The Woman of my Dreams
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This is the first time I've tried to write any kind of erotic story. I'm not super-confident in the end result, but I figure that you've got to start somewhere. So please be kind, I'm new at this and kind of nervous. This chapter is purely setup anyway; nothing sexual until part two.

I groaned and did my best to cover the thinning spot on my head with loose hair. It was about time for a haircut, but I promised myself myself that I'd go through with this today. I'd chickened out twice before.

She wouldn't mind the hair, would she? No, of course not. Right?

“It's alright, you've got this,” I told my reflection, adjusting the collar of my button-down.

I really needed to lose some weight too. Twenty-five was way to young to have a dad bod, but late night beer was doing a number on my body. Maybe if today went well, I could channel that confidence into finally getting into shape.

Too bad there was nothing to be done about me being a measly five-foot-seven. My younger brother was over six feet! Why not me?

“You're stalling, Adam,” I told my reflection.

He sighed in sync with me.

Stepping over a pizza box, I grabbed the key to my apartment and slid it into my pocket. I'd clean up the apartment later. Tomorrow, maybe.

Her apartment was on the same floor, just down the hall. My palms were sweaty and I had to wipe them on my pants. I ended up standing outside the door for a while. More than one person walked by me before I finally got up the courage to knock.

The door opened to reveal a tall, blond woman with dark roots and steely gray eyes. There was a small scar on her cheek, but I'd never had the courage to ask where it was from. Once she saw that it was me, the confused look she wore gave way to a frown.

“Adam,” she said, “I'm surprised to see you.”

“Hi, Ivy,” I replied quietly, “Um, can I come in?”

For a moment, Ivy looked like she was going to shake her head. My heart almost stopped. Then she shrugged and stepped back. I sighed in relief and shuffled inside.

“How are you?” Ivy asked.

“I'm good. Okay. Fine.”

I took a seat before she could offer and glanced around. This place was almost spotless. Truth is, I was a little out of place next to a wide-screen TV and a stained-glass coffee table. Ivy was someone with her life in order. It was one of her more admirable traits.

Clearing my throat, I gestured to an empty spot on the couch beside me. Ivy shook her head and just folded her arms. My heart sank and I looked down.

“What brings you here?” she asked me.

“I just wanted to say hi,” I muttered, wringing my hands a little.

“Did you... need something?”

“No,” I assured her, “No, it's just... I... oh Hell. Ivy, would you go out with me?”


She hadn't even hesitated.

“I'm sorry,” she continued, “But I'm really not interested.”

My world was crashing down around me. How could I be so stupid? A beautiful girl like her, interested in me? A complete nobody?

No, hold on.

Fuck that.

I was not a nobody!

“You know what?” I said, standing up, “What is wrong with you? I came over here, hat in hand, and you just blow me off like that?”

“I'm not interested,” she repeated, scowling, “If you're going to be rude about it, then just leave.”

“What the Hell, Ivy?” I asked, “I just wanted you to give me a chance. Is that too much to ask for? What exactly are you looking for that I don't have?” I snorted. “It's just because I'm overweight, isn't it?”

“Trust me: I don't care about that.”

“Oh, but you do,” I insisted, circling around her, “Icy Ivy, too stuck up to know when she's got a good thing practically handed to her.”

Ivy's nostrils flared at the cruel nickname the other tenants had given her. For a moment, I paused. Had I pushed her too far? No, she definitely had that coming.

Then she turned and started walking toward the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” I demanded.

I followed her at a safe distance, but all she did was pick up a bowl of sweets and start walking back to me.

“Here,” she said, holding the bowl out toward me, “Have one. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I apologize.”

I raised an eyebrow, but my hand was already reaching for the bowl. Since I was going to start a diet tomorrow—or maybe the next day—I could certainly afford it. If this was how she apologized, who was I to reject her peace offering?

“Thank you,” I said, unwrapping the candy and popping it into my mouth.

Ivy flashed me a little smile, and my heart melted a bit. She gestured for me to follow her back to the couch while I chewed and swallowed. As soon as I sat down, however, a sharp pain ran through my gut.

“Oh...” I said, “I think I've eaten too much today.”

“You'll be fine,” Ivy insisted, sitting down next to me without getting close enough to touch, “Look, the reason I don't want to go out with you is because I'm actually a lesbian. I'm not into guys at all.”

It was like she'd punched me in the gut. A lesbian? So there was never any chance for us, then? God, I was such an idiot.

Then I doubled over in pain and clutched my stomach.

“Oh shit,” I muttered, “I'm going to be sick.”

“No, you're not,” Ivy said coolly, “Not all over my carpet.”

“I need the bathroom,” I whined.

“No, don't move.”


I held still. Something in her voice, the way she'd commanded me to hold still, kept me in my place. A tingle ran up my spine and the pain in my stomach seemed to pass.

When I pulled my hands away from my stomach, they looked weird. My fingers were thinner and the skin was smoother and softer. I glanced at Ivy, who just raised an eyebrow and stood up.

“Stay there,” she ordered, “I'm going to make myself a drink.”

“Okay,” I mumbled, lying down on the couch.

I buried my head in my hands, but realized quickly how smooth my cheeks were. Where was my stubble? I hadn't shaved in two days.

Curling up, I took a deep breath. My vision was blurry. There was hair in my eyes. I needed a haircut, but not this badly.

“What's going on?” I asked, wiping away the sweat from my face.

There was a mirror hanging from a wall nearby. I forced myself to my feet with a groan and stumbled over, nearly toppling over the coffee table. It took a while to get the tears from my eyes and see my image clearly.

