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Weeks had passed since the incident at the park, and April was still freaked out. Ever since she found out that Virginia lived in the same building as her, she refused to leave the apartment. Over the past few days, April had done nothing but binge watch tv shows on Netflix, all while Pete went off to work. Understandably, Pete was deeply concerned. 

It was on the twentieth day of April’s self imposed isolation that Pete had seen enough. He was getting ready for work when he noticed April sitting on the couch, awkwardly swaddled in a quilt as she watched Mystery Science Theatre 3000... at eight in the morning. “Um, April, are you alright?” he asked in a concerned tone. “You haven’t left the apartment in awhile. Is this about Virginia?” “What? No, no, I’m perfectly fine, really,” April said in reply as she huddled up the blanket tighter. “I’m just catching up on my shows. I haven’t even thought about the psycho werewolf that wants to kill me.” Growing concerned, Pete said, “Seriously, you really need to stop worrying about this. Virginia isn’t going to kill you.” “I told you I’m not worried about her,” April said nervously. “I’m worried about the... growing crime rate in our neighborhood. We live in a really seedy part of town, y’know.” “Ok, first of all, if Virginia was trying to kill you, hiding in the apartment isn’t going to help because she already knows where you live,” Pete explained as he rolled his eyes. “Second, this is actually one of the nicer parts of town. The most dangerous things I’ve seen around here are an old guy feeding the pigeons, a married couple and their purebred corgi wearing matching sweaters, and a pilates instructor eating kale out of a tote bag.” 

Frowning at this, April retorted, “Alright, fine, you made your point. And yeah, maybe I am afraid of Virginia. I have a right to be afraid of her.” “I know, I know you’re afraid, and I’m sorry you have to live like this,” Pete said with a sigh as he sat down next to his girlfriend. “But we both know it isn’t healthy to be cooped up in here for so long. I’m not saying this to be mean. I’m just worried about you is all. Could you at least try to go out today.” Tightening her blanket, April gave a small smile as she said, “Fine, but only if you come out with me.” “Well, I have to go work today, but sure, that seems fair,” Pete said in reply before giving April a peck on the cheek. “We’ll go out after work. Just try not to go crazy here, alright?” As he got up from the couch and made his way towards the door, he added, “And trust me, you have nothing to worry about. No one is going to hurt you.” 

As he opened the door, Pete was met with an unsettling sight. Standing at the door was a large, imposing man dressed in a trench coat and a fedora, nearly as tall as the doorframe. Between his grey skin and his square shaped silhouette, he practically looked like a giant tombstone and he certainly seemed as friendly as one. In his hands was a medium sized box. The “man” glowered down at Pete, silently staring as he exuded an air of menace. Finally, the creature spoke in a thick, deep Russian accent, asking, “You the boyfriend?” Terrified, Pete meekly squeaked out, “Yes.” Hearing this, the man handed the box to the human and said, “Madam Zola sends her regards.” With that, the man turned around and left, leaving Pete feeling unnerved and perplexed. 

As Pete closed the door, April asked, “Who was it?” “It was some big, creepy Russian guy in a trench coat and a fedora,” Pete explained as he held up the box. “He gave me this though, so that’s something. Said it was from someone named Madam Zola. Friend of yours?” Hearing this, April got up from the couch and said, “Madam Zola? She was my sire. She’s the one that turned me into a vampire in the first place. And she sent Mikhail? Aw, I always liked him. So what did he bring?” Setting the box down on the table and grabbing a pair of scissors, Pete opened the box up, revealing a Nintendo switch. “Oh sweet! She sent my switch over!” April said as she ecstatically grabbed the game system. “I’ve been waiting for her to send this over for weeks. Oh, I have so much catching up to do with this.” Smiling at this, Pete hugged April and said, “Well you have fun with your video games. I’ll be home soon, alright.” With that, he released his grip and made his way towards the door. 

