Chapter 16 : Twins
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As the stars sings silent lullaby, the silver light penetrated the large window gently touching the young man sleeping peacefully under the covers of the soft blankets.

 Then, from under the blankets, a small bump slowly moving towards the edge, coming out from underneath. 

Puff. A round soft grey bundle emerge. 

Ash stretched his body as he stand up while looking around the room. His eyes sharp and cautious. When he saw the dark room, he was very anxious. But then, he saw the moon. 

Sighing, Ash turned to looked at the young man gleefully sleeping by his side. Seeing that, the big cat can't help but smile. His mouth shaped 'w' grew more noticeable, and his silver eyes turned soft and gentler. 

Hearing Kevin's gentle and even breathing, Ash finally heave a sigh of relief. He walked closer and rub his nose agaist Kevin's cheek. Then, stared at Kevin again. But, somehow, as Ash gazed at the sleeping beauty at the bed, his grey fur puffed out. Looking like a frightened cat, he hid under the covers of the blankets again.

Shifting his position under there blankets, Ash eyes glow in the dark. His eyes watched the sleeping Kevin with burning gaze. But it was just for a moment. Using his paws, he covered his eyes shut.

Ash wanted to scream loud. He was shy, Ash was super shy. At the same time, he was feeling envious.

Sighing, he came out of the blankets again. With wide dewy eyes, Ash went closer and lick the corner of Kevin's lips. 

As if he felt something, Kevin reached out his hands and embraced the soft and warm bundle of fur. Settling himself under all those fur, Kevin quietly fell under the sleeping spell again.

On the other hand, Ash can't help but feel shy once more. He wanted to bury himself and hide, but his desire to be with Kevin won. 

Nevertheless, as he thought back, he can't help but cheer. 

They were getting married! There was a day were the two of them was about to get married!

Letting out an affectionate purr, Ash closed his eyes. Savoring the conversation he have with Kevin in that nightmare, Ash let out a soft meow. 

He felt a little regret though. He wish he could remember those past too.

Oh well. It doesn't matter anymore. Those nightmare, Ash won't let them happened once again.




Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

"It's already passed 7, it seems the young master was still asleep." Ronald stated. He looked at his twin sister, laying on the comfy sofa while typing something on her phone.

"So, what are you trying to imply? If you want, go ahead and call him down." Rebecca sneered. She didn't even looked at her brother. The attitude she showed in front of Kevin and Adrianne was now gone. Now, she just lay comfortably and even act as if she owns the place.

Shaking his head, Ronald step out of the living room and walked towards the kitchen. Talking to his sister was just a waste of time. He won't be able to get a decent answer from her anyway.

He did not know how his sister turned to be like that. Rebecca act like she was a child from a rich family. She wore expensive clothing, she owns branded bags and shoes. Ronald still remembered how this stupid sister of his invited her classmates into this mansion to party.

The young masters were not at home. One was busy with their own work, while the other was in the hospital. Because of that, they all managed to hide it from thier employer and avoided being fired. Their mother reprimanded and stopped Rebecca's allowances. She was grounded up until now, but despite of that, she seems to be still trapped with her delusions.

Facing the mahogany door to the kitchen, Ronald can't help but sigh. Opening the door, Robert saw his mother, already taking away the prepared food for dinner. 

"Mom, what's wrong with the young master? He won't eat dinner?" Ronald walked towards the counter, looking at his busy mother.

Nodding in response, Mrs. Rich worked as she said, "I already went to his room earlier but it seems that he was asleep. I called the young master, he said not to disturb his older brother if he was asleep. So, I planned to prepared rich and health food for breakfast, since young master's didn't eat dinner."

Placing his hand under his chin, Roland thought as he listened to his mother. 

The two young masters doesn't like to be close to people that much. Their family, the Rich family was saved from their million dollar debt by Kevin Valentine ten years ago. Roland still remembers that day.

In the dark evening of October, the red and yellow leaves of falling maple rain into the ground as the cold wind shout the coming winter. Roland with very thick clothing, like a snow man wearing rainbows, walked humbly as he went through another tough night in his part time jobs.

