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I am the one who stands his ground, my vices laid bare, but my path still lies clear. My will is strong, untouched and unswayed by the dust and wind of this mortal world. Gleaming, I walk forward, twisting horrors abound, reaching out to me from every side around. Glistening and moist, flesh as dark as the night, pulsating and writhing as they seek to drag me into their endless embrace. Parting gaps of the distorting limbs give glimpses of endless riches and unsavoury desires, the dreams and desires of many and all can be obtained by a slick embrace. Yet my vices to me are clear, I am already deeply aware of all that taints my steps, and my ambitions litter the ground with tainted flesh.

Unbarred my path is clean, nothing and no one to step on, nothing to reap or attempt to betray me. With clouded eyes and deceptive minds those who try will become a step to take, no wall can appear in this place. Straight I look with my eyes free, I will let no blemish be a restraint on me. Through corpses I climb, on graves I made, though fair of foul I make my way. All is right and nothing is wrong unless it seeks to stop me, it is then that I create a storm. Unlimited and endless my desires break free of all common sense and cultural restraints, these societal constraints will never hold me.

Through scorn that burns, envy that seeps, wrath that stinks of unhidden jealousy, unpleasant greed that is the underlying motivation of individual means. Eyes stare out, the blackened limbs along my path sprouting hundreds and thousands of them. Like fire that licks at my soul, they glare at my every step and watch for the slightest of faltering shakes. Ready to whip out and rip me from my path, the creatures tilt ever impending to mark my way and forever halt my stride. Under my supercilious gaze  slavering mouths start to gap, a choice made in obvious manner as mouth and eye alike betray avaricious thought.

Unhindered by the demands of others and clear on my wants, I prepare to rip and tear away the masks of social pleasantries. Of my thoughts I display them proud, no longer hidden I stand apart with a strong of mind and heart. Steps sound loud with the slap of leather on stone, the crowd pressed close with not a whisper to be heard. Slow as the rising of the tide, unseen and pervasive chanting built up amid the throngs.

‘Rise. Rise. Rise and set free. Rise. Rise. Rise and bring release.’

Tendrils seeking to grasp, not to stop or hinder. Yearning to be dragged along my path, pursuing the path but unable to walk upon it alone. A strong leg which they can hold, a crutch to grasp, the tree to shelter under which the storm they fear rages around. Falter not, pristine and untouched, I shall escape this mortal world and ascend with an immortal heart.