began to fell silent. I speak up.



Do you know?

Do you know a life of loneliness?
And one filled with pain?
Living a life...
With nothing to gain?
Surrounded by darkness...
Overwhelmed with shame....
A life without peace...
With no one to blame....

Do you know of a place unseen?
A place that holds only shattered dreams?
A place filled with sorrow with no end in sight...
I am given this gift each and every night.

Do you know of a place so cold?
This is the place I call my soul.
A place without hope...
Or comforting dreams...
A life not worth living, wouldn't it seem.

Do you know of a life that should have never been?
And the feeling that today this life has to end?
One more day of sadness is much too hard to bear...
I am tired of living a life of heartache and despair....

Do you know a person with so much pain inside?
Or the feeling of loneliness when no one hears your cries?
Maybe when the tears are gone and I can clearly see...
The only question left will be...

Do you still love me?


After that, I checked the audience. Some of them are crying. Even Monika. They applauded and shouted for applause.


Crowd: "That felt hard, man!"

Crowd: "Poetry is actually fun. You can express your feelings.."

I don't know. But, I think I nailed it. They were actually impressed by it. Great job, me.

Monika: "Haru?! What was that? It was something new?!"

"It is. And I think about you while composing it. Are you crying?"

Monika: "I am not crying. You are."

I actually made that poem in my head. Well, remembered. I made that when I was at junior high. It's susprising that I still can remember it.

Monika: "Well, now that you gave me inspiration, I'll go next then."

Monika cames up next. The crowd goes wild and fell silent again. They listen to Monika.


The Lady who Knows Everything

An old tale tells of a lady who wanders Earth.
The Lady who Knows Everything.
A beautiful lady who has found every answer,
All meaning,
All purpose,
And all that was ever sought.

And here I am,

a feather

Lost adrift the sky, victim of the currents of the wind.

Day after day, I search.
I search with little hope, knowing legends don't exist.
But when all else has failed me,
When all others have turned away,
The legend is all that remains – the last dim star glimmering in the twilit sky.

Until one day, the wind ceases to blow.
I fall.
And I fall and fall, and fall even more.
Gentle as a feather.
A dry quill, expressionless.

But a hand catches me, between the thumb and forefinger.
The hand of a beautiful lady.
I look at her eyes and find no end to her gaze.

The Lady who Knows Everything knows what I am thinking.
Before I can speak, she responds in a hollow voice.
"I have found every answer, all of which amount to nothing.
There is no meaning.
There is no purpose.
And we seek only the impossible.
I am not your legend.
Your legend does not exist."

And with a breath, she blows me back afloat, and I pick up a gust of wind.


Many applauded when Monika finishes her poem. Of course, because of her elegant and confident voice... who wouldn't?

"Wow, I felt that... you know?"

Monika: "Hehehe, sometimes, I really forgot that you are here. But thanks."

"No problem. Milady... "

Monika: "Oh gosh, you're making me blush."

Monika head in front, announcing the next presenter.

Monika: "Next is Sayori, have the stage!"

Sayori hops in front like a kid. In joy, she kinda stutter in front. That made the people here laughed.

Sayori: "Okay, here I go! Hehehehe!ç



Every night, I wait for you to come.
To shine like a diamond,
Along with the black but starry sky.

I know how much you love darkness,
As it envelops everything.
That it gives me an aquiver feeling
But with that ethereal glow,
I looked up,


"The moon is lovely, isn't it?"

Whishing that you and I,
Are both looking at the same moon tonight.


I clapped first. Everyone else was moved. But it was me who received maximum damage. That poem is about me.

"The moon is lovely, isn't it.... huh? Sayori never failed to impress me."

If I do remember, in some sort of text or whatever.... the moon was always base on the story of Lady Kaguya.
Kaguya fell in love with a mortal here in earth. But because a love between a God and a Human is forbidden, the heaven punish them to be apart. Kaguya will go back to the moon while the Human stays here at Earth. Before Kaguya leaves, she gave the Human an elixir of immortality. Then after she left the Human, he decided to not drink it, for he cannot live a world without Kaguya and burnt the elixir to the volcano. Then, when the human always see the moon, it resembles his love. So basically, the quote "The moon is lovely, isn't it?" Is actually translated as "I love you."

But you know, if I were to say this, if the Human got her message, which is the elixir of immortality.... the Human did not know that she gave him that so one day, if she were to return, they will be together forever. But humans die so easily. One life and that's it.

It's funny. If I were to compare my life into that story, maybe I drank the elixir of immortality. I am immortal, to be honest. Well, I have to die though to restart. I don't want that. Well, I guess Natsuki is next.


Natsuki: "Hello there! I am now here to present my poem....."


Natsuki: "W-who are you looking at? >o<"

"Hey, it's because you're presenting?"

