Chapter Three: The SYSTEM!.
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Closing the door to my apartment as I quickly enter inside, I can finally focus on what's happing in those boxes in front of my eyes.

excitement wills up inside me as I read more and more into it.

Initiating system
System initiation complete.


Welcome, User#0001943
You are among the first of your race to defeat a mutant infected virus.
Additional rewards will be received after the end of this message from our sponsor.

A screen similar to the boxes in shapes suddenly popped up the moment I finished reading the sentence and started playing a video.

In the video, a blue... thing? with lots of tentacles was holding what looked like a silver-colored gun. The gun looked like what a Laser gun would look like if they were real. the thing started talking.


"Are you having problems with your mutants-infected homeworld?"

"Are you sick and tired of having to bash those fuckers in the head constantly?"

"Are you done with having to uses blunt, primitive weapons to kill what's essentially over 99% of your population?"

Then look NO MORE!"

"Our company has developed the latest technology in anti-mutant weapons, and just a few days ago,

we released our new exclusive weapon: F.T.M1200, THE BEST anti-mutant weapon you will ever find

throughout the WHOLE multi-verse!"

"Get it now for the low, low, low price of 999,999,999 SC+ Shipping."

"What are you waiting for? GET IT NOW!"


The weird ad finished soon after, and I was left with 2 small boxes in front of me.

Purchase the F.T.M1200 now?
Yes / No

Collect starter rewards?
Yes/ Later

I ignore the box asking me to buy the stuff for now and click yes with my hand on [Yes] on the box.

But that didn't work as my hand went right through the blue box in front of me.

Trying to mentally click yes did result in something, and I was greeted with a couple more boxes.

Congratulations on surviving your first fight!

You have been rewarded: Copper Tier FoodTicket x5.

Bonus rewards:

For Being among the first 100000 of your race to defeat an enemy: Iron Tier Item x2.

For Being among the first 10000 of your race to defeat an enemy: Silver Tier Item Ticket x1.

For Being among the first 1000 of your race to defeat an enemy: Gold Tier Ability Ticketx1.

You can view the Tickets you own in the Ticket Menu.

Hello, Human.

I'm System Admin #15683.

This message will be sent to Humans who defeat at least 1 enemy and survive the fight.

This message will briefly explain what happened to your world.

In a far corner of the multi-verse, there lies a small, almost dead planet.

I say "almost" dead because there's one type of organism still living in that planet.

It's currently known as "Virus M".

This organism caused it's entire home planet to wither away and die, leaving nothing but it alive,

and when it was done with its world, It needed more food, so it found a way to travel to other planets,

turning those planets into dead husks too.

This virus then grew more and more, to the point where it could take over multiple planets at once,

feasting upon the lives of trillions of living organisms at once.

It kept growing and growing until, at one point, it started invading entire galaxies at once.

At one point, a discovery was made: Killing the mutants causes a new form of energy to be released into

the surrounding space.

That's when the C.A.T (Central.Adminstraion.Team) started taking action against it.

They developed the System and integrated it into all the infected planets, aiding the survival of these planets.

The System harvests this energy and turns it into different forms of either

1. Special Powers.

2. Useable items.

The System helped millions of planets survive utter destruction, but it also failed to help millions of others.

We hope you the best of luck, and encourage you to fight on.


As soon as I finished reading the message, it disappeared, leaving me with only the Laser Gun blue box.

'Uhhh... Okay?

That was interesting. Like reading the lore of the game, cool, but didn't really help me in any way possible.'

'As for the rewards, holy moly does that Golden one sound fucking amazing.'

But where the hell is my "Ticket Menu"?

"Ticket Menu?".... Nothing happened. "Uhh... Menu?" As soon as I say the word, a blue box appeared in front of me.

Friends Inventory Shop
Base Options Buffs Tickets
Kills. Map Powers