Opening the door, Pete was once again in for a surprise. Standing at the door was a young man in business casual, a white button down shirt with a red tie and khaki pants. Squinting at him, Pete recognized him as Terry. “Oh, it’s you again. Terry, right? The werewolf’s boyfriend?” Pete asked. “I almost didn’t recognize you without the skirt. What’s up?” Looking around nervously, Terry said, “Look, I usually just go to work in the morning and never really stop on any of the other floors, but I feel like I need to talk to you about Virginia.” “What’s the matter?” Pete asked, growing worried. “Well, ever since she got suspended, Virginia’s been going out on weekly hunting trips,” Terry explained. “Apparently she’s been stopping by your place every time she comes home.” Looking confused, Pete asked, “And that’s a problem why? I mean, it’s not like she’s trying to break in or anything, is she?” 

At that very moment, the two men heard the elevator open up. Turning towards the elevator, they were shocked by what they saw. Casually walking into the hallway was Virginia, a large dead deer slung over her shoulders and wearing a red tank top (though in all likelihood, it probably started off as white). The she-wolf slowly strolled down the hall, only to notice that Pete, Terry, and April were staring at her. “I... um... you guys are still here?” Virginia said awkwardly, caught off guard by the others. “Aren’t you usually at work at this point?” Staring on in shock, Pete asked, “Okay, first of all, how’d you manage to get that deer up here without security noticing, and second, have you been doing this every time I’ve been at work?” Smirking at this, Virginia retorted, “Neither of those are your concerns.” 

Staring at the deer carcass, April asked, “So are you just stockpiling dead deer up in that apartment or do you just finish off the one you’ve caught before going out to kill another one?” “Mostly the second one,” Virginia explained. “In fact, I’m collecting all the blood just for you. Think of it as a little peace offering.” Surprised by this, April said in reply, “Really? That’s so nice of you. Thank you.” “Well the deer’s fine. At least she cleans up afterwards,” Terry said in a slightly annoyed tone. “Meanwhile, she leaves a giant bag of almonds just sitting on the counter for weeks. Seriously Virg, why did you buy those things if you’re not gonna eat them?” “I’m just letting them ripen is all,” Virginia said in reply. Rolling his eyes at this, Terry retorted, “More like letting them rot. Seriously, that’s actually dangerous. You know they make cyanide out of bitter almonds, right? They’re insanely poisonous.” When Terry said this, everyone in the hall (except Virginia) grew quiet as they all began to put two and two together. “You... you were going to poison the  deer blood, weren’t you,” April said nervously. “No, no, I’m not going to poison you,” Virginia said with a coy smile. “I was just going to slip in something that’ll help you sleep... forever.” Fed up with all of this, Pete pointed towards his apartment and shouted, “Okay, that’s it. Everyone into the apartment. We’re going to settle this once and for all.” Rolling her eyes, Virginia snarked, “Yeah, that ain’t gonna...” “Just do it!” Pete shouted, clearly having none of it. Taken by surprise by this, the werewolf girl did as she was told and went inside. 

“Inside the apartment, everyone sat around the table, with April and Virginia sitting across from each other while Pete and Terry sat between them. “Alright, now clearly, things have really gotten out of hand lately,” Pete said, acting as mediator between the two. “There’s clearly some bad blood between you two... mostly on Virginia’s part, but still.” “Excuse me!?” Virginia asked incredulously. “What did I do!? She’s the one that got me suspended from my job!” “True, true, but April didn’t do it on purpose. If anything, she’s felt terrible about it ever since,” Pete explained. “Meanwhile, you’ve been terrorizing her for weeks with dead deer, and you’ve been slowly making homemade cyanide from almonds to poison her. I know you’re upset and all, but harassment and threats of murder are not really going to help your case. I mean, aren’t you supposed to be taking anger management classes or something?” “That’s not the point,” Virginia snapped. “The point is, April’s a goddamn vampire. Their kind oppressed my people for centuries and even now, free of their grasp, we still have to put up with their crap.” Looking surprised, April said in reply, “Okay, I’ve only heard snippets about that from my sire every now and then, but I’ve only been a vampire for less than a year. Like, seriously dude, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” When she said this, an awkward silence hung in the air. 

