2: Changed
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...Ugh. I felt weird... Why was my face covered in hair? I thought as I pushed my hair out of my face... wait? My hair! I thought suddenly. What? Why is it so long? I fluttered my eyes open and blearily looked around. Wow it’s dusty in here... am I in a warehouse?

All of a sudden I heard a voice... someone was muttering to themselves...

“Shit, shit, shit! This was not meant to happen.” I heard the voice say.

I groaned as I attempted to sit up. I felt so sore... hearing my pained groan, the person who was talking to themselves turned around and I could see who was talking. It... it was that guy! The one who I shoved out of the way of that truck. Wow. I knew he was tall but now he looked huge! He was standing a few feet away from me and as I looked at his body... Wow. He was muscular. His armour was super pretty too! It was like silver. But it looked more blueish? It was carved with intricate patterns throughout the entire armour. And where there wasn’t any metal plates it was this mix between blueish/silver chain mail and strange black leather... or was it cloth? He had a cloth thing dangling between the front and back of his legs as well... in total he looked like a fucking badass.

In his right hand he also had a giant axe, hammer, thing. Which looked to be made of the same metal as his armour. It also had carvings in it that looked different to the ones in the armour but still looked super cool. It’s shaft was made out of wood. But for the life of me I couldn’t tell you what type of tree it came from. It also had some metal parts laced through it. And I think a leather grip as well? It was hard to tell. It kinda blended together from here. At the bottom was a massive claw... thing. That was also made of the blueish/sliver metal but it was carved differently to the rest of the weapon. I did not want to end up on the wrong side of that thing...

He also had a weird belt thing that held two... metal sticks? No idea what they were, but one looked a bit like a sword hilt. On his left arm he had a glowing screen that turned into... holy shit was that a hologram? So cool! The only things that wasn’t covered in armour were the guy’s hands which had a number of beautiful and uniquely different rings on them and his head... Woah...

He was gorgeous! He had like, no flaws. He had this perfectly chiselled chin. I mean his jawline... Wow. And his nose! His nose was some how both small and dainty, yet it looked weirdly perfect on his face... he had big thick brown eyebrows that were like shaped perfectly and his hair! OMG! It was these flowing deep brown locks of hair that cascaded down past his shoulders and seemed to stop at the small of his back. But what was most captivating were his eyes... they shone a deep green. Like an emerald forest or something. And the core of his eyes were a deep purple like a nebula. He was both the most beautiful yet terrifying person I have ever met... was he an Emerged?

“Have you finished gawking. Or are you just going sit and stare at me all day?” He asked. With a bit of amusement in his deep angelic voice.

“I, uh... um... sorry.” I stammered. I quickly shut my mouth, my cheeks now blushing.

Then I realised... My voice! What’s up with my voice? It sounds super weird.

“Ha... don’t worry about it. It happens a lot. Anyway... how are you feeling? Are you doing okay?” He asked. Somehow radiating great kindness and compassion with every word.

“Uh. Yeah. I’m fine I think, a little sore but...” I paused coughing to try and fix my voice. “Ahem! Uh. What? Why is my voice so weird?” I asked. I am super confused right now.

“Oh... yeah that...” He said awkwardly. He paused, seeming like he was trying to find the right words. “You might have gone through some... changes.” He said carefully.

“Changes?” I asked. Damn what changes? Is that why my voice is weirdly high? I looked down at my body... am I shorter?

“Uh. Yeah... It might just be best to show you...” He said while stepping back. He then moved his hands around and summoned a mirror of ice out of thin air. Wow that was cool! That must be his Emerged powers.

Stepping towards the floating ice mirror I saw that I was definitely shorter... my jeans bagged up weirdly and my hoodie looked massive on me now. Then I saw my face... WHAT... THE... FUCK... I touched my face tentatively. Wha? That can’t be me! I’m, I’m... a GIRL! A really pretty one too! Holy shit! My hair had grown exponentially it... Wow it was dark brown and went all of the way down to my waist in long wavy curls. My face was like someone had sculpted the face of an angel onto me... I... woah... My nose was small and curved perfectly into a cute button. I had these full beautiful luscious lips that looked very kissable. My eyebrows. Which were thick, bushy unkempt things before were now plucked into perfect thick arches that framed my big doe eyes perfectly. My... wait. My eyes looked exactly the same as the tall Emerged guy’s! Deep green with a deep purple core... okay what? ...Never mind I will get to that in a minute...

I looked down at my body again but this time I, uh. Felt around. Wow my arms were thin. But they had this feeling like they were hiding a hidden strength beneath them. I felt through my hoodie and discovered... yep. Breasts. Big breasts. Not absurdly huge. But if I had to guess I would say they were C’s? Actually probably D’s now that I think about it.

