Chapter 1: First Day
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When Layne was going home, she pass by one of her classmates, his name was Mark, he has gray hair and purple hair, he was in a group of guys, he looked at her and punched her at the stomach. Her pouch bag fell and he kicked it.

Mark: Father's Bitch!

She coughs and coughs as she fell to the side walk, she bear the pain and tries to stand up, Mark spits at her but the spit was bend back to his face, a man did it, his name was Venson, he has blond hair and yellow eyes.

Venson: That's enough, violence is no longer legal in this generation, and it’s not like what you read in the history books.

Mark: Tsk! Let's go guys.

They walk away and leave Leyana alone, Venson lift up Leyana as her stomach still hurts.

Venson: Are you alright?

Leyana: Yes, thank you, I should be going now.

Venson: But you stomach.

Leyana: It's alright... thank you for helping me.

She walks away and same as Venson. She got home and head to her room, she lay down to her bed and look at the ceiling, she closed her eyes and take a rest.

The alarm clock rang at 9:45 pm. means it's near noon, she stand up from the bed and goes to shower, she changed her clothes and head down stairs, she saw her father was watching news at the TV while her mother was sitting at a corner while reading, Leyana ate her lunch.

Mother: So when is your school day start?

Leyana: Tomorrow.

Her mother's name was Layla, she has a black mixed with red hair, red eye pupils on the left while on the right is black, and she worked as a call center agent.

Father's name was Fredo, he has black hair, black eye pupils, he was able to use all his family's power, being a Dryad, Dark, Light and Elemental Magic, thanks to his capability he was a scientist who studies all elements that was newly discovered and keeping the plants healthy.

Sadly Leyana doesn't appear to have any magic from her parent's blood, it's either not yet flowing or she's really powerless, but that doesn't mean he's not special, nowadays powers are few to used and mostly needed are both mental and physical energy present from a normal human's body.

She's tried to do strange things but her parents stops her because she ends up hurting herself.

Leyana: I'll go back to room.

Leyana go back upstairs and head to her room, she dreamed of "Being a Hero". He makes comics about herself being a hero in many different types like being a Police, Firefighter, Doctor, but the things she draw that hurts her a lot was being a Hero using her parent's powers.

With the pain crawling to her body she shed some tears and head to bed and sleep.

14:00 am.

[The time is much longer due to the Elemental World was larger than the Mortal World (Earth we live) so the mid was 14 than the usual 12.]

7:00 am.

*Beep beep beep*

The alarm clock rang, Leyana turned it off, she put a headband to lower her pointy hair, for some reason her hair often lift and became pointy as same as what it was before, her hair was really hard and the razor wasn't enough to cut it all so she must use headband to lower it down. She was ready to go, she walk outside the front door and walk at the side walk and head to the school.

She reached the Gates of the School "Klayora High School", it's a school not for magic users but more on normal people and non-magic users, they are on to knowledge and physical but they accept magic users here if they like, There are more than 5 types of schools depends on your ability and magic.

She head at the room 304 where she was placed at, she opened the door and her classmates saw her but immediately turn their head away from her.

Mark: That bitch, does that punch isn't enough to make you drop!?

Mark forms a fist from his hands but Venson looked at him.

Venson: Let her be I said! You don't want to meet the principal face in your first day don't you?

Mark: Who cares!

Venson: I will not hesitate to go there, I'll watch you every time so lock that inside your mind.... Leyana am I right?

Leyana: Yes?

Venson: Go to your sit based on your surname.

Leyana: But...

Venson: What's wrong? Is there a problem?

Leyana: I don't know my surname.

Venson: Is that even a thing? Didn't your parents tell you?

Leyana: .... No....

Venson... *Sigh* Fine... go to a chair and wait for the teacher, our teacher will organize us after all.

Leyana sits on a chair at the very corner and open her bag, Mark walk close to her and looked at her with a mad expression. He move his head closer at him.

Mark: Listen girl, we're going to have a chat when recces so be there okay? I will tell you a thing or two.

Venson: Don't listen to him, he's trying to trick you, I know your behavior so I know what you mean.

Mark: Why the hell are you joining our conversation are you even with us? Now where were we again? Oh yes, be there or you'll get hurt after school, I promise.

Everyone at the room looked at us like they were specious. A teacher came inside their room.

???: Good morning everyone, my name is Sir. Jason, I'm your adviser and Science teacher, I wish you all be good and polite from both of your classmates and teachers. Today we're not going to anything, but... that doesn't mean were all be lazing here inside this room, we're going to clean this whole room within three days so I was expecting good things on you all, I hope you all participate. But for now, I'm going to put your designated seats, so please say present if you are here.

After few hours of organizing it was all finished, Leyana didn't heard her surname but instead was her name, her position was between "A" and "B" and she didn't ask for it.

The one that makes her uncomfortable was that her classmates who's beside her in each side was uncomfortable, even if the others are acting like ignoring and some are like reading she can still feel what they feel, she stands up from her chair.

Leyana: Sir?

Jason: Yes Leyana?

Leyana: Can you put somewhere else? Where no one was near me?

Jason: Is there a problem?

Leyana: Not really a problem but my classmates looks uncomfortable near me.

Jason: Did you know what the benefits of going to school are?

Leyana: I know some but...

Jason: Some of the main benefits from going school are making friends, knowing you classmates better, and moral build, if you want to make them comfortable then be friends with them, they don't sure know what you are but I'm sure that they will understand if you talk to them. Now do you understand?

Leyana: Yes Sir.

She sit back and listen to the teacher.


After hours of organizing the school bell rang means it was recess, the others go down from the building to buy food while other either chat with each other or eat their brought food, Leyana stands up from her chair and head to the canteen, she remembered something that Mark said, she keep herself cautious and aware, she reached from the canteen and bought food and walk away as fast as she can.

She accidentally hit someone while walking unaware from her direction.

???: Hey look where you're going...

Leyana: I'm so sorry I wasn't looking at my way.

???: Are you alright? You must be a first year but it looks like you're already in trouble.

Leyana: No I'm fine, I will go by myself, I don't want to put anyone in trouble.

???: Then you're are really in trouble, I'll walk with you because we still have more time, the recess just started so take it easy, I'm a Aleyo a fourth year, and you?

Leyana: I'm Leyana a first year.

Aleyo: Well nice to meet you Leyana, let's have a chat while we go to your destination.

They walk together, the other students look at them like a prisoner.

Aleyo: So what problem you're up to?

Leyana: I never want you to come because I don't want you to mix up in my state.

Aleyo: What do you mean?

Leyana: I'm being hated because of something, something related from the history of my ancestors and my father's blood.

Aleyo: Do you know what the reason is?

Leyana: I don't know really, maybe it's something related from our surname and the my ancestors, but my family didn't gave me the details so I don't have enough information to gather answers or even clues.

Aleyo: Wow you're like caught in a problem that you didn't even started.

While they are walking, they faced Mark by accident at the hall way, he concentrate his eyes at Leyana who's with Aleyo.

Mark: Well, it looks like you brought a body guard to protect you, thank you for taking her here with you, you can go now, and we will have a chat now. Thanks for your help.

Leyana looked down and didn't move a muscle.

Aleyo: So this is the place?

She didn't speak even a little and keep her head down.