21. Job is meant to be taken.
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“Good fucking day.”

Or wait, it's still morning. So good fucking morning.

And to be honest - it was a rather intense morning. Waking up(that is always a challenge), rolling on some cliff, saving a girl from some random bad guys and then watching Fran grab the girl and run away.

What the fuck?

Well, she said something about Goddess’ whatever it was but I didn't understand shit. I could understand that both Fran and that other Saya girl that we saved were rather nervous but should I care? I mean it looked like something dangerous is coming but am I cannon fodder or something? Whatever, they ran without me means they ran without me.

And so I’m standing in a field, covered in almost dried up blood and surrounded by corpses. I heard the directions so I should be able to catch up. But first I feel a need to have a smoke. As my hands were still a bit bloody, I wiped them on the grass as I took a cigarette.


Looking at all these corpses I feel a bit sad. I tried to loot them a bit but there was actually nothing useful! No even money! These tin cans sure were not worthy of anything. Welp, for someone who is not me maybe some armor parts would be okay though.
As I lit a cigarette I noticed that the weather seems to turn cloudy all of a sudden. And I couldn’t even do one inhale as suddenly a strong downpour fell on me like a shower.


My cigarette instantly went out. Did I ever say that this isekai sucks? Well, this isekai sucks.

Still, this rain feels familiar. As my clothes were doing self-cleaning I remembered that it was the same rain as when I first went to the surface from that beginner’s dungeon. Strong, but warm and pleasant.

As I recall there were no people out as it was raining, and so I thought that people here don't like rains a lot in this world. But later there were some other rains falling down and people were doing their usual stuff normally. So maybe this exact rain is something important? I should’ve asked Fran when I saw a normal rain being normal but I guess I also thought about something else at that time.

Still it’s not like I am a big fan of staying under the rain while doing nothing so I went in the direction I was told.

While at it I thought about some kind of a proper plan of what to do. I was going to travel to a so-called ‘demon territory’ but I have no idea what to do there. Sightseeing? That will do but still I’d need a proper direction. Fran was going to some big Guild’s brunch that should be exactly on the border so maybe I could find some kind of quest related to what I need to do. Yeah, that sounds good, let’s go with it.








As I walked for about an hour, a mansion appeared in my vision. It seems simple, not too big but with a splendid garden. Rain still falls strongly but their entrance seems to be dry enough so I went there and knocked on the door.


A maid opened the door.


A maid.


It’s a maid.


A cute one.


She was looking at me with an astonished face without saying anything.

“Uuh...is dat Sayas house….uu….home? Well i was told to come here...or not? Kinda.”

“Oh!” suddenly the maid reacted “Are you Yuki-sama, I presume?”

“Yes. Yuki - dats ma name. Yes yes.”

“Then please come in. I’ll bring you the towel.” the Maid invited me in as she still looked rather puzzled and then ran somewhere. I guess to get the towel.

As I look, the main hall in this mansion actually looks simple. Or more like even too simple. Not like I ever was in any mansions other than a Spencer one but still.


Oh, the maid is back.


“Here, Yuki-sama.” she passed me the towel.


Daamn, being called with ‘sama’ sure feels good. 

“Uum, are you okay?” the maid suddenly asked me timidly.

“Yeah, sure, why?”

“Well...the rain…”

Oh yeah, the rain. I think I should ask Fran about it really.

“Don worry don worry. By the way, whats yar name?” I asked as I dyed my hair. As my clothes still were divine garbage they dyed by themselves, but its effect on my hair always lacked a bit so having a towel sure is helpful.

“It’s Nora.”

“Nora-chan, huh? Dats a cute name. Say...” I talked to her as I got a bit closer “...as nobody s here to meet me, howa bout we…”

“So, you finally here.” Fran’s voice suddenly rang behind me.


And here I thought I could spend some time with a cute maid. Fran, you bully!

“Fran, you bully!” I cried as I turned to her. As of now, she seems to change her bloody armor to her usual simple pinkish kimono that she was always wearing while at the inn.


“Cuz! And anyway why dija left me? What da hell is dat goddess whatever stuff?”

“So you really don’t know? Well, let’s talk about it later.”

“Why later?” I was a bit sad “Cant i hava right to understand shit?"

“Sure sure, you can. But still...”

“Ahem.” suddenly someone was standing right near us.

“Ah, Welverose-san! Thank you for your hospitality.” Fran reacted as she gave a bow to the girl.

Ahh, there was that kind of custom. I think it's good manners so I guess I also try to bow a little.

The one who stood in front of us was a girl who we saved. Saya Wel...uuh? Fran called her surname just now but I’m really bad at remembering these kinds of fancy names. Saya Something-Whatever.

She looked rather cute in her home attire and I really like that type of straight blond hair.  And there also was one more maid standing behind her. This one looks more mature than Nora-chan and has this onee-sama vibe on her that is also not bad. Another type of cuteness I’d say.

“No need to thank me, it’s the least I can do to my saviors. Let me introduce myself one more time. My name is Saya Welverose...”

Welverose. Welverose. Welverose. Okay, I seem to remember.

“...and I am living in this distant place for a purpose. I was on my way to the Guild’s main brunch as I was ambushed. Yet again, thank you for saving me. As I can see you’re adventurers. What’s more you’re both demi and both do not hesitate to attack soldiers. So it happens that you’re exactly the type of people I was looking for so let me ask - will you two work for me?” she asked us with a serious face.

Eh? Suddenly a job purpose? Well, that sounds kinda sweet, She has maids here and stuff. Maybe it’s not a bad purpose. But still, I wanted to go where other demi-humans live. Curiosity is doing strange stuff with me sometimes. Eeh...eeh? I don't know. Well, a job is meant to be taken.

“Dats a bit sudden...eeh...yeah. No?”

But not today.

Curiosity wins this one.

Pathreon was a mistake, heh.


So, me started a lil side project to ease my brain a lil so me could write stuff with less extra thoughts. Check it out if ya feel like it.
For now me no sure how me do chapters for two separate works but eeh, id manage somehow.(says da one who s having a hard time managing just one work)

Still, dat ma side project is a bit different from dis one as me try to write in a different way and from a 3rd person. And do expositions. And stuff. Well da main point is dat me try cuz me always try something from time to time. Im having much more motivation overall to write stuff and also me wanna do Yuki chapters a bit longer cuz as of now i have like...1500 words average(1200 in dis one) while my side project got like 3300 words average.

But on the other side Yuki is pased differently so maybe kinda.

Would you like for chapters to be longer? Me pretty sure ma beginning chapters were longer tho but me to lazy to check.

Aanyway - thanx for reading.
