Ch 91. Cloak and Stechkin
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Two people in cloaks hurried down a street.

It was just past the noon, and every grandmother, housewife, and local worker just had to be out here, on the street. This feeling was both nostalgic, and irritating.

Watch where you’re going, a*hole!

Shut up, fool! If I miss the sale, we’ll come back to kick you senseless.” One of the people showed a fist to a passerby, and hurried after his partner.

Yesterday their orders were changed, and they had to prioritize completely different things. This morning they heard of a fight on one of the backstreets. The GRU operatives were getting restless, since their search for the local resistance were finally yielding some clues, and those clues were getting colder with every wasted moment.

However, what was not getting colder was their blood. Everything contributed to their irritation: the bustling streets, the hurry, and the constant watches that were outright trying to find fault with anyone.

Even now that the operatives were crossing a small marketplace, they could clearly see enemy soldiers patrolling everywhere. And should they be discovered, every plan will go to waste.

A part of the master plan is to rile up the city, and prepare the ground for a rebellion. Just like in the previous siege. A simple, yet elegant solution, if not for the fact that the citizens appeared to be satisfied with everything, and thus the small resistance cells would be the only chance to start something up.

The operatives have no idea what can make the city get mad at the enemies, so they can either slowly sabotage everything and risk discovery, or do it the simple way by finding a resistance cell.

“This should be the place.” Rapier 4 cautiously approached a lamp post where were hanging several civvies, and by which there were traces of blood.

It was near a back alley, which is usually used to dispose of garbage of the fancy shops facing the street. This is the place where few people walk, and where it is possible to kill somebody without attracting much attention.

The operatives drew the pistols from under the cloaks, and cautiously proceeded down the back alley.

Soon they saw a group of men, guarding some sort of a stash by one of the shops. The men saw the operatives too.

Even though the guns were facing the footpath, the operatives were ready to open fire any moment.

One of the men stepped forward, and raised his hands.

What do you need here, guys?” (M)

A problem arose: how the hell are they supposed to find out about the resistance, when they don’t even believe the citizens support them. A wrong word, and things would go south.

We’re searching for some people.” (R3)

Oh wow. You came to the wrong place, weirdos. This is not your neighborhood.” The other men started picking up clubs and other makeshift weapons.

In our neighborhood you can’t find trustworthy guys.” (R4)

And you believe you can find some here?” The man at the front chuckled, before drawing a short sword.

Light those f*s up, if they get closer.’ Rapier 4 whispered to his partner, and took the gun off the safety.

We don’t look for trouble. We just…” (R4)

Get the f* away then. I’m feeling generous enough.” (M)

Blood on the stone…” Seeing that the things are already went in the southern direction, Rapier 4 went all in.

The man frowned, but he gestured the others to stop.

You seem to get what I mean.” (R4)

Get. The. F*. Away.” The man showed cut-throat, and took a stance.

We want to kill some bastards.” (R3)

And you ain’t feeling shy to share it?” (M)

We work on the guys outside the wall.” (R4)

Listen, you s*heads, I have no idea what you want from us, so let me be clear. We have our hands tied. Search for someone else.” (M)

Maybe we can reach an agreement?” Rapier 4 holstered the gun, and smiled through balaclava.

The man hesitated, but a woman’s scream from the street helped him decide.

If you are so keen on killing them, then how about you prove it to us? If you can get things done, we’ll do our best to help you. If you can, that is.” The man beckoned the operatives to follow them.

The first contact with the resistance was successful.