“Right then, let’s settle this once and for all,” Terry said, placing his hands on the table. “Earlier this week, Virginia received a list of exercises from her anger management class, and one of those is to make peace with people she’s had... issues with. I think the best thing to do is for you two to talk things out while me and Pete are at work.” “And just so we’re clear, I’ve had a security camera installed in this place, so don’t get any funny ideas,” Pete interjected. Rolling her eyes, Virginia retorted, “Yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna work, mainly because I really don’t want to do it.” When she said this, Terry placed his hand on her shoulder, looked her in the eye, and said, “Virg, if you don’t do this, you can forget about us having any snu-snu tonight.” Hearing this, Virginia grew nervous, breaking out in a cold sweat. 

“Alright then, we’re gonna be heading off to work,” Pete said as he got up from the table. “I have the security camera going, but if you guys need anything, just give me a call.” “Hey, where exactly do you work?” Terry asked as he got up. “If it’s on the way to my job, we can carpool and I can drop you off there.” “I work as an IT guy at Belcro inc.,” Pete answered. “What about you?” “I work at Belcro inc. too,” Terry said, a little surprised. “I work as an accountant there. Man, this is fantastic. We can have a permanent carpool now.” With that, the two men left the apartment, discussing their jobs all the way. Once their boyfriends had left, Virginia glanced over at April, noticing that she was trying to hold back laughter. “What’s so funny?” she asked in an annoyed tone. Unable to hold it any longer, the vampiress burst in a fit of laughter, shouting, “You guys call it ‘snu-snu’!?” Understandably, Virginia was pissed. 

After the two settled down and a failed attempt at choking out April on Virginia’s part, the two were sitting on the couch, the werewolf slowly quietly scratching a hole in the coffee table as April was busy looking up anger management exercises. “Okay, it says here that one way to deal with anger is to visualize yourself in a calmer state of mind; y’know, like going to your happy place,” April said. “Can you do that? Can you go to your happy place? Do you have a happy place?” Glaring at the vampiress, Virginia simply exhaled and closed her eyes, smiling a bit. “See, you’re doing great,” April said in a supportive tone. “Where’s your happy place anyway?” “It’s right here, actually,” the she-wolf said wistfully. “And you’re there too. In it, I’m slamming my fist so hard into your head, it gets driven into your torso like a whack-a-mole.” 

Looking worried, April said, “Um, alright, maybe we should try something else.” Pulling out a pad of paper and a pencil, and handing it to the she-wolf, she said, “I heard drawing is a good way to relieve stress. Why don’t you doodle something while I go take care of something.” Virginia said nothing, taking the pencil and paper from the vampiress while glaring at her. Feeling nervous, April made her way towards the tv and proceeded to set up her Nintendo Switch. When she had finished, she made her way back towards the couch and sat back down next to Virginia. “Alright, now that that’s been settled, let’s see what you drew,” April said as she settled down. Virginia simply held up the pad of paper, showing a stick figure riding in a plane while dropping bombs on an in indistinct blob. Looking at the drawing, April felt confused as she asked, “Um, okay, is the person in the plane supposed to be you, and if so, why are you bombing a beanbag chair?” “It’s not a beanbag chair,” Virginia answered smugly. “It’s someone with a very fat ass and really pale skin.” 

When she heard this, April had had enough. “God, fine, I give up,” she said, completely fed up. “You want to be angry at me, go ahead. I’ve tried to help you, I’ve told you I feel bad about what happened, and I’m sorry.” “Oh great,” Virginia interjected sarcastically. “Now that I know you’re sorry, that totally makes up for you getting me suspended. That park was my favorite place to be when I turned. I can’t even go there anymore, but hey, at least you’re sorry about it.” “Hey! Do you really think I wanted to do this?!” April shouted. “If anything, I wanted to spend the day playing my Nintendo Switch, not babysitting someone who wants to poison me.” Looking confused, Virginia asked, “What’s a Nintendo Switch?” 

