Chapter 5
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Author note: I tried writing this chapter in 3rd person, please leave comment if you think it is better than my 1st person writing. Thank you.

Chapter shorter this time as I wrapped it up for Thomas to rest after end of chapter.

As soon as Thomas closed the door, he clenched his fist.

"Fuuck!" He shouted like demon.

"I didn't think he would return after this count. Bastard in sheep clothes."

Thomas was angry and worried, Jeremy at first glance looked like decent man, but he was not.

"He has same hidden cold gleam in his eyes as those shits back in my school."

Thomas fell on his bed as he thinks what might happen now that he met him.

"I must be careful. He is the type to act good, but as soon as you show your back then you are stabbed."

After Thomas fell asleep from all this events, he had a dream of his past.

It was event when Thomas was screwed but, his "friend" watched and even added oil to fire with a grin.



"You there Thomas?"

"Huh? I fell asleep? I should've been thinking about this situation."

Thomas stood and slowly walked to open door.


"Stop knocking! I open. Come in." 

Jeremy walked with a grin on his face.

"What's with that grin? Have you chosen class and all?"

Thomas asked annoyed.

"Yes I did, and I must say it's wonderful!"

Jeremy with even bigger grin walks in and Thomas sees faint lightning coming from his body.

"Is it a cultivation technique? What is your class."

"Haha it is! I chosen Warrior class and learned Thunder God Technique 1st scroll."

Thomas carefully inspects this phenomenon.

"So what does it do?" Asks Thomas in wonder.

"Let's look for a monster and I will show you." He starts walking out.

"Okay, First and two brothers, come take knives from the kitchen." Thomas leads them and shows their new weapon.

"And defend me if someone attacks me, First you keep yourself at distance using your bow."

"Let's go" He walks outside.


"So what have you bought with your money?" Thomas asks carefully.

'I must gather maximum information from him about things other than magic.'

They start walking on the road to the bridge where Wolf monster may be lurking.

'Let's see how he fights that wolf.'

"Maan, I just learned something called, All Weapon Basic Technique. It costs me whole 1 silver, but I feel like I am master of axes."

"What then about your cultivation technique." Thomas asks while checking surroundings.

"Well, on the screen it said that if I practice then my thunder energy increases, and if I increase mastery then I can buy 2nd scroll."

"Interesting, You should fight one monster first and look what that weapon technique does good for you."


Soon Thomas and Jeremy see the bridge.

Jeremy walks faster eager to fight monsters. And when he steps on the bridge he shouts to Thomas.

"Hey I don't see any monsters! Just some blood. Was someone killed here?"

"Some mother with child." Thomas tells him with his head down.

"That's pity" He responds simply like he doesn't care.

"So where are these monst,,Woah!" Just as Jeremy wanted to ask where monsters lay, the wolf Thomas saw before is leaping on Jeremy.

He dodges, albeit by hair strand.

"Now that I'm player I should be able to check it." Thomas focuses on wolf and...


Level 3

Ferocious animal loving tender meat.

"It's level 3, I wonder how strong it is actually?"

Just as Thomas watches as Jeremy axes starts emitting lightning while fighting the direwolf, another one sneaks not far away by the bushes.


"Huh what's that?" Thomas turns and he sees direwolf squatting ready to jump, but just same instant arrow lodges itself into monster.

"Auuu, Auu!" Beast cries but leaps on Thomas even so.

Thomas tries to side step and block with his makeshift spear, but spear breaks in half,  leaving Thomas almost open with half a stick between him and death.

Just as direwolf tries to bite a mouthful of flesh from Thomas, his 2 skeletons finally react.

They stab one each from sides the direwolf as liters of blood spurt from it's wounds.

Thomas seeing opportunity grabs broken part with knife taped and stabs forcefully into the neck of the wolf.

Level up!

As Thomas crawls from under the wolf while skeletons keep it up.

He sees Jeremy.

"You killed the wolf?"

"Yeah, it was hard," He replies soaked in blood.

Thomas looks behind Jeremy and sees direwolf hacked into meatpaste with burns from lightning.

"You know Thomas?" He looks at Thomas.


"I wonder if I get any money and experience if I kill you." His haze gets colder.

"Looks like I was right... Skeletons kill him!"

2 skeletons charges at Jeremy, but one is destroyed in one hack of his axe.

"Don't think those puny undead will stop me! Hahahahah."

"You really are crazy." Thomas says while stepping back.

Arrow from First flies and pierces Jeremy shoulder.

"Argh! Damn! I forgot the archer." He shouts.

His axe starts showing lightning again.

'I don't want to be hit with that.' Thomas thinks as he rises his hand while last melee skeleton is pushed back.

"Dark bolt!" Dark ball of energy materializes and hits Jeremy in the leg.

"Fuck! What was that! You kept from me magic?!" He cries and shouts.

"Conjure Wolf!" Thomas stares in shock as new enemy materializes.

But as soon as conjured wolf becomes physical entity, arrow flies and stucks it's head!

His wolf is dead!

"What! This wasn't supposed to be like this!" He destroys second skeleton and charges.

'Fuck using second bolt, when I'm already dead tired? Shit! I'm dead if I don't use it'

Thomas weakly rises hand and shouts. "Dark bolt"

"Don't think my lightning coated axe can't block it!" He hacks the bolt in the middle!

Thomas fells on knees again.

'I'm done for if I don't do something,'

"Fuck you! Rise SKELETON!" Thomas cries while loosing consciousness.

"Kill that bastard." He shouts while falling, but he menages to see another arrow hitting knee of Jeremy.

Level up!

Thomas wakes up tiredly as he sees another screen.

"I leveled again? Does it mean Jeremy is dead?"

He takes a glance at his surroundings. There he lies, dead Jeremy.

"You earned it you stupid fuck." Thomas spots First standing beside him and no sight of skeleton he just rose.

"I should not trust people I met, let's just avoid these for now if possible."

"So Jeremy managed to kill even the new skeleton? Cockroach."

He stands up. Looking at not too far off minced meat of direwolf he walks there.

"After loosing consciousness I regained some energy, One spell should be okay."

"Rise skeleton." Minced meat evaporates and hurricane forms undead.

"You, take this body and follow me." Thomas points at Jeremy.

"First, We killed 2 boars before, now wolf and Jeremy, You should've leveled at least once, right?"

He walks close to First and focuses on his lights in eye sockets.

"Let's round his stats up."

Status Window

Name: First

Level: 3  Class: Skeleton Archer  Race: Skeleton

Strength: 1.0  Agility: 1.5

Vitality: 1.0  Spirit: 1.2

Bonus Attributes:

Skeleton Archer +0.5 agility


"Now, what about me? Status."

"Let's wrap it up, Whew."

Status Window

Name: Thomas

Level: 4  Class: Necromancer  Race: Human

Strength: 1.4  Agility: 1.8

Vitality: 1.4  Spirit: 2.0

Bonus Attributes:

Necromancer +1 spirit +1 agility

Money: 11c

"Not enough money to buy another bow with quiver." Thomas drops his head down.

"About 4 levels to have decent stats." Thomas gazes at his undead and says. "Let's go home."

One man, one dead body, two undead walk home after hard battle.

It's time to rest and prepare for even greater enemies.