Ch 4. Silkworm of Fate
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Something seemed off with how the monster had died. Surely slipping on a worm and dying was a highly unusual cause of death, with how Ray had just gotten over a death defying feat of luck with the lottery, he could only suspect that his luck was finally starting to turn around.

"Help..." his summoned worm sent him a mental message pleading for assistance. Appearing to still be stuck and solidly flattened on the sole of the now deceased, and formerly obese goblin's bare foot.

The worm appeared utterly useless, but it was his summoned familiar after all. And even if it couldn't help him directly, by its presence alone he felt it had somehow aided him. His lucky worm. Peeling the worm off, only to have it urge to be placed back onto the body. The worm's insastiable appetite driving it to consume yet another goblin's body, albeit very slowly. Yet again, he left the worm to its business, continuing with the rest of his shopping trip and loading up his civic with the carts of food he had managed to gather.

Back at his apartment, Ray stocked his cabinet and fridge with what he had pilfered. Feeling the excitement of the day fade away only to be replaced with weariness and a gnawing sense of hunger. A sense of pessimism encroaching his mind and his newfound attitude, thoughts of gloom and doom, thoughts of what would happen if nobody else returned? What if he was all alone? Forever?

The microwave dinged. His meal was ready. Ray abandoned his negative thoughts while chewing threw the first of three microwave dinners.


"Did my attitude just change?" Ray couldn't help but notice again the wide swings he had just experienced in mood. The carefree feelings of positivity and adventure he had felt during the day had gone away gradually, that is until he had gorged himself again. Rather than slipping into depression over the situation he faced, it felt more like he had suddenly become a lot more realistic. Like how he would have normally reacted to the situation. Odd.

In that moment the mark on his right hand shone unexpectedly; the grey and earth-toned worm appearing from thin air onto the remainder of his dinner.

"Master... just as I feed... you must also feed..." The worm sent out mental messages, slowly, just as it inched along the edge of the plastic-wrapped frozen dinner.

"I didn't think you could do that. Don't have I to summon you?" Ray remarked, watching his worm familiar with interest, finding that it now seemed to have a thin iridescent colored thread wrapped around the small of its body, something that was not there before.

"We are one... worms of fate... eaters of fate... you must feed or the power fades... you must have felt it."

"What powers? And where did you get that silk from, the one around your body." Ray asked the worm, noticing how it seemed to be proudly displaying the rainbow colored-thread, almost tempting him to reach out and grab at it.

"Worms of fate... make... silk of fate..." The worm's body undulating with each syllable.

"Silk? So you're a silk worm? And what about the powers?" A little curious that the worm prioritized answering questions about the silk before questions about his own powers.

"Powers... your powers... of fate..."

"Like with the goblin slipping? That was my power?" Getting the feeling now that the small worm was nodding at him affirmatively.

"Well, that's really something then. I really do have a lucky worm. What's more is that I'm taking advice from it." He felt like the worm wanted to respond but was holding its tongue, if it even had a tongue.

Moving the worm from atop its perch on his microwave dinner over the countertop he continued on with finishing the third meal of the night, finding that the worm seemed equally pleased with his choice. He needed to eat.

So far it was just the two of them, but something told him that no matter what happened they would both be perfectly alright. Each bite filling him with confidence. Meals complete, goblins killed, and now safe back at home, Ray felt today had been a tremendously productive day for him. And along with that success came a nagging desire for sleep. Early to bed, early to rise, after all.

Integration (medium) difficulty  has concluded. Participants are now being returned to your reality.

That's certainly going to make things interesting.

The news hardly phased Ray, who was already changed into his pajamas at this point. Brushing his teeth as if nothing important had happened at all. 

"Goodnight worm." Ray paused at the door of his bedroom, "would you like for me to leave the lights on?" He asked the silkworm, who just sat silently on the table where he had left it. 

"Suit yourself." Ray shrugged nonchalantly. Flipping the light-switch and leaving the kitchen in total darkness.

And just as the night before, he had a wonderful sleep. Completely undisturbed by any worldly worries.