Curiously got the better of me though, so I quickly threw off my hoodie to inspect myself further. Wow that’s new. I have abs now... not big tank like abs. But subtle feminine abs that added to my body’s hidden strength vibe. Pulling at my t-shirt’s sleeves a bit I saw that my shoulders looked amazing too. Feminine but with a look that said I worked out. I felt my soft skin and looked in the mirror again. My neck was thin and beautiful too... and... wait how didn’t I see that till now? I was tanned... like naturally tan. It looked like I spend half of my time on the beach in Malibu or something. Ha! Guess Samantha can’t call me a vampire anymore... 

I then looked past my super thin waist and to my hips... which were now huge. And my ass... Woah! I thought as I turned to see it. It was perfect! Big and round and oh my word I have thighs for days. I thought suddenly as I looked further down. I quickly kicked off my jeans to see my legs better. Damn! I could be a walkway model or something... they were super long and ended with tiny dainty feet. (I took my shoes off at the same time as the jeans) Going back up I inspected my back which was muscled and amazing... in fact everything I saw was amazing! This was going to sound super vain. But I don’t care. I am by far the most attractive female that I have ever seen!

After I had finished admiring my body. I very carefully felt below my underwear and felt the void between my legs. I could feel lips and... woah they are sensitive. I was about to explore further when I heard a cough...

“Ahem... uh. I’m still here...” The tall man, Emerged guy, said... who was this guy?

“Uh, oh, oh. Right. Sorry... I just um, got carried away... bit of a shock ya know?” I asked. My face now turning to a shade of pink.

Okay... that was embarrassing... I totally forgot he was here for a moment. And wow. Now that I knew why my voice was so high, everything just... clicked. My voice sounded AMAZING... like it should belong to a singer or something... oooh! What if I can sing really good now? Definitely trying that out later...

Turning back to the mirror, I took one last look before I pulled my now baggy jeans back on. Struggling to get them over my large girly hips and butt... I then turned back to the man before freezing up... uh, wow he was super intimidating.

Sensing my unease he spoke up. “What’s wrong?” He asked gently.

I stammered until I eventually got my words out. “Uhh, uh... you’re. Um... really. Big... and kinda... uh... intimidating? Sorry...” I said. Now even more nervous because I didn’t want to accidentally insult him. He looked like he could squash me with his pinky.

He looked down at himself and suddenly realisation dawned on his face. “Oh shit. Ha! No wonder you look so nervous. I completely forgot that I look like this. Apologies. I had this form on to speak with my daughter. It’s a bit much. But sometimes that’s exactly what you need if you want to make an impression...” He laughed. Until he saw the look of confusion on my face... “Ahem anyway. I will change back to one of my more regular forms...” He said. Turning back to a more serious tone.

He all of a sudden started to morph and shrink, getting smaller and smaller until he was just a bit taller than my height. Then he suddenly started glowing in a golden hew that was almost blinding until it faded and he stepped towards me...

“Better?” A feminine voice sounded out. And I looked back towards the man... who was no longer a man, but a woman.

“Wha...” I asked, completely flabbergasted at what I was now seeing...

She was gorgeous. She looked like the man’s younger sister or something. She looked... hold on! I looked back and forth from her to the still floating ice mirror which showed my reflection. She looked like me! Well not exactly like me. But she could be my mother! Or my older sister or something! From what I could tell between my face and hers was... weird. I looked like if my parents had a daughter and then took half of that and mixed it with the Emerged lady’s looks. Like I have three parents or something... it was weird but... okay.

“Um, yeah that’s a bit better I guess...” I said nervously... now she was a different type of intimidating... plus she still had all of that badass looking armour on still, which seems to have changed with her body type. So now she looked like a warrior princess or something.

She sighed dramatically. “It’s the armour isn’t it? Hold on...” She said. And before I could react the armour retreated off her body... it looked like nano tech or something. And the next thing I knew she was standing before me wearing a black hoodie that had lines of the blueish, silver metal running all over it like lightning. And black skinny jeans... were those high top vans?

“How about now?” She asked with a bubbly smile. She still had her axe, hammer thing, the two metal rods hanging off of a hidden belt and the glowing screen on her left arm, but other than that she looked normal.

“Yeah. Much better thanks.” I said. Releasing a sigh of relief that I didn’t realise I was holding.

“Great! Now introductions! My name is Spentricus. And I’m the God of Time... well technically Goddess right now but that doesn’t matter.” She said nonchalantly as she bowed extravagantly before me. “And who are you, may I ask?” She asked politely.

“Uh... my name is Alan. Alan Poolbrook...” I said in my now sweet sounding feminine voice... for what ever reason that name sounded wrong to me now...