When she heard this, April was legitimately shocked. “Are... are you serious right now?” she asked. “You really don’t know what a Nintendo Switch is? One of the most recent gaming systems that the company’s released?” Unimpressed by this, Virginia answered, “Yeah, I don’t play video games. I haven’t played them since I was nine.” “Oh... my... god,” April said as a smile slowly spread across her face. “Now we have to play the switch! I know the perfect game to play too! You’re gonna love it! It’s called Slappy Fight.” “I’m sorry, Slappy Fight?” Virginia asked, more confused than ever. “Yeah! It’s a real fun fighting game... well, sort of,” April explained. “It’s more of a platformer game with fighting elements, but most people just love it for the aesthetic.” Having said this, the vampiress went over to the Switch and turned it on, saying, “Here, maybe it’ll be easier if I showed you.” 

When the game console sprung to life, April immediately scrolled through her library of downloads before settling on one game. It was an odd looking game, with a bright and cheerful design aesthetic and multiple characters that could be best described as jellybean-like (though one was wearing a floppy dog head on its head). Staring at the screen, Virginia asked incredulously, “This is the game you thought I’d enjoy?” “Yeah, it’s really fun, plus it’s a good way of dealing with stress,” April said cheerfully. Glancing skeptically at the tv, the she-wolf retorted, “And how exactly is playing as one of these chicken nugget-looking characters gonna help me with stress?” “Here, I’ll show you,” April answered as clicked on the “Slappy Fight” icon, opening it up and revealing the title screen and filling the room with a peppy, cheerful tune. 

“Alright, let me explain how the controls work,” April said as she handed Virginia a controller. “Now if you hit that A button, it’ll make your character jump, and if you hit it twice, you’ll double jump. If you want to attack, you hit the B button.  If you hit it up to three times, you’ll pull off a combo. There’s different gameplay modes available, from obstacle courses to king of the hill, but most people prefer the battle royale mode. For now, we’ll just go to practice mode so you can get a feel of the game. I even picked out our characters. See, you’re the dog and I’m the bat.” Looking at the screen, Virginia saw that two of the weird, jellybean-looking characters were selected, one wearing a bat costume and the other wearing a floppy, doofy looking dog head on its head. Scowling at this, Virginia retorted, “Alright, I’ll play your little game, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to enjoy it.” Five minutes later, the two girls were frantically smashing buttons as their characters slapped the crap out of each other. When Virginia managed to knock April’s character off the platform, the she wolf shouted victoriously, “This is the greatest game ever!!!!!” Smiling at this, April quietly said to herself, “Called it.” 

“Hey, do you think we can do that obstacle course thing you mentioned earlier?” Virginia asked enthusiastically. Looking surprised at this, April said, “Really? Sure we can do that, but it’s gonna take a little while to set up. It’s an online feature and it needs to invite other players around us. Luckily, I’ve set it to pick up local signals so it shouldn’t be that long.” “Do it!” Virginia said excitedly. Taken back by this, April did as she was told, a little afraid of what might happen if she refused. After a few minutes, the screen a wide roster of players. Among them was a character dressed as an island named “PraguesVengence”, one dressed as a cat named “PrincessTabby”, another dressed as an alien named “Snerd429”, a player dressed like a tanuki called “TokyoBound”, and a goat-looking player named “GoatVineyard69”. All the players were lined up at the starting line, itching and ready to go. When the countdown reached zero, the race was on. 

The players were running through an intense obstacle course and many were dropping like flies. Some were flung off by obstacles, others were smacked off into the abyss by other players, and some simply missed a jump, falling into the void. Of course, this was a temporary setback, as any fallen players would respawn at the last checkpoint. The real challenge, however, was to be among the 2/3 of players that cross the finish line and qualify for the next round. Eventually, all but one of the qualifying places was taken, and it was a neck and neck race between Virginia and GoatVineyard69. 

