V0: Chapter 6.
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The feathered snake.

(Pvo´s Goddess).

Goddess: "Linn, what is all that power you feel?" –I was nervous to noticing an incredible overwhelming force.

Linn: "That's the result of the fight to enter this space, but don't worry, just focus on getting your energy back before the fight ends".

The force that generated that murky combat would surely have destroyed a planet but luckily it did not happen within my world, from one moment to another everything went quiet without any explanation.

Goddess: "It's strange, suddenly everything calmed down!"

Linn: "...........".

Goddess: "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, what is this feeling? It is as if the others were simple flies against an armored ship" –my strength was dulled and I couldn't stop shaking, even Linn looked very nervous.

Linn: "If I had known he would come I wouldn't have been so alarmed!".

Goddess: "Who is he, do you know him?".

Linn: "If he's the feathered serpent, here he comes!".


Suddenly the space was broken and from there came a colossal snake with wings, its strength was perceived with just one look, everything around it would surely be crushed if it wanted to.

Linn: "He is QuetzalCoatl, the greatest wandering deity of all, even among the serpent gods he is the one that stands out from them for his size and power" –when Linn introduced him my gaze met his.

Goddess: "And it won't do us a bad thing, right?".

Linn: "as long as we don't disturb him".

Goddess: "*shaking*" –my body couldn't stop shaking from the oppression caused by his presence and even Liin started shaking.

Linn: "Mr. QuetzalCoatl, how can we help you ?!" –Linn asked nervously seeing the big snake.

QuetzalCoatl: "*hiss*".

Just as the great snake arrived, the fractured space returned to what it was as if it had never happened, I was frozen by everything that had happened and my mind could not interpret everything that happened.

(Pvo´s Odin).

At the same time out in the space between the worlds the entire battlefield looked very bleak.

??????: "Sir, are you okay? You look very hurt".

The body of the god was covered with wounds all over his body and clearly he looked very worn, you might even think that he would faint at any moment.

Odin: "Yes, I'm fine, more important how are the rest of the troops" –he responded tiredly and with heavy breathing.

??????: "we lost half our troops and Seth".

Odin: "That is very unfortunate, we will have to wait for Seth to reincarnate and regain his power" –he replied with his face full of disgust.

Odin tried not to fall and leaned on his spear which is the only thing he trusts, staring into the void he released a great scream full of anger and bloodlust.

Odin: "Unfortunate Quetzalcoatl of the eight serpents, I will take revenge on you and yours, why does a snake always get into my plans ?!".

(Pvo´s Alice).

Meanwhile in a desert city, Alice walked looking for any forgotten treasure she could find.

Rinn: "Alice-sama, Seth was killed by Quetzalcoatl and I already let go of that red jacket, it's too big for you".

Alice: "Don't call me little! Besides, even if Seth dies he will simply reincarnate as a mortal, he will continue like this until he regains his power" –She didn't show any surprise at the news but was upset by the comment.