13. Fran.
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 “Shit, what da fuck am doing, a?”

While giving myself another good facepalm, I remembered that I have a half-dead patient here. Turning around I hastily went to a girl near the wall. Surprisingly, potions I pulled was a little health potion, mana potion and a bottle of some mineral water. I’m pretty good! Any military doctor would like to get my autograph after that.

Oh well, I searched my pockets for some more health potions. Even if there already was one, the girl didn’t even touch it. Not good. She seems like still breathing, so she shouldn’t be dead. Picking up some more health potions I poured them inside girl’s mouth. Gladly the effect activated almost instantly. Her wounds started to heal, and skin color recovered it’s original brown look, that I saw in a guild.

Good, she won’t die. Taking the useless potions left back to my pocket I waited for some time. In a few minutes, the girl started to moan a little while opening her eyes and watching at me.


Huh? What? Tears?

“Give…*shiff* back…” she started to murmur.

Give back? What should I give back?

But I have no time to understand because she suddenly grabbed me while started to beat me with her little fists and crying to my chest.

 “Give me back my dream! Samurai…samurai! Waaa!”

For fuck sake! Aaa! What dream? What are you talking about? What the hell!

Well, all I could do is to roll my eyes and wait for her to calm down.




 “Well, u calmed?” I asked her while trying to pat her head lightly. Seems working…

 “*sob* Um…”


 “So, friend, what was u doing here?”

Hey, don’t look at me like that. I know I’m bad at talking to people normally, asking questions and keeping a proper atmosphere.

“E-eto… I was… with my party. We went for a rank up. The dungeon was somewhat strange, but we thought it’s ok to go till the end. Then the boss…it was a demon…too strong. And than… than… Rudolf, Karen, Rosemary… I… I couldn’t… uwaaaa!”

A-and she is crying again.

 “Here we go again…”

All I could do is to lightly pat her head again and let her cry a bit more.

“*sob* Umm… I… I’m sorry.”

After another crying session, she suddenly started to apologize.

 “Donmai. Anyway, its bettah to return to the town for now I guess. You r… umm…” come to think of it, I don’t know her name.

“Ah! My name is Francesca. Francesca Flameheart.”

“Fran, huh. Im Yuki. Mm…?”

Flameheart? I sure heard it somewhere.

“U-umm. Yuki…-san, thank you for saving me…”

Aaaaaah! Who cares? Her tearful face is too cute!

I couldn’t resist anymore and hugged her. God damn, she is too cute. Hugging cute girls, what could be better?


 “Oh, crap.”

 I hastily let her go.

 “Sorry, couldnt resist.”

 “Wha…w-w-what are you doing, Yuki-san?!” she retorted.

Aaa…her angry face is also ultra-cute! Restrain yourself, me, restrain!

But still, I was going to be afraid that my monster-like strength will backfire at me hard. But it was ok for some reason. 'How does this work' question all over again. Or it works only when I mean to harm, or for some other reason. I can’t understand. But at least I’m glad that I didn’t injure Fran.


Sighing again I got up and gave Fran a hand to help her.

 “Anyway its bettah to get outta here. Get up.”

 “A…yes. Okay.”

She grabbed my hand and got up. After that, she looked around and to the bloody remaining on the floor.

 “Just let me say goodbye to my friends…”

 “A…um. Sure. No problem.”

Too heavy! I’m bad with this kind of heavy emotional stuff! Anyway, all I could do is watch. Fran was going around every corpse and gave it some prayer. Then, she picked up their guild tokens and some other stuff. I heard in a guild that dungeon devours any corpses left in it, so it is common to left it there if there is nobody to give this corpse to like relatives and such. Being an adventurer sure is hard.

While I was thinking about stuff Fran seems to finish her goodbyes. She came to me while wiping last remains of tears from her eyes.

 “I’m done. We can go now.”

 “O-okay.” I picked up a sword that was left from a gray dude “Should we pick this up? Am kinda lazy to drag it with me all the way back.” It’s not that much heavy, but it’s too big in many ways to put it into my pocket and have some stuff in my hands is just bothersome.

“Huh?” she looked a bit stupefied “Of course! Why don’t you just put it into your bag?”

“Do I look like someone who has a bag?”

She finally looked at me from head to toe.


Yup, she is lost. I waved my hand near her eyes.

“Don’t think too much, dats bad for ur health. Anyway, got some bag space?” I guess if she said to put my sword in a bag that some dimensional-like bugs are pretty common.

“A…yes. It’s not big, but we used up all our supplies, so it is rather empty right now.”

With this, she took a sword and put it into her bag. Well, from the side it sure is amusing to watch a big sword fitting into a not so big bag. With still rather stupefied expression she turned to the portal in the middle of the room and went to it.

“Ah, wai…!”

I was going to stop her, but my reflexes said that I should do it fast. As a result, I just flew near her to a wall.

“Huh? What are you doing, Yuki-san? Let’s go. The portal is open.”

And she just walked into it.

And teleported.

And left me hugging a broken wall.

I feel stupid.

So I also went to the portal and stood in the middle of it.


Of course, it didn’t work.

Fuck you, magic.

So I lit up a cigarette and leisurely went to the exit. I hope Fran will wait for me up here. As I know, the portal should teleport you to the first room, where you can walk out. And after sometime monsters will respawn…that are already respawned early because this dungeon has some problems and have stronger monsters.


With this, I hastily ran through the dungeon as fast as I could breaking up all the walls on my way. And I reached my destination in just a few minutes. Why didn’t I do this at the beginning?

Anyway, the picture I got in front of me was Fran running away in circles from three wolf-like monsters. With a light jump and little kick, I created a bloody mess out of two of them.

 “Stupid! Why cant u goddamn wait and listen what I could say to u?! And why doncha fight back?”

Oh, I guess I scared her a little.

 “U-umm…my katana was broken, so I don’t have a weapon to fight back…”

Use your fists dammit!

But katana you say? I sure have some.

I pulled that fancy katana out of my pocket and passed it to Fran.

“Consider it a gift.”

“Huh? Can I really take it?”

Can, cannot, you have already happily equipped it on your belt!

After that katana emitted a dim light. Was it choosing an owner or something? Didn’t saw this light when weapon shop dude picked it up.

In this second the last wolf-like monster jumped right into Fran. But her face suddenly turned serious, and she took a battle stance. I thought she would perform some sort of technique, but she just changed her expression again to a stupefied one and got bitten.



With another kick, I killed the wolf.

 “And here I thought id see something useful from u. R u even an adventure…huh?”

While I was trying to scold her a bit, she was unsuccessfully trying to unsheathe her katana.

 “I…I can’t pull it out!”

I…guess? The weapon shop dude also said it’s literally useless.

 “Umm…sorry, my bad. Looks like it really useless.”

I helped Fran to get up again and took this stupid katana back.

 “Ill sell dis garbage in the nearest shop, honestly.”

With these words, I tried to put it back into my pocket, but it suddenly broke away from my hands and returned to Fran.





With this thought, I went to the exit.

Just please, it is obvious but please, don’t you dare to tell me this. Whoever you are, do not. Seriously.

After leaving a cave, I looked to the sky.




“Fuck you, Remi!”

I guess my cry was heard even in Braensburg.