Chapter 113: One Month Vacation (Attack Plan, And The Real Soma)
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“…And, that’s the end of our report”(Soma)








After returning back to the surface, Soma and his party went straight to Leona and asked her to assemble all the higher-ups of the town. Including those responsible for managing the town resources and those responsible for managing the layout of the town. Leona concluded that the information that Soma gained from his investigation must be serious and did as he told her and assembled the people he asked for.


They held a meeting right away, and Soma made his report informing them of everything his party found in the mines up to this point, leaving them speechless.


“So, what’s your plan?”(Soma)


“…no… that’s not the point! You are saying they’re planning to collapse the five mountains on top of us?!”(Leona)


“And what’s this about the resources?! Are you seriously saying that they have been stealing our resources this whole time?!”(Resource Rep)


“….No, to be able to steal five mountains worth of resources and to be able to hollow ‘em as you said, they will need to be doing it for dozens of years if not more!!”(Craftsmen Guild Master)


“…But, how?... how come no one noticed this whole time?”(Dalis)


“…Dear, it just means that there were traitors in this town…no, in this country since longer than what we thought this whole time”(Milin)


“Isn't that a matter of course? For how many years do you think they have been advancing their plans? Aren’t you guys underestimating them a tad too much? They have been doing whatever they wanted for more than ten thousand years, you know!”(Soma)


“…Soma, is right. We have been underestimating them, finding out that we have traitors among us doesn't mean that there have been none in the past. No, it’s more natural to think that there were traitors in the past!”(Leona)


“Soma, so do you have a plan for us? It’s clear to me that we have no chance against them”(Dalis)


“Don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with them since it’s my job to do so, all I need from all of you is to assemble around 30 people with influence and authority in this town to come with us and act as witnesses”(Soma)


“Witnesses? Why?”(Leona)


“In the future, there will be a time when we will need to spread this information, and having people that are trustworthy from the people’s perspective do it will lead to fewer people arguing against it”(Soma)


“Don’t you need people to fight with you?”(Guards’ Leader)


“I alone will do the fighting. Marina, Rimi, and Alice will act as guards for the none fighters…. But, before that. Aion undo the Spirit Possession”(Soma)


{Got it!}(Aion)


All those present in the meeting room were surprised by the sudden voice that replied to Soma. Aion’s voice echoed throughout the room, giving a sense of pressure to all those who heard it. But that was only the start, suddenly a transparent boy suddenly emerged from Soma’s body and stood right next to him. The boy is slightly shorter than Soma and had red eyes, but he had the same white hair Soma has.


That was until they looked back at Soma and realized that the Soma they knew wasn’t there anymore, as the Soma in front of them became different. Soma’s hair and eyes became black, and his face structure slightly changed, but that wasn’t all. Suddenly they were overwhelmed by a strange aura emanating from Soma’s direction.


“Now, I can finally act normally. Holding myself from killing every bastard that’s hostile towards me was beyond stressful. I’ll use this case as a chance to let loose, none of you is allowed to fight”(Soma)


Soma said that with a faint smile on his face, sending shivers down everyone’s collective spines. At that moment, everyone in there instinctively knew that they should never, ever, provoke Soma or act with hostility towards him.