As the she-wolf furiously mashed buttons, April stared on in stunned awe as Virginia tore her way through the race (having been eliminated from the race earlier). “You’re actually gonna do it,” the vampiress said in amazement. “You might actually win this. Are you sure this is the first time you’ve ever played this game?” “I told you before, I haven’t played video games since I was nine,” Virginia said in reply as she dodged a low hanging bar. “I’ve never really been that good with technology. I mean, I have a cellphone. I know how to use it. I think it’s a Motorola RAZR.” “I’m sorry, you have a RAZR?” April asked, slightly shocked yet also amused. Shrugging her shoulders, Virginia said in reply, “Yeah, I got it back in 2010. It still works and it’s all I really need.” “So let me get this straight. For the past decade, you’ve been using a phone that, at the time, was already six years out dated?” April said with a smirk. “Dude, my sire has a better phone than you, and she actually knew Alexander Graham Bell (y’know, the guy who invented the telephone).” Virginia simply ignored her as she kept playing. 

As the she-wolf approached the finish line, she noticed something odd. While GoatVineyard69 had taken the lead, they had stopped just short of the finish line; simply standing there, minding their own business. Staring at the screen, Virginia asked, “What are they doing? Why aren’t they crossing the finish line?” Seeing this, April grew worried, saying, “Oh no, Virginia, if I were you, I’d stay as far from them as possible. Just find an opening and go for it.” Growing confused as she neared the other player, Virginia said in reply, “Well yeah, that’s what I was doing, but why do I have to avoid going...” Suddenly, as Virginia neared the finish line, GoatVineyard69 jumped in front of her, slapped her with enough force to send her flying backwards, and then casually crossed the finish line, leaving the werewolf to sit on the couch in stunned silence. 

Staring at the shocked Virginia, April reached towards the controller in the she-wolf’s trembling hands, saying, “Yeah, I have a feeling I know where this is going, so I’m just gonna take this back so you don’t... smash it.” Shaking a bit as she glared at the tv, clenching her slowly sharpening teeth before finally shouting, “What... the... fuck!?! What the fuck was that!?!” “I think you just got trolled,” April explained nervously as she inched away from the werewolf. “There’s a lot of trolls in this game. We can play something else to take your mind off of it. We don’t have to worry about any of it... okay?” Virginia said nothing, simply getting from the couch, walked toward the closet, pulled out April’s trench coat, and tossed it towards her. “Get dressed,” the she-wolf ordered. “You can drive, can’t you?” Looking confused, April said, “Y-yeah, why?” Growing serious as her hair bristled and her ears became pointed, Virginia snapped, “Because I don’t know how to drive, and if we’re going to find this ‘GoatVineyard69’ douche, we’re going to need a car. You said that all the players were local, right? Shouldn’t take too long to find him, and when we do, I’m going to snap their spine over my knee.” “Oh, okay...” the vampiress said in reply, only to realize what she said. “Wait, what?!” 

Hours later, at Belcro Inc., Pete and Terry were in the break room, enjoying their lunches. “Hey Terry, I’ve got another question for you,” Pete asked. “Have you ever felt like just wearing a dress to work, just to see how everyone else would react?” Groaning at this (mainly because this has been going on for the past few hours), Terry answered, “No, I’ve never worn a dress to work.” After a few minutes, he added, “I have worn earrings to work, though. No one seemed surprised by it though.” 

As they were talking, Pete’s phone started to ring. Answering the phone, Pete said, “Hello?” On the other end of the line, it was April, whispering, “Pete, this is April. Is Terry there?” “Yeah, he’s here,” Pete answered. “Why do you ask? Is everything alright back home? How’s Virginia doing?” “Things have gotten out of hand here,” April whispered nervously. “We were playing Slappy Fight and one of the other players trolled her, so now she’s making me drive her around while she hunts down the player (some guy named GoatVineyard69).  Seriously, it’s not looking good. She’s even partially in her wolf form.” “Already?” Pete asked in confusion. “But it’s not time for a full moon yet. It’s not even night time yet.” “That’s what I said,” April said in reply. “Apparently, werewolves can change form at will. They just lose control of it during full moons for some reason. I don’t know why, and right now, I really don’t care. You’ve got to save me.” “Alright, just tell me where you guys are heading next, and me and Terry will meet you there,” Pete said, growing worried. “Okay, I think the next place we’re heading to is some place called ‘Bacchus’ Dreams Winery’,” April explained. “Honestly, considering the guy’s screen name, I don’t know why we didn’t start there in the first place... Oh crap, Virginia’s coming back to the car. I’ve gotta go. Save me!” With that, April hung up, leaving her boyfriend in stunned silence. 