“Nice to meet you Alan! Although you might want to change your name... It uh, doesn’t sound too great with that new body of yours... Now. I assume you have questions... everyone always does...” She said with a sigh at the end.

“Uhh. Yes... um, God of Time?” I asked. Because really. Who wouldn’t ask that question first?

“Yes... I am a God. No, I am not the God that you worship. No, I will not tell you if they do or do not exist. I respect the privacy of all intelligent beings. So you will have to find out on your own. For the love of time don’t worship, or sacrifice anything to me. Please! I can not deal with the annoying worship of mortals, I’m far too busy to deal with that shit. And any God that says otherwise are selfish egotistical pricks with a god complex the size of a universe. Don’t feed their bullshit self-loving egos. Any other questions?” She asked. It sounded like she has been saying the same old thing a thousand of times before.

“Um. Where are you from?” I asked curiously.

“I’m from a different universe. A different multiverse actually. And no I will not explain how multiverses, storyverses, or the multiverse of multiverses works. That would take a fuck ton of time to explain and I probably wouldn’t be able to explain completely even if we were here for a hundred years.” She said with a tone of finality in her voice.

“Why are you here?” I asked. This is beyond fascinating. I’M SPEAKING TO AN ACTUAL GOD! Or so she claims at least.

“Ah finally an interesting question! I am here because I detected a Time Anomaly. And judging by that storm or an Emergence as you call it here in this universe, correct? That something or someone is causing some massive disruptions in the space-time continuum. I mean really! From what I can tell it looks almost like someone is attempting to smoosh one universe together with another one! Maybe... I don’t know yet. But I sure as hell want to find out! I would have come sooner but I got, uh. Caught up so to speak, with an important matter in another universe. So, uh yeah! Any other questions?”

“Um. Why are we in an abandoned warehouse? And why am I suddenly a girl? And why am I here talking to you? And why do we look so similar?” I asked. I’m still super confused about all of this but I want answers damn it!

“Wow, uh load of questions at once then, okay. Um so... How do I explain this... When you came out of that club. Assuming that’s where you came from that is. I was busy trying to figure out what was causing the Time Anomaly. Then I saw the sky light up. And next thing I know is you, tackling me out of the way of that moving truck. Very brave of you by the way! Well done! Not many people would have done that. Anyway. When you tackled me out of the way, a blast of what seemed like reality magic from the storm hit both of us at the same time...” She paused and looked... guilty?

“What happened next was kinda my fault. I accidentally left my Transferal power on from when I was with my daughter... I was trying to teach her how to use her powers you see and um anyway. When we got hit the reality magic passed through me and into you which, kinda gave you some of my powers... yeah...” She explained awkwardly.

“Wait powers? What kind of powers?” I asked, worryingly.

“Um well from what I can tell. Is that even if I wasn’t there you would have become an Emerged anyway. So, uh I don’t know what those powers are going to be, sorry. You will have to discover for yourself. But when it comes to me. It seems like with all of my creations, you have at the very least absorbed my basic powers. So powers of Lightning, Ice, and Time... I have like infinite powers beyond that though so I have no idea which ones you may or may not have absorbed.” She explained to me carefully.

“What about me becoming a girl though?” I asked. As I tried to take all of this in...

“Oh I have no idea. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t me though. Reality magic is finicky at the best of times. But from what I can tell is that it tends to stay in alinement to who you are as a person...” She explained. 

“So like, if someone was good or evil, it would reflect that?” I asked, growing more intrigued by the second...

“Pretty much yeah. So if someone thought that they were a monster or someone who is ruled by emotions or whatever, the reality magic would transform them to reflect that... although that isn’t always the case. As I said reality magic is a bit finicky as shown with the random powers that people get. Anyway, that also means that if someone’s soul was male or female or whatever then...” She said in attempt to get me to think and figure it out for myself. Which I did.

“Then their bodies would be changed to match...” I said with realisation.

“You have a lot of soul searching to do young lady...” She said gently.

“So I assume the reason I somewhat look like you is...” I started...

“...Because you inherited some of my powers yes.” She finished. “And this might be a bit awkward but I’m also, technically one of your parents now. As you are one of my creations, it makes you related to me in one form or another.” She explained carefully.

“So am I like your daughter now or something?” I asked, shocked at this sudden revelation.

“Technically yes, and technically no. It’s complicated...” She explained.

“Huh... okay... um so the warehouse?” I asked pointing around the worn down, slightly dusty room.

“So we could talk in private, obviously. Plus I need to show you how to use my powers... Don’t want you to accidentally blow up a city or something...” She said way to casually for a sentence like that.

“Say what now?” I asked. My eyes growing wide with worry.

“I’m joking! ...Kinda. But that’s why we’re here! To make sure you don’t do that! Okay?”

“Yeah, I guess...” I said, starting to feel unsure of myself.