The audience liked her "tsundere" mode. The boys, mostly. I might be a bit jealous.

Natsuki: "Anyway, here is my poem."


I'll Be Your Beach

Your mind is so full of troubles and fears
That diminished your wonder over the years
But today I have a special place
A beach for us to go.

A shore reaching beyond your sight
A sea that sparkles with brilliant light
The walls in your mind will melt away
Before the sunny glow.

I'll be the beach that washes your worries away
I'll be the beach that you daydream about each day
I'll be the beach that makes your heart leap
In a way you thought had left you long ago.

Let's bury your heavy thoughts in a pile of sand
Bathe in sunbeams and hold my hand
Wash your insecurities in the salty sea
And let me see you shine.

Let's leave your memories in a footprint trail
Set you free in my windy sail
And remember the reasons you're wonderful
When you press your lips to mine.

I'll be the beach that washes your worries away
I'll be the beach that you daydream about each day
I'll be the beach that makes your heart leap
In a way you thought had left you long ago.

But if you let me by your side
Your own beach, your own escape
You'll learn to love yourself again.


Natsuki's tone nailed it. It was a bit emotional but she wrote that? Wait, I may have seen that poem before? Anyway, the boys starts clapping loud to Natsuki. The girls was captivated by her small, cute figure. Well, truely wholesome.

Monika: "Lastly, is Yuri! Take it away!"

Yuri: "Uhh, hi. I'm Yuri."

The audience starts liking her as well. She looks so timid and cute if you ask me. But wait if she shows you her true self.

Yuri: "This is my poem."



A marvel millions of years in the making.
Where the womb of Earth chaotically meets the surface.
Under a clear blue sky, an expanse of bliss -
But beneath gray rolling clouds, an endless enigma.
The easiest world to get lost in
is one where everything can be found.

One can only build a sand castle where the sand is wet.
But where the sand is wet, the tide comes.
Will it gently lick at your foundations until you give in?
Or will a sudden wave send you crashing down in the blink of an eye?
Either way the outcome is the same.
Yet we still build sand castles.

I stand where the foam wraps around my ankles.
Where my toes squish into the sand.
The salty air is therapeutic.
The breeze is gentle, yet powerful.
I sink my toes into the ultimate boundary line, tempted by the foamy tendrils.
Turn back, and I abandon my peace to erode at the shore.
Drift forward, and I return to Earth forevermore.


Wait, Natsuki answered Yuri's poem? Did she somewhat saw this one coming? You know, it will make sense if Yuri come first before than Natsuki. Then it will make a perfect duo.


The crowd was so entranced by Yuri's majestic voice that they stared at her for a couple of seconds before reacting. They clapped their hands for Yuri.


Monika made a few announcements like joining our club and all. After that, the finally starts.

"Hey Monika, not to be rude or anything.. but can I play the piano with you?"

Monika: "You know how to play?"

"I know the song you're about to play. I want to play it with you because you made it for me, right?"

Monika: "You are always funny, Haru. But now, you are so serious. Well, who am I to stop you? You want us happy right? You want me happy?"

"Always... and forever. I will guide you all to happiness."

Monika: "Then later, come with me at my break."

"Alright. Now, let's do this."

We made a duet. I know her song.

"Your Reality."

I started to play the piano. And so does she.

*piano playing*

Monika: "Everyday, I imagine a future where I can be with you. In my hand, is a pen I write a poem... of me and you."

*piano playing*

"The ink flows down into the dark puddle. Just move your hand, write a way into her heart."

Monika: "But in this world full of infinite choices, what would it take just to find the special day?"

Me and Monika: "What would it take just to find.... that special day..."

*piano playing*

Monika: "Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today? When you're here, everything that we do is fun for them anyway.

"When I can't even read my own feelings
What good are words when a smile says it all."

Me and Monika: "And if this world won't write me an ending... What will it take just for me to have it all."

*piano playing*

Monika: "Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?
Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?"

"The ink flows down into a dark puddle
How can I write love into reality?"

Me and Monika: "If I can't hear the sound of your heartbeat... What do you call love in your reality?

And in your reality, if I don't know how to love you....

I'll leave you be..."

*piano stops* *applauding intensifies*


The audience gets excited...

Monika: "Okay, everyone! There goes our performance. It is okay to ask us questions!"




People head to the girls and starts questioning them about how we do here in the Literature Club.

"Haah! It's over for now..."

Monika suddenly taps my shoulders.

"Uwaaah!! M-Monika? Something the matter?"

Monika: "I am on break right now. Can I ask you to go with me?"

"Hmm, seems fine. Yeah! Let's go on a date, shall we?"

Monika: "Wait, Haru. You're being to aggressiv- uwaahh!"

I grab Monika's hand and we rush outside the clubroom.....