Looting and Entering 1
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Jack looked at the notifications on his phone and discovered something new again, or two new things to be more  exact.

"The XP and Gold gained from the killing the bear is indeed huge and it's even higher than the reward for killing the Slime Boss. It won't be long before I level up again."

'Well, it's as they say ; no pain no gain. I was almost killed , but I gained quite the reward.'

"Also the drops are something I've never seen before. Soul stone?Is it something like the Mana stone I gained from killing the Slime Boss? 

 What is it's usage?"

His thoughts continued to churn inside his head for a long time and instead of getting any revelation he only got a headache.

"Doesn't matter what  this soul stone  is used for right now as I have bigger problems on my hand."

He was lying beside the corpse of a black bear that had a big hole right through his head. It's black fur stained crimson from the blood that poured like no tomorrow from it's wound and it's mouth wide open, but drawing breath no longer.

The previous dangerous predator of the forest had now now been turned into roadkill by his own hand.

"I have gained experience, gold and other stuff I would get from killing a monster inside a dungeon, but I'm sure I'm not inside a dungeon.

So does that mean that  animals in the real world give you the same things as the monsters inside the dungeon?Will killing an ant give me XP or Gold? What about a fish or a hundred of fish? If this is true then the possibilities are endless. It's possible , but I have to check it out later. "

Next, Jack turned his attention towards the last notification he received.

[ Loot Black Bear Corpse

'Yes' 'No' ]

' This is also the first time this kind of option has appeared. Should I loot it or not? '

"I'm definitely going to get a headache after this.

'Yes' ."

He selected yes on the prompt and... nothing happened.

"Nothing?! Where is my loot of the bear?"

He was stunned. After he selected yes on looting the corpse of the bear nothing happened.No new notifications , not anything new in his inventory .

"Shit, did I select 'No' by accident?"

 As he was about to double-check  he had the feeling of  falling down. 



Where did it go?"

He voiced the question to no one while laying belly up on the cold hard ground. The bear corpse that he had been leaning against until now had suddenly disappeared into thin air.

"F*ck, this is getting ridiculous. So many strange shit is happening and I've even  fought slimes for some time, increased my stats like a game character and other wired shit , but this..

Jack was so angry he could explode. He felt like a little kid trying to solve the math homework of his older brother in highschool. He didn't understand a thing and so he could only cuss to relieve the stress.

"From a simple episode of Dora the Explorer searching for the shotgun of grandpa it has turned into an episode of Supernatural .What's next huh? Is a dragon going to fly over my head?"

He didn't get an answer and the only thing he heard was the sound of nature.He looked up in fear but fortunately the dragon never came.


"What  is it now!"

[ Corpse of Black Bear has been successfully looted....

Gained Black Bear meat x5... 

Gained Black Bear skull x1...

Gained Black Bear hide x1...

Gained item ' Bears Paw '.... ]

"So this is where the carcass went! It seems that looting the corpse makes it disappear. I thought that it only  happened to slimes as they had no real body , or is it something else entirely?

More shit to think about."


Some time had passed and now the sun hung vertically above the sky.

"It's noon already and I still haven't found the gun. I need to hurry up!"

After looting the corpse of the bear he had decided to move on to the task he had come here for. Although the thought of entering the dungeon he had just discovered was very tempting the risks that it brought was also great. 

"The forest of death huh? That really sounds like a place I would never want to visit."

After careful checking the battle log to see if he had missed anything he discovered that the bear had the status of (Corrupted). What  that ment he was not really sure, but that clearly showed that the bear he fought was not normal.

"Where is that damned gun?"

Right now he was checking the camp where his grandfather was attacked and was looking everywhere for the gun.

He looked and looked around the abandoned camp and while he approached the spot where the attack happened the corner of his eye caught something metallic so he went to see what it was. He crouched down and picked it up and his face lit up.

"So this is where you were.My precious!"

He cleaned  the shotgun a little as it had been in the ground for a while and headed home.

' Please let there be no more unusual shit anymore for today.'


Later that night after giving the shotgun to his grandmother and receiving as a reward a filling dinner that spoiled him rotten, he retreated to his room to think.

"Wild dungeons!


This is getting out of hand. Although I'm improving my strength at a fast speed I still feel this is not going to be enough."

'I can't put my finger on what it is , but I can feel a something on the back of my mind starting to throb as soon as I think about what is going to happen. It's like a suppressed memory that no matter how hard I try it won't surface and the only thing that calms that throb is when I grow stronger.'

"And stronger I will become.I have been given this unique opportunity and I'll make use of it to the fullest because if I won't, someone else will.


He opponed his inventory and took out two things.First was a blue cover book and the other was brown fingerless gloves. He put his hand on the blue book and a prompt appeared in his phone.

[Learn Physicial Damage Reduction?

'Yes' 'No']

' Of course the answer is Yes.'

After he selected yes, a blinding colorful rainbow light blinded him and the skill was learned.

Physicial Damage Reduction                  (Passive)
By the use of Mana reduce the afflicted physicial damage by 2%.

"This is good. More protection for myself , but it seems that all these skills require mana and my Mana is not that high.It seems that I need to figure some way to increase my mana pool without any points or increase my mana regeneration speed.

Now let's see this things effect."

He  then turned his attention towards the fingerless gloves.

             Bears Paw
Contains the strength of a Black Bear.
+2 Strength
+20% Gripping Strength

"Another good one. "

He said those words while smiling like a little kid.


At the same time when Jack learned his skill in a normal looking house the lights were still on and two people's shadows were seen from the window.The streets were calm with no one walking by or any car passing. It was total silence except something was out of place on this quiet summer night. Several black figures were seen sneakily moving under the cover of darkness and in less than a minute they surrounded the house.