Looking over at Pete,Terry asked, “Is everything alright?” “No, no it’s not,” Pete said in reply. “Your girlfriend’s on the warpath and she’s taken April hostage. We’ve got to go stop them.” “Seriously!?” Terry asked in an exasperated tone. “God, can’t she just do anything without going crazy. I mean, I love her, don’t get me wrong; but sometimes she can be a real piece of work.” Suddenly, a coworker sitting at the adjacent table chimed in, “Yeah, I know that feeling.” Looking over at the oddly schlubby looking man, Pete asked, “I’m sorry, what?” “My girlfriend’s real into new age religions and she’s always taking me to these weird churches every other week,” the coworker explained in a casual tone. “Um, okay... that’s interesting,” Pete said, feeling a bit awkward. “But we were talking about something that’s happening right now.” Looking embarrassed, the coworker said, “Oh, I thought we were just sharing relationship stories. Maybe we can talk about it some other time.” “Um... sure, okay,” Terry said, now feeling uncomfortable. “We... uh, we’ve got to go take care of this, so... yeah, you have a good one.” With that, the pair left the break room, making their way to the parking garage as fast as they could. 

After half an hour of driving, the two young men found themselves pulling into a vast vineyard with acres of fully loaded grapevines: Bacchus’ Dreams Winery. As they were driving, Pete noticed his car parked in front of a nice looking house. And standing at the front door was April and Virginia, the she-wolf half transformed while furiously pounding on the door. “Oh crap, there they are,” Pete said as he got out of the car, shouting, “April! Virginia!” Noticing that their boyfriends had arrived, April shouted, “Oh thank god, you guys finally came!” “Virginia! What the hell are you doing?!” Terry shouted in annoyance. “Are you really going to kill a guy over a video game?!” Glaring at her boyfriend, Virginia retorted, “Hey! This is bigger than just video games. This is a matter of principle. Whoever this GoatVineyard guy is, he’s going down and he’s going down hard.” 

Before Terry or Pete could say anything, the front door opened, revealing a stout bodied man with messy blonde hair. Looking the group up and down, the man asked, “Can I help you?” “Are you GoatVineyard69?” Virginia asked, slowly clenching her fist. “No, but I think you’re talking about my wife,” the man said in reply, hardly phased by the strange woman. “She’s upstairs right now, but if you want, you can wait in the living room for her to come down.”  Taken back by this, Virginia felt a bit awkward as she said, “Um, thanks.” With that, the little group made their way inside and into the living room. Glancing around, Terry said, “I was not expecting that to happen.” 

As the group got settled, the home owner went towards the stairs and shouted upstairs, “Hey Diona! We’ve got company!” The group heard a muffled voice coming from upstairs. “She’ll be down in a few minutes,” the man said as he sat down on the couch. “My name’s Vincent, by the way.” “Nice to meet you,” Pete said in reply. “I’m Pete, that’s Terry, and these are our girlfriends, April and Virginia. Thanks for inviting us in. You have a really nice home.” “Thanks for saying that,” Vincent said. “Do you guys want anything to eat or drink while you wait?” “Sure, what do you have?” April asked. “Well, we got plenty of wine, obviously,” Vincent explained. “Of course, for you, I have a bag of blood I keep just for vampires.” 

When Vincent said this, the room fell silent. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” April asked nervously. “I just said I have a pack of blood for you,” Vincent explained. “I mean, it’s obvious you’re a vampire; what with the pale skin and the trench coat (plus I can totally see your fangs, I’m amazed more people don’t notice that). Also, I know that Virginia’s a werewolf, so... yeah.” “Wait, what?!” Virginia asked in shock. “How do you even know that?!” “I just have an eye for these kind of things,” Vincent explained. “In fact, it just so happens that...” 

