Chapter 17.5: Who is he?
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(Heir-apparent Lica)

Lica was only looking for his Father after he had gone missing during one of his random patrols that he loved to do, but after reporting he was in "Hamel's Village" a mere two weeks ago and had met with the Heiress of our fair Duke... but when he was meant to report at the next village... we heard nothing, but things happen maybe a problem popped up or he found a republic dog and wasted a day torturing them.

But as the days passed and we heard nothing still I set out with my retinue and my Father's Court Mage, whom was the most concerned with his disappearance. When we got to the village we found it damaged as if a horde of animals rushed through it and many new graves were dug, but none were my fathers. After conversing with Hamel within her Inn she informed us that some Prince had saved the village from a attack of "Orks" as she called them. With the way she described them, we within my party found it hard to believe but she did say that she last saw the Heiress and the Prince at the strange buildings.

Upon arriving at said buildings we were confronted by locked doors and hostility, with them even having the cowl to shot at me, I am a Baron's son for Golden Father's sake and since a crowd firearm was leading this was a base full of republic dogs I will have to return with a force strong enough to get rid of them, but it wasn't long before the Court Mage managed to get something from them and he told us that this Prince and the Heiress was heading to the capital... he couldn't get any information about who this Prince was or if he was traveling with a party. Annoying.

We rode on our horses for several days though we had to stop at another village to get more provisions to make it to Horan.

Though after arriving their was a sense of unease, I have never seen the city Guard more on edge in my life and that wasn't counting the peasantry... but the most alert were the adventurers.



I was awoken from my thoughts as someone was blowing a loud whistle, that echoed throughout the Keep. I looked out the window of my room that the Duke had provided to me on short notice, but he seemed hesitant to talk to me about this "Crown-Prince" that he had within his care... but even more that man had killed my father.

But from what I could see from my room that man and his men had just rushed off in a hurry, even though he showed he is a mage, the fact he reached for his firearm first told me he was still a republic dog... but maybe that little nothing he did was the extent of his power, no I shouldn't underestimate him, if he managed to kill my father that means he has some skill. I should confront the Heiress.

Leaving my room I asked the nearest servant where the Heiress is, he said if not with her father should be on the roof, but outside of that he didn't know. Not bothering to give the man my thanks I head towards the top of the Keep, luckily she was their along with her personal servant.

"Ah, Heiress Marina good that I have found you." I said, my left hand over my heart as I bowed slightly.

I got a half interested, "Hmhm." Looking up Marina was in her adventuring gear along with her personal servant... but what caught my eye was the weird device in her hands that looked like a pair of telescopes had been put together. "Mary, do you think we could ask him if we can keep this? 'Binoculars' is what he called it?"

Was she ignoring me? The thought made my blood boil, but I had been taught well and remained calm. Clearly their was something more important.

"Maybe. He may just give us a spare since I believe that is his Aid's pair, as I didn't see it around her neck when she left with everyone else."

"True, but I can see nearly everything around the Keep with a depth and clarity that rivals the best telescopes money could buy..."

"Yes?" Mary asked.

"Nothing, I am just wondering what will he grant to the Historian Auxiliaries. Will they be equipped with the same stuff as his own, or will he give them more local equipment?"

"Realistically? Does he have that equipment to hand out? Or does he only have enough for himself and his own? Not counting that Lady Hannah's people are armed differently. My money is on the fact both will help us make our own versions, as Felica seems to not want to remove... what did she call it... 'planetary identity'... we will only wait and see."

I gave a small cough. It was only then did both turn to me, at first I saw annoyance but it changed to a more regal look. "Sorry for not noticing. What do you need Heir Lica."

Flat, even. Perfectly practiced.

"I was wondering who this 'crown-prince' was, what kingdom was he from and who he thinks he is for disrespecting a Baron's heir-apparent and killing my father as well." I told her, Mary rolled her eyes and Marina let out a sigh.

"Well, one he is related to the Golden Father by right of inheritance. Two... well he has already killed a Count's heir and my former betrothal... a-!" I interrupt her.

"How is he still alive!?!"

"Silence and let me finish. I said former, Crown-Prince Joseph is now my betrothal after reaching a bargain with my father." She said with an admonishing tone which included a unspoken threat. Said threat was about interrupting her. "Three, within certain regards the Count's son's death was his own fault, and also if my father wanted to... I'd find it hard for him to win."

Being left silent, I heard a almost surprised sound from Marina's servant. She turned and looked through the "binoculars" and as she looked through them she gave a low hum.

"Looks like Joseph's pet just burst pass the slum guards..." She looked away and I could see the pale yet green face she had... "That was unexpected, I guess even tamed beasts they are still animals." She said her voice sounding a little hollow.


It was faint but still clear, that was an animals roar... But I have never heard it before in my life.

Mary without needing to ask took the binoculars from Marina and looked through before giving a low whistle. "Well that's new... he isn't far behind though."