I cried out a little, but covered my mouth. It wasn't my reflection looking back at me. Soft, light brown hair flowed down in waves to my shoulders. My face was soft and round, not the chiseled family jawline that was my one good feature. Even my eyebrows had been plucked by some phantom hand.

My entire body felt like it was on fire. My clothes were hanging off me loosely. I hadn't lost any weight, but it seemed to be moving. My thighs were thicker. I still had love handles, but they were smaller. My stomach wasn't the beer belly it normally was.

I looked... almost plush.


My heart sank and I turned around. Ivy was standing there with two glasses of white wine. She had been taller than me to begin with. Now she towered over me. Her eyes were dark and narrow, and she flared her nostrils.

I asked, in the smallest voice I could, “What did you do to me?”

“I told you to stay on the couch.”

A surge of fear shot through me, and I covered my mouth with my hands. I'd disobeyed her. I hadn't meant to do that. Was she angry? Was she disappointed?

“I'm sorry,” I stuttered, then walked past her.

My pants were too long for me now and I almost tripped twice. They were too tight at the hips, though. All my clothes felt wrong in some way or another. And they were so rough and scratchy. How had I put up with this for so long?

“Take this,” Ivy said, passing me a glass of wine once I was sitting, “It'll make it easier to cope with what's happening.”

I finished the glass in one long chug. When I came up for air, I swear that Ivy smirked. My own cheeks started burning. The way she looked at me... the warm feeling in my gut wasn't just alcohol.

“A while ago,” Ivy started, strolling around the living room, “I noticed that guys didn't respond well to me simply telling them that I was gay. It made me think: if they don't respect women enough to treat them as equals, I needed to teach them a lesson. So I commissioned these candies from a sorcerer.”

She stopped in front of me. I'd curled up into a little ball with my legs beneath me. Ivy placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. I writhed a little, just on reflex. She smirked at my discomfort, and I groaned.

“You're going to spend a few days like this. A firsthand understanding of what women actually go through will be good for you. Maybe if you're lucky, it'll show you what women really want from the men in their lives.” Her smirk widened. “Of course, you're going to need a new name.”

I whined softly, but didn't open my mouth.

Ivy continued, “Adam. First man. Not Eve. You're not a stripper. Well, I guess you could be. You have a few days like this. Eve, Eve, Eve, Pandora. Mythical figure. Dora. Dorothy? No, I don't want a name that ends in a Y. I know.”

She sat down on the couch, just barely touching me. Then she finished her glass and sat it down on the coffee table. I was still clutching my empty glass in my hands. Ivy took it from me and sat it down next to her own.

Then she tapped me on the noise with her finger, causing me to blink in surprise.

“You'll be Dot. Perfect for a scrumptious little thing like yourself.” She chuckled to herself, then leaned back and asked, “Any objections?”

Everything was happening too quickly. Dot? Was that my name now? I squeezed my legs together, then groaned. My manhood was gone, completely. There was nothing left. I really was just a girl now.


My vision blurred from tears.

“I don't want to be a girl!” I cried, tears streaming freely down my face.

“Oh, baby,” Ivy cooed, leaning closer, “Girls have way more fun than guys. And you're so cute. You don't even know how attractive being soft and small makes you.”

Her smile faltered for a moment, but then Ivy cleared her throat and stood up.

“Ironic, isn't it?” she asked me, “You came here to ask me out, and now we could actually hook up with you like this.” She laughed. “Of course, I'm never on the bottom, and your sensibilities as a man mean that you probably wouldn't tolerate being topped by a woman.”

“Topped by a...?”

I took a deep breath as my face started to burn. Ivy was already taller than me. I imagined her pushing me down onto the couch with a firm hand, stripping my shirt and pants off...

Even in this body... no, especially in this body...

When did it get so warm in here?

“See, you're embarrassed already,” Ivy said, in the tone of someone trying to convince themselves, “I mean, seriously, would you really want to have sex with me? The way your body is now?”


I hadn't even hesitated.

Ivy's mouth dropped open. It took her a moment to regain her composure. When she did, she looked as if she'd swallowed something by accident. I started to squirm. Had I scared her?

“Sex with me?” she asked, “As a girl? You want that?”

I nodded.

“And you're okay with being on the bottom?”

I nodded again, more vigorously.

“No,” Ivy said, mostly to herself, “That can't happen. They can't change someone's personality... unless...”

She grabbed me by the shoulders and locked her steely gray eyes onto mine.

“Adam, are you a sub?” she asked.

“What's that?” I asked.

“Do you want to be dominated?” Ivy asked, more forcibly this time.

“I don't know what that means,” I replied, trying to make myself even smaller.

“It means...” Ivy stood up and started pacing. “I mean... I'd tell you what to do. How to pleasure me. When you're allowed to touch yourself. I'd be making the rules and you'd follow them. Not because you have to but because you want to. Because you like it more than just regular sex.”

She stopped and turned to face me, her own expression one of worry.

“That... sounds like...” I blushed, even harder than before. “That sounds kind of fun.”

Ivy didn't wait another moment. She grabbed my arm and pulled me up. It was a little forceful, but I was eager.

“I can't believe this,” I heard her mutter to herself, “I can't believe I'm about to have sex with a guy.”

“Wait!” I said in the smallest voice I could muster.

Ivy stopped and let go.

“You don't want this?” she asked, a little fearful.

“I do,” I said quickly, “It's just...”

My blood was pounding in my ears.

“Can't you call me a girl instead of a guy?” I asked.

The tension melted off Ivy. She nodded, smiling softly, then took me by the hand. Gently, she led me into her bedroom.