Chapter 119: Third Quarter (Back To The Academy, VS Soma)
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The first to make a move was Soma, but as he started walking towards the students Anolan dashed in front of him, a great shield that covers his whole body and more in hand separating him from Soma. Anolan didn’t stop only at that but continued to run at Soma bringing his mass as a quarter-bearman with him intent on clashing with Soma in effort to knock him back. Soma saw that and instead of blocking or dodging Anolan, he instead held his sword diagonally sideways and sled it against the great shield and used the momentum of the pushing Anolan to push himself to the side instead.


Soma was intending to circle behind Anolan, but a long sword came lunging at him from right behind Anolan, it was Rimi. The moment Anolan started running, she slipped behind him and readied herself to stop Soma from circling behind Anolan. Seeing the long sword coming in his direction, Soma jumped backwards, and seeing that, Anolan stopped and jumped back to his initial position.


With that, the fight returned to square one, or so it seemed. Soma swiftly dodged the twin swords coming at him from behind by stepping to the side and kicked Nad who managed to use the exchange with Anolan and Rimi to slip behind Soma and station himself slightly behind Soma’s starting position. Nad blocked Soma’s kick by crossing his twin swords in front of his chest and used the kick to distance himself from Soma not before throwing a small Water Crystal at Soma’s feet.


The Water Crystal emitted light and started spraying water at Soma’s eyes the moment he looked down at it. Soma evaded the water spray by moving his head, but at that moment four daggers and two short spears came at him from above. The four apemen brothers were walking in the sky, two holding daggers in each hand and two holding short spears, and using those they attacked Soma from above.


Soma crouched down and then dashed forward at Anolan, evading the four brothers’ attacks. Reaching right in front of Anolan, Soma kicked the great shield back towards Anolan crushing him with his own shield. Right after that, Soma jumped to the side to evade the arrow coming at him from behind Anolan, and right after that he used Earth Magic to raise the ground up towards him who was in the middle of his jump and used it as a scaffold to jump again to evade the Earth Spears set in place at his landing place by David.


The direction Soma jumped to was towards David and Alice behind him, but on his way he encountered the magic launched at him by the back liners Zac, Zeek, and Emma. Water Spear by Zeek, Lightning Bolt right after it by Zac, and a continues stream of Fire Arrows right after. Soma used his sword sideways to smack the Water Spear instead of slashing it, splashing it backwards at the Lightning Bolt coming after it. The Lightning Bolt collided with the water splash, causing a steam explosion to occur, covering Soma from sight. Emma’s Fire Arrows bolted into the steam cloud and came from the other side, proving that they didn’t hit anything in there. Seeing that, Emma stopped shooting them, and right after Soma came down from the sky and landed right behind the three back liners and in a swift motion knocked them out.


The steam cloud dissipated, revealing a stone pillar in the middle that was slightly slanted towards the three back liners.


“Four down”(Soma)


And from that point onwards it turned into a melee with Rimi trying to be the tank in place of Anolan but failing to do so because of the lack of the proper equipment and experience.


Alice trying to cover for her classmates with arrows, but failing because of her lack of speed.


David trying to assist Nad, Rimi, and The Four Brothers with mid-range Magic and his Spear-Staff but failing due to there being too many front liners in the fray making it difficult for him to not hurt them.


Nad trying to utilize his speed but failing due to the fact that Soma is faster than him.


The Four Brothers trying to utilize their martial arts and many Magic Tools, but failing due to the fact that they don’t have enough strength to pull off their martial arts properly. Along with the fact that their Magic Tools not operating for a long enough time for them to be useful in a fight against a person.


“…They are quite the impressive fighters, they lack experience, but with time they will shine brilliantly”(Leona)


“The Magic of those three at the back was timed perfectly, and the elements they used were also in the right order to strengthen one another. In terms of actual combat, they are better than the Magic Class students”(Milin)


“For me, it was their coordination that impressed me the most. They have a good grasp on what everyone can do, and they are able to minimize the obstruction they may cause to each other in a group fight like this. But, I hope by the end of this Academic Year they are able to maximize their coordination rather than minimizing the obstruction they are causing to each other”(Dalis)


“! Well then, it seems like the seed that Soma planted three days ago is finally bearing fruit. Our guests are here”(Leona)