Before he Vincent could say anything, the sound of his wife coming down the stairs could be heard (although, her footsteps sounded odd and heavy, almost like hooves). When Diona finally came down, everyone except (other than Vincent) was shocked by her appearance. From the navel up, she seemed fairly human, except her for her ears and eyes (which seemed fairly goat-like), along with with a pair of goat horns sprouting up from her short, red hair. Everything below the bellybutton was distinctly caprine in nature, long, curved legs covered in shaggy red fur ending in dainty, cloven hooves. She was wearing a large T-shirt that barely covered her lower legs. 

Staring at the group for a little bit with a bored look on her face, Diona turned towards Vincent and asked, “Who’re these people? They here for your podcast or something?” “Podcast?!” Pete asked in shock. “Hold up! Hold up! In the last few minutes, you guys have flooded us with all sorts of new information. Could you please explain to us what’s going on?” Nodding in agreement, Vincent said, “Yeah, that seems fair. Alright then, this is my wife, Diona, and as you can clearly see, she’s a satyr... satyress.” Diona simply smiled casually, holding up a hand for a lazy wave, and said, “Sup.” “Um, hi,” Pete said, feeling a bit awkward. “I’m Pete, that’s Terry, and these are our girlfriends, April and Virgi...” Before he could finish, Virginia got up from the couch, screaming, “You bitch! I’m gonna punch your heart out!” Fortunately, before the she-wolf could reach the satyress, April and Terry were able to hold her back, much to Diona’s amusement. 

“So, who’s the werewolf?” Diona said nonchalantly. “Do you remember when you were playing Slappy Fight earlier today and you trolled that one player?” Vincent explained. “Well, this is her, and she’s pissed.” “Really now,” the satyress said with a mischievous grin. “Maybe I can help her out a li...” “Honey, you mess with her, she’ll kill you,” Vincent interjected. “Oh come on, just let me mess with her a little bit,” Diona pouted. “It’s so boring around here during the off season. Just let me have a little fun, just until it’s time to harvest the grapes.” 

“Wait, so you guys actually make wine here?” Pete asked. “Well, yes, that is our main source of money,” Vincent explained. “However, my real passion is podcasting. In fact, I’m actually working on a new podcast about human and monster relations. I mean, monsters are eventually going to reveal themselves to humanity. It only makes sense to just sort of... ease them into things, y’know?” Looking unsure, Pete said, “I guess that makes sense. My only question is, are you sure this is safe for you? I mean, April’s about as intimidating as a marshmallow peep, but Virginia, on the other hand... well, you can see for yourself. Honestly, I’m still new to this whole ‘monsters are real’ thing, so I’m not sure how dangerous things can get.” Smirking at this, Diona interjected, “Trust me,  Vinnie’s dealt with far worse than Lassie over there.” “Y’know, if you guys are interested, I can interview for an episode of the podcast,” Vincent said in a friendly manner. “It’s still a work in progress. I haven’t even come up with a proper name for it yet. But trust me, when it’s ready, you’re gonna love it.” Thinking it over, taking a moment to briefly glance over towards his girlfriend and Terry as they struggled to hold back the still fuming Virginia, Pete said in reply, “It does sound interesting, but would it be alright if we do it some other time when Virginia’s not in a murderous rage?” “Yeah,” Vincent said. “That seems fair.” 

After finally calming the she-wolf down, the group decided that it was time for them to leave the vineyard.  There was some argument over who was responsible for the whole mess, although, they all agreed that Virginia was no longer mad at April (she was, however, incredibly pissed at Diona). The group split into two, with Pete and Terry driving back to work, while April and Virginia went back home. As the two cars drove off, Diona waved at them cheerfully with one hand and holding a glass of wine with the other, already slightly buzzed (she was a satyress after all). When the cars were gone, she trotted back inside, where she found Vincent looking over his notes. “Hey Vinnie,” Diona said in a sultry manner. “Whatcha looking at?” “Oh, I’m just looking over the list of names I came up with for the podcast,” Vincent said as he set the notes down. “I think I finally found a winner.” Looking surprised, Diona asked, “Really? That’s great. What’s it called?” Smiling proudly, Vincent answered, “Romance of monsters.” A little confused by this for a brief moment, Diona hugged her husband, saying, “It’s perfect.” Vincent returned her hug, feeling lucky to have such a loving wife.