Chapter Ten: Big Things Are Coming!
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Okay, let us make a quick recap of where things started…….


We were in school and all the class had fallen asleep. I wake up and saw two angels who were telling me to go with them. And I complied and went with them only to find I was standing in front of God. Telling me about his evil devious to make life somewhat better. God then clicks his fingers, and I am spawned into an arena. Each arena had different monsters I had to face. There were also a wide variety of weapons to choose from. I chose my weapons carefully. Fast forward to when Alicia had entered the arena to face the same monsters and same choice of weapons. Once we had defeated all the monsters in the arena, we spawned back at the feet of God. Who then told us we were ready and snapped his fingers again only this time Alicia & I spawned at different locations, but we were not the same as we were in the human world? I was a vicious vampire with razor sharp teeth that even cut me, I had a desire and an urge to create an army of vampires who I could call my new family. Alicia spawned into the same world just a different location. She was a beautiful cat girl with a beautiful tail and spectacular fluffy ears. She had the power of ice, like she could literally freeze absolutely anything. Alicia could wield a katana like a pro. No one stood a chance against her. I had turned 4 people but have killed way more people. Anyway, amongst all these new life changes. We encountered numerous amounts of monsters and we just did not understand. why? Alicia had been brutally killed by monsters as she grew weaker and weaker, the monsters did not help her weakness much either. She ran away from a swarm of monsters only to be bombarded by monsters who were quick to surround her, I got to Alicia just as the monsters were about to rip her to shreds. With the help of Brittany and the biker men, I took care of Alicia in her final moments. When Alicia had taken her final breath, I had her cremated and spread her ashes across the frozen river she had frozen. And God had a sneaky trick up his sleeve while I was not finished mourning the death of the one, I loved, a new character had been spawned into play a transgender male named Sam who we learned a little bit about recently, he is an angel from hell but there is more to his background other than what he has told us so far. Okay now, we all caught up. Good! Let us get into Chapter Ten: Big Things Are Coming!

So, we all know that God created this world that we spawned in and filled it with monsters. But why? Why create a world full of humans, supernatural beings but mostly monsters who we must fight off? Is God an evil villain out to make humans extinct? Let us explain God’s backstory a bit.


God is not from the bible just to point that out, he is not human either. There is a secret we do not know about God, what or who is he? Is he an alien? Or is he a supernatural being? Truth be told, we do not know God’s backstory. But something just does not add up with his plan to make the world more interesting but there is more than he may let on. God does not talk much, and it is not because he is not the chatty type. He is a bit of an asshole. 


I am Nancy Cane; I was spawned into this world by the asshole himself. He is a sexist racist motherfucking cunt. I lost the love of my life no thanks to the prick who spawned us in this fucked up world. What the fucking hell is God trying to prove here? Let us not forget to mention that he replaced Alicia while I was still in mourning of my lover’s death. What is God doing while we are stuck on the fucking ground with abilities, we got no say in? Inconsiderate fucking sexist prick? When I find where you are hiding, you’re a worthless pig, I am going to make sure your suffering is as slow as I can make. Oh, how I am going to torture the fucking shit out of you and when I am done torturing you, I am going to cut off your dick and ram it so far up your arse you will not be able to pull it back out. And once I am done with that, I am going to cut every finger off and shove it down your throat and watch you choke on your fingers. Then I will cut off your arms and feed them to your angels. I will then torture you some more before cutting off your legs and gutting you like a fish. Just as I finished my protest a television flickered on and on the screen was God, my stomach began to curdle, and I let out a loud gulp. He looked pissed, not pissed as in drunk but pissed as in fucking mad. He looked lost for words, even his angels standing on each side were so scared they hid behind God’s throne. I look up at the screen and say “What even are you? You’re not even human”! God looked me dead in the eyes and said, “I am God-” I cut him off “” Yeah, yeah, yeah. We get it! Your God, now cut the crap and tell us what you really are and where you are hiding so I can proceed with my plans I have for you.” He then begins to look a little lost and lost for words that the screen flickers off and I now sit in dead silence.


Just as I begin to sit in silence, the ground begins to rumble but there are no volcanoes nearby. Could it be an earthquake of some kind? Suddenly, the ground breaks and an enormous Godzilla sized monster shoots up from the ground. It opens its mouth and little monsters came running out with swords, katanas, guns, fists raised, bow and arrow & crossbows. I let out a little chuckle because these monsters were so tiny and cute but as soon as one attacked me that was the end of the road for that little guy. I kicked that little guy so fucking far his blood and guts splatted all over a brick wall. Looks of disgust appears on my face just then Brittany appeared, I look at her and say, “Better late than never”! She turns to me and says, “Can’t you save the pep talk for later, we have bigger problems to worry about.” I turn to her and reply “And smaller problems too.” She lets out a huge sigh and gives a sarcastic smile and runs off to tackle the big monster. “WE NEED MORE HELP”!  Just as this was been said, the biker dudes showed up and so did Sam. Okay, this time only I was glad to see Sam only because we needed all the help we could get. We gave this gigantic monster all that we had, and it was just not budging. I want to go back to my normal life where everything was sort of normal. God then spawned down more supernatural beings to fight alongside us even though we knew God had been behind this attack as well. He is not who he says he is. The enormous monster spat out more tiny monsters only these monsters WERE NOT tiny at all. And they were more powerful than the last batch. This batch of not so little cunts were absolutely no match for our powers combined. Soon the not so little cunts had splattered everywhere, I was covered in blood and guts. It was not pretty. Sooner or later the gigantic monster had been beaten. I planted a C4 onto its stomach, we all ran and hid behind what we could. The C4 blew the not so gigantic monster to pieces. It had begun to rain blood and guts; everyone was covered in blood. After this fight we all headed on down to the local pub for drinks in celebration but the supernatural beings who were spawned to help us, started to fade, and soon were gone. But we had stayed put. No fading, no disappearing for us. We finished our drinks and headed home. Just as we got up and began walking towards the door, I noticed a pretty girl that I could have sworn looked like Alicia, but it was not because she was gone. I go to walk up to her but as I draw closer to her, she gets up so quickly that she flips her seat upside down, breaks a leg off it and holds it close to my heart. “Can I help you, miss? Looks of worrisome grow upon my face and my deadbeat heart races so fast I could have sworn I felt it jump out of my body and ran away. I stutter a bit before my words finally come out. “I-I-I-I was just walking on up to you, just to say hello and introduce myself. T-t-t-t-t-t-That’s all”! She removes the wooden chair leg from my heart and pulls up another chair for herself to sit on and throws the other one in the opposite direction. She then grabs a second chair which I believe was for me. She looks up at me, her eyes glaze into mine for a while she goes to speak “Please, miss. Have a seat.” I sit on the chair and introduce myself “I’m Nancy Cane, I am a vampire.” She looks stunned. “I’m Heather Jane, I am human.” Heather and I sit at the pub for hours, nonstop talking to one another, laughing together. I know I have not been myself since Alicia’s death but talking to Heather made me realise that maybe it is time to move on with life and allow Alicia to rest in peace. I take Heather home with me. On the walk home I explained to Heather that I lost my partner, and she was so understanding of me, it actually warmed me inside. I have not felt this good in so long I forgot what it felt like. I introduce Heather to Brittany and the biker men. They seemed happy that I was happy and myself again. I don’t know what it is about Heather that makes me feel good, maybe it is the fact she is a bit like Alicia, but no one could be like her or replace her.