44. Passage of Time
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44. Passage of Time

He was a recluse for some time with these children, each did his best to assimilate as much energy as possible. Cuau had evolved to become a magical creature, when she evolved she gained a magical affinity that turned out to be illusion. She doesn't know how she acquired this particular element, izel had already learned about izel's race, but he hadn't discovered anything in particular that could explain this. She could also reduce her size which was very practical so that she could always stay with her master. Necalli on his side did not manage to evolve yet, being much younger he lacks a lot of energy to do so. For him it doesn't bother him because his big sister always protects him, being more discreet in a city than a giant eagle he is never really bothered in the cities.

Izel had managed to surpass the third rank, which means that compared to other humans these cells are three times denser, but they are also three times better than basic human cells. That sense was better, it surprised him when he reached the third rank because he heard things he couldn't hear before. A lot of time was useful to get used to all these new sensations, his strength was improved as well. These muscle fibers being three times denser, it makes him gain in strength, endurance, but also his resistance which is much higher than a human. In this big room with these children, izel had taken a big step to become an advanced sorcerer, this allows him to ask for permission to go to the mine or to the kingdom that is connected to the portal.

By the time he managed to get used to all these improvements, he left the room. A year has passed since he went back to prison, his beard had started to grow, his hair has become much longer. He should go to the hairdressers as soon as possible because he doesn't like his hair like that, short hair is much more practical in everyday life. The first thing he wanted to do is to go to see otr, then go to the association to know the news of the war with the asgardians. Nobody came to see him during this year so he deduced that nothing important happened, he could not be sure before going to see the wise men. Otr is not in the hostel, izel looked for him for about ten minutes without result, he left a message to his father to tell him that he was out of training.

When he arrived in front of the administrative building of the association, he saw the attendant in charge of the reception and asked him:
''Hello, excuse me for disturbing you, do you know if the wise akir is present?'"
"Hello, he's here, he's in his workshop."
"Thank you very much, I'll go to his workshop."

The wise akir was the person he considered as his master in the association, this man is the sage of enchantments, the best of his domain in the citadel. He had taught him a lot since he had landed in this city, a very far-sighted man but who could get lost in his search. Some ten meters later he was in front of the door of the workshop, he knocked on the door and a voice answered "Hello who is there? izel answered directly "It's izel your apprentice" he allowed him to enter. His master was in front of his workbench, a strange piece of metal is in front of him. He and his master began to talk:

"So izel, you've finished your training, did it go well?"
"Yes very well master, I've managed to advance to the next level."
"Very good, I'm proud of your progress."
"I didn't come here just to tell you this, I'd like to know what news there is about the war."
"A lot has happened, first thing, a battle took place near the capital."
"Okay, who won that battle? And is there any other news? ”
"To start the battle did not involve many fighters, I think it was a test of the defenses. The capital's defenses are strong so it was, the king didn't even need to intervene."
"Well, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, How's the association annex near the gate coming along?"
"Oh yes, that annex, it's been finished for a year, the duke and the association wanted to reward you for it, you'll surely be summoned for a private ceremony to give you something for what you discovered."
"I don't like things too formal, but I have no choice."

The discussion continued, izel also asked him what he was working on. When his master told him what he was working on, izel was fascinated by his master's invention and especially by the metal he uses. The metal he used for this artifact was Uru metal from Asgardian, this metal had a conductivity with impressive magic. The two men talked about this metal for ten minutes, his master told him that he wanted to create an object that deploys an energy shield in a circle, the shield would look like a normal shield but with energy. This object would be a bracelet that would activate when the user infused energy into it, a shield would appear on the user's arm. To akir the metal was precious only to create objects with complex rune arrangements that are of very high rank, in other words the metal was not very useful to him because he did not fight, the only purpose of his life is to search for new enchantments.


At the end of this discussion izel to wait where to go to the library to find a book on the rifts, if they manage to find it he will discover maybe a way to travel between the nine kingdoms. Someone must have made a map of the rifts that people have discovered. On the index no results were indicated to him but a map of the library told him to go to the cartography and discovery section. In this section many different books were present, books that have the maps of all the visited territories. By dint of his research he finally found a book that represents all the faults mapped by the magic adepts, of the faults indexed there were twenty-two. Some led to worlds outside the nine kingdoms like sakaar, an info about sakaar was indicated on this book, a planet that was the garbage can of the universe, many wormholes led to this planet. A rift led to midgard, so it is possible to return home at some point, he would have to pass through the realm of the light elves to access this rift. This will be his next journey, not to return home right away but to learn from the elves.