With thick eye bags, pale and thin body that barely ate anything, he carried himself as he walked along the pedestrian. He still needed to go to his last job at the bar, so, even he was already exhausted and tired, he had to endure. As a boy and as the eldest of the twins, he wanted to help his parents. He didn't want his sister, Rebecca to shoulder the pain of working different jobs every day or to quit school. That's why he persist. While, his twin sister was going to school, completing her degree, Ronald was doing jobs from all corners of the alleys.

He had seen everything. His family did not know, but he once work for an underground organization before and barely escape unscathed. However, that's already in the past.

That night, Ronald already reached his limit and collapse on the street. As if no one saw him, they all evaded his fallen body that was burning with fever. He thought he was going to die that night, but just like what happened to all TV dramas his sister like to watched. He even thought it was very cliche. Why would one commit their entire life for just one person just because that person have them bread to eat? 

Now he knew the answer.

With his blurry and persisting consciousness, Ronald was approached by his prince. A beautiful boy, wearing elegant and exquisite clothes, with a thick book in his embrace– like a prince that got lost and found some puppy shivering in the corner of the street. Ronald was picked up by little Kevin.

When Ronald woke up again, he was at the hospital. He didn't know what happened, but his prince already hired his parents as a worker in their mansion. He also paid their debt full and Ronald was able to study again.

Of course that was just the summary, but the thing is, Ronald too, was in a situation where he was in deep loyalty towards Kevin, his savior, like any yakuza/ gang TV series. The melancholic prince, that smile despite having full bloody wounds on his hands from the strict training brought by his tyrant father– he is Ronald's master.

Kevin doesn't know though, that's why–

"Hey, Ron!" Mrs. Rich called. She was snapping her wet fingers in front of Ronald that many tiny droplets now decorated his handsome face.

Waking up from his thoughts, Ronald stared at his mother. "Sorry Mom, what're you saying?"

"Are you even listing to me?" 

Scratching his head in guilt, Ronald smile at his mother looking silly.

The mother and son talked for a while, until Ronald was first to retire to his room saying that he still have work to finish. Mrs. Rich after saying a couple of warning speeches about the changes of ambiance inside the mansion, she finally let go of her son.

"Oh. Right. Mom, please watch over Becca, okay? You know how spoiled she is. She never experienced any hardship before, maybe that's why she was behaving like this." Ronald stated. 

"You're right. Don't worry son, I'll let her work in the mansion some more to distract her."

After few exchanged, Ronald finally went his way towards his room. Though he was still thinking about his delusional sister, he wish he could shout to his sister how he suffered because of that.

Thinking about that, Ronald can't help but sigh. He can't believe his little prince have a brother– half brother in fact– like that. That certain young master sure is ruthless, the pain still lingers in his body, even after it already healed.

Well, it doesn't matter. He still have job to do. Letting out a big yawn, Ronald whispered a name.

"... Eugene Valentine, huh." 

Curving his lips in to an evil smile that immediately disappeared because of another big yawn, Robert scratched the back of his head thinking how he will pull another all nighters.

But it doesn't matter. Cold glint flash in his green eyes. This is the reason why he works for Adrianne.

Sighing in defeat, he hurriedly towards his room, while letting out another yawn.




Rebecca, still laying in her original position since Ronald leave her alone was suddenly startled.

She sit up, with her back standing up right, evidence that she was really surprised. But then, she frown. Gazing at her phone, she read the name calling her all over again. 

She laugh scornfully as she let her phone rings. 

"Why is the bitch calling me now?" She knew this bitch hates her. No, more like, she doesn't even appeared like a speck of dust in her eyes.

That's why, she was really surprised. Why is she calling her? 

Should she answer?

Hesitating a bit. She still answered. Before the music died down, she swipe her phone to answer.

"What do you want, Ashley Lawrence?"



Finished binged reading ", "BOSS Transmigrates as a Little Cutie" and finally have time to write– or not!

I found an amusing and interesting comedy BL again –"I’m a little cutie not a bossy CEO" – they almost have similar title right. But they're not the same!! This one is a comedy!

I just started reading and was just staring searching for the raw, since there's only 14 translated chapters. 

Hehehe. I can't stop reading.