“Then let’s get started! Try to focus. And summon some lightning okay?” She asked as she demonstrated by summoning a ball of lightning in her hands.

“Uh... okay. Here I go.” I said as I tried to copy her. But instead of lightning, something else happened.

“Whoa! Those are claws!” I shouted in surprise. Out of all my fingernails sharp, almost talon like claws grew out like an inch or two.

“Okay. That must have been one of your natural Emerged powers, because I don’t have that power... yet. Anyway try concentrating again.

I did just that and this time I managed to summon a ball of lightning like her’s.

“Great! Now expand it like this...” She said while pulling it outwards and causing it to expand.

I followed her instructions, and managed to do it. It was difficult to hold but I did it.

“Perfect!” She said as she dismissed her ball. “Now throw it at me.” She said with a huge grin on her face.

“What? Really? Um... okay if you say so...” I said worriedly as I tossed the exercise ball sized lightning ball at her. And as it hit her it detonated causing the whole warehouse to shake as bolts of lightning went everywhere. “Eep!” I squealed. And Spentricus laughed at me...

“That’s not funny!” I frowned at her.

“Yes it is!” She laughed harder. “Oh and by the way you have the cutest pout in the world!” She laughed again.

“Shut uuuuup!” I blushed.

“Fine, fine...” She said while putting her hands up. “Anyway on to Ice.” She said suddenly serious. As she demonstrated by forming a snowball in her hands and throwing it at me. It impacted on my face and she burst out laughing again.

Although she stopped laughing when she got her own snowball to the face. Ha! Take that Goddess of Time!

“Okay fair enough! I guess I did deserve that.” She said as she spat the snow out of her mouth.

“On to time then?” I asked expectingly.

“Yes. But! Time is very, very, very dangerous to mess with. So I’m only going to show you how to slow down time. And only because, I don’t want you to accidentally break time. Because that would be bad... and I really don’t want to have to kill you...” She explained with the most serious face I have ever seen.

“Uh, kill me?” I asked, now terrified.

“Well technically, I’d only do that as a last resort, so don’t worry. But seriously though I would only use your time powers as an emergency. Like life threatening emergency. And that’s it okay?”

“Okay...” I said shakily.

“Good! Now. Follow my movements.” She said as she started to move her arms around in a pattern. I followed her lead until time very slowly started to, well, slow.

“Well done! You can control time now! But again please only use it as a last resort. I’m busy enough as it is without having to clean up your messes...” She said, taking on her super serious tone again.

“I promise. I won’t use time unless absolutely necessary.” I said. Being as sincere as I possibly could.

Spentricus smiled at me and was about to say something more when a beeping alarm went off on her left arm. She quickly swiped it up into a hologram.

“Oh shit... A new island just popped up right next to New Zealand... and it’s huge!” She stared at it. Fascination sparkling in her eyes... literally. Her eyes were actually sparkling.

‘Coughs’ “That’s what she said...” ‘Coughs’. I smiled at her.

“Stop it you cheeky little shit.” She laughed, before going serious again. “I’m sorry. But I’m going to have to teach you more later. I need to investigate this right away, but I will check up on you later... hmm, actually... Catch!” She said as she threw a piece of metal at me. Catching it I immediately inspected it. It looked like a cross between a button and a finger scanner... thing.

“What is this?” I asked.

“If you ever need my help with something, you can call me on that and I will come to you as soon as possible. It’s bio-locked, so it will only respond to you. Only call me in emergencies okay? Oh and please don’t lose it. It’s annoying to make.” She said as she typed something on her hologram, screen, thing.

“You know. I always imagined gods would be these beings that are like Thou Art Holy and I am who I am and stuff. You know, mystical and powerful and above everyone and everything...” I said, curious at what her response would be.

She smirked at me before replying. “Some gods are like that sure. But not me. I’m not into the, I CREATED EVERYTHING MY CHILDREN, YE ARE BLESSED TO BE SPOKEN TO BY GOD!!! I don’t really see the point honestly. I think it would just make me seem like a douchebag. I prefer the... more human approach. Mysticism can be helpful sometimes though if I being honest. But everything else? No. I don’t even do that shit in my own universe. And I created it! Anyway I need to get going.” She said smoothly as she put her armour back on.

“Wait how am I going to get home?” I asked suddenly. I have no idea where I am... so that would suck if I got stuck here.

“Whoops almost forgot. What’s your home address?” She asked as she got her hologram screen ready to type.

“It’s...” I told her my address. She then smiled and started to move her arms in a weird circular motion until a portal appeared.

“See ya kid.” She said before sending me through.

Holy shit! She brought me directly to the sitting room in my apartment. Wow, cool.

“What, the, FUCK!” I heard two people say at the same time.

Oh, crap.