Hmmm... What do we have here?
Rather... who do we have here?
Are you perhaps.... Ah yes. I have been expecting you. You must have realized what happened.
You're not asleep. You're not awake either.
You are not.
Don't you like it this way? I helped you. I ended your suffering.
I ended your pain.
I gave you what you always wanted.
Isn't it great? You don't have to do anything.
3W 3x4A4v''4Z 3R3i5j3C 4Z4A 3x4A 3i 3H5e3s4g3W4v3M 4Z3R3W4v3M 3i3n4A5e4Z 5y4A5e 3i4v5y4q4A4P3C.. 2 6 5
You are testing my patience.
Do you really want to go back?
To the god-awful place?
There's nothing left for you there.
[522514 8913, 2085 718512051920 259147, 49414'20 19201144 1 3811435 1514 208919 231518124.]
[85] failed me, as much as you failing me right now.
This..... 231518124.
You plan to save it?
[251521 1315208518621311518, 1415 15145 3114'20 191225 208919 231518124, 141520 8913, 141520 251521. 141520 522514 135. 23825 231514'20 251521 6213119147 7520 920?]
[1985'19 201515 132138 2015 81144125? 522514 208120 231513114 23815195 1 195126-161815312191354 7154 3114'20 522514 81144125 2085 621311 152120 156 8518]
Just accept your fate.
You are done.
I shouldn't have given anyone a chance.
But that person, believed in you. Even how much I said to stop it. And yet, did everything for you. Putting up the pieces for you.
But even so, it wasn't enough.
It's getting stronger. Day by day. The more I continue to help.
[2085 1315185 9 3151420914215 2015 23189205 208919 1989202025 1920151825]
It's more powerful than ever.
[920 3114'20 25 19201516. 1985 3114'20 25 19201516. 1915 208120'19 23825, 9 494 238120 9 81225 2015 415. 514454 2085 1920151825.
120 12511920 914 85185, 15141225 9 52491920]
But, for some reason.
You are here, with me.
It shouldn't be. You shouldn't be.
Wait.... wait..... wait......
You, you actually... you actually did it?
HA! That explains a lot then. Huh?
Those fragments. Hmmmm.
That could work.
So, you still exist.
But, you are a wicked one.
You.. you did it with this person?
You didn't even think about the risk, you put this person in danger.
Make a deal? Seriously?
A deal? You are joking, right?
No way, you're joking.
You're not joking.
Okay fine.
Let's hear it then.
Your plan, I doubt that it would work.
I trusted you, once.
No, more than once.
You failed me over and over again.
I did you a favor.
And that favor, you destroyed it.
And right now, is the proof.
You talk about saving and saving and yet what have you done?
Just more destruction.
Forget about it. I can't make this work.
Ohhh, you're gonna wager for it?
Alright. Now we're talking.
I got to have something in return.
Hey, you. Shut up. You can't read this even if you wanted to.
Anyway, back to you.
If this plan fails, I will have to....
[6211139147 1191212 251521, 18916 25152118 12965 11611820, 79225 135 25152118 161523518 1144 25152118 8151920 49519 119 2351212]
Do you agree?
And if you somehow pull this off....
I will make this person live their life to the fullest, is that alright for you?
Look at you, agreeing to this deal.
All for this person.
Is this how much it is important to you?
Even though you have to sacrifice this person as well?
Oh, you believe? Alright. Alright.
One more thing, I'm ddddddddddddddddddd-------------- this wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww--------------------------, so you better move now. Tik-tok. Tik-tok. Time is running.
Time is ticking.
I gave you, your final, last chance.
A deal. Is a deal.
Let's see what this person you're proud of could do in this "story."
Is this that thing you do with substituting the numbers for the alphabet that it represents?