Chapter 53: Learning More About The Request
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“Before that, I have some questions. You said that those nobles used the resources they got from their lands to place pressure on the whole town, how did they do it exactly?”(Soma)

“Because of the town is completely protected by the mountains surrounding it, most of the people living in the town didn’t need to fight against monsters and wild animals and because of that their levels are extremely low, and because of that, you can say that the people of Akud are among the smartest and most educated, but they are the absolute weakest of all at the same time. Those who are strong enough to fight monsters and wild animals for food are working as mercenaries and hunters, and the hunting grounds are up the mountain, the higher up the mountains you go the stronger the monsters up there are, and so the places that are suitable to hunt in are limited and right now most of those hunting grounds are owned by those nobles I talked about, and whenever things don’t go their way, they would raise the prices of meat and materials they get from there”(Leona)

“Does those said nobles have some sort of people that will hunt for them no matter what?”(Soma)

“…Yes, in the first place, the mercenaries and hunters are not from Akud, they are people who were scouted by those nobles to work for them, that’s why they are not part of the Mercenary’s Guild anymore, they are the type of people who would do anything for money”(Soma)

“What about the Mercenary’s Guild in Akud?”(Soma)

“They can only hunt in the hunting grounds that the town Owns, those hunting grounds are all considered to be leftovers by the nobles because of their low yield, and whenever a slightly big yield is gained from those hunting grounds, the hunters who gained that yield are attacked and their yield is stolen by those working under the nobles under the pretext of that yield being hunted illegally from the nobles’ hunting grounds and all they are doing is taking back what was stolen from them in the first place making things more and more difficult for us”(Leona)

“Why Don’t you just hunt outside the area protected area?”(Soma)

“On the hunting grounds, the monsters that appear are Horned Rabbits and Red Sheep, those two monsters are all weak and easy to hunt, and even with that people are still getting injured and dying sometimes. Having them go and hunt in the outside world is nothing but asking them to die in vain, the monsters that appear in the outside world are Giant Orcs, Dash Bisons, Flaming Boars, and Lightning Gooses among other things, and they appear in big numbers at that, so asking our weak and under-leveled mercenaries and hunters to go hunt there is impossible”(Leona)

“What about you? Those monsters are no match for you or your friend here, right?”(Soma)

“Hahahahaha! To think that you are able to sense our strength!.... but unfortunately, that’s not possible! Even though those nobles are constantly looking for a chance to take my head and going to hunt outside is the perfect chance for them, I ignored all of that and actually do go hunting there from time to time, but no matter how much I try, hunting for enough meat to feed a whole town by myself is impossible, and hiring mercenaries from the other towns is out of the question as well…”(Leona)

“Because they might betray you and go to work for the nobles if they were to be offered a better reward, and looking for someone you know and trust is impossible as well since you don’t have any mercenary friends that you could hire, and that makes me the perfect man for the job since I have no trouble with money and would never work for corrupt nobles who are toying with people’s lives for their own benefits, and I have the position of head of Alchemy Department and that makes the noble title useless for me, and finally, I am someone who dared to make and sell healing potions in low prices undercutting the Love Church and even wrote those History Books that slanders the Love Goddess, which makes me their mortal enemy, the ones behind the nobles in your town I mean”(Soma)

“….That’s a surprise…. How did you figure it out? The Love Church being behind the nobles I mean…”(Leona)

“At the start, you said that “we didn’t have nobles and what not to ruin that, but the Lord before me was a complete idiot! He allowed nobles to hold their positions inside the town by granting them pieces of land that are important to the whole town like mines, hunting grounds, and farms” which means that, those nobles are not from Akud since they were “allowed to hold their positions inside the town” and the Lord before you did that by giving them important pieces of land and that made it so they are holding the fate of the town in the palm of their hands, and rather than using the lands to gain more influence and wealth, they used the lands to weaken the town and to cripple the academy, what is there to gain from these actions? Nothing, but they are still doing it, why is that? There are two possible answers, one: they are just stupid and have no idea how nobility works, two: they have already gained more than they could gain in Akud, a promise to gain the support of the Love Goddess herself for example. Or some other things that are related to the Love Goddess, and in return, they have to weaken Akud to the point of it being easily absorbed by the Love Church or the South Cardinal Kingdom”(Soma)

“…For you to see this far… no, you are clearly able to see more than me…… perhaps Elk was the same?”(Leona)

“Yes, and right now we are working on making the town stronger with the knowledge in my Books and the full cooperation of Lord Alf and the three noble families we have left in Elk, along with the Craftsmen Guild, Merchants Guild, and Mercenary’s Guild. We doing this all in preparation for when the Love Church decides to come and take the town by force”(Soma)

“…Are you sure you can tell me this?”(Leona)

“No problem. more importantly, your request for me is to be a teacher, right?”(Soma)

“…Yes, I want you to work in the Academy as a teacher for a new class, The Actual Combat Class, it’s where students are taught how to fight properly in the outside world and how to hunt the monsters living there, my goal from creating this class is to raise a lot of young people who are able to go out and fight the monsters there for the sake of the whole town, and at the same time I’m going to grant you the role of Law Enforcer inside the Academy and I want you to be as brutal as possible with your punishments as long as you don’t kill anyone”(Leona)

“Are you sure you want me to be brutal?”(Soma)

“Yes, in the first place I was going to start killing them all, and me hiring you is me giving them a chance to redeem themselves”(Leona)

“So my job is to teach my class how to fight outside the safety of the five mountains, and to raise their levels to the point of them being able to hold their own ground when hunting out there after graduation, and to enforce the rules of the Academy inside the Academy’s grounds using force when needed without holding back, right?”(Soma)

“No, I want you to enforce the rules on everyone affiliated with the Academy inside the whole town and not only in the Academy grounds!”(Leona)

“I see, what about the reward?”(Soma)

“Full access to every piece of knowledge in the whole city-!”(Leona)

“I Accept!!”(Soma)

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