The Goddess’s Mother and The Girl (3)
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A girl watches from just outside a reality, as a goddess weeps for a corpse, her corpse, for millennia. The girl cries as she realizes just what she had done, the torture she unwittingly put on her friend. She watches as the goddess suddenly stops crying before everything explodes. And then just as suddenly the world winks out of existance. 

"Celestia.." More crying ensues. 

"I believe you understand just how much you hurt my daughter?" 

The only response is more tears. 

"Do you understand what just happened?" 

Through the constant weeping and sniffles the girl manages to shake her ethereal head. 

"She disconnected the flow of energy from my domain to her universe. Without it, the universe quickly collapses on itself from it's enormous cost to maintain.

This would normally only be done if the god or goddess accidentally created something that had the possibility to leave its universe and cause havoc. Yet it was used when the most threatening thing was a 'hydrogen bomb', something that wouldn't even scratch a goddess.

So tell me, why did she do it?" 

Between sniffles a 'me' could be heard. 

"Yes, you. Unlike all of her siblings she doesn't find joy in creating and maintaining for the sake of creating and maintaining. She's much like a mortal, finding joy in creating and sharing with others, or more specifically sharing with those she cares about.

I dont think I need to remind you what happens when someone finds living more painful than death." 

The girl shakes her ethereal head violently. 

"Good. Now, my daughter's universe has restarted. Normally she should remember everything but since she's barely an eon old she won't remember anything specific. Although that doesn't really matter as neither will you. So bye bye, and whatever you do, don't make the same mistake as last time!" 

The great being pushed the soul of the girl back into the goddess's universe. The soul found it's way into the body of an unborn child who would later find a goddess in a clearing.

"Now for you," 

You suddenly feel yourself unable to move. 

"What are you?"