Chapter 37: Leaving the House
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It was the next morning, and the sun shone through the windows of the house that Aumo and LisiA rested in through the night. The rain had cleared up.


Aumo turned on and sat up on the bed. The house that suddenly appeared the day before was so big, but for some reason only had one room with a bed in it on the second floor. After thinking about it for a bit more, Aumo realized something.


“If this house is outside the dungeon, how was it detected through the wall?” wondered Aumo out loud.


If a part inside of a dungeon and the outside world are directly connected, there will be no space in between, and anything that passes through, including mana, will reach the outside world,” explained Ria.


Aumo somewhat understood the explanation, but decided that there wasn’t much of a reason to dig deeper. As she looked to her right, she saw that LisiA hadn’t turned on yet. Aumo decided to check her status and then look around the house in the meantime. 


Upon opening up her status, Aumo saw that her stored mana didn’t go down after storing some items and questioned why.


The mana usage was so miniscule that the usage is in decimals. I kept the number the same since I rounded it up. I will show the decimal if you prefer.


After getting her question answered, Aumo felt that there was nothing else to really mention about her status, and proceeded to leave the room.


The house was really weird, as it had appeared out of nowhere when they exited the dungeon. The interior was huge, but many rooms were simply empty, except for the bathroom, kitchen, the living room, and that one room that Aumo and LisiA had spent the night in. While the furniture and some appliances were interactable, things on them, such as the pots and plates were not. Aumo’s hands went right through them when she tried to pick them up.


The weirder part is that even though they weren’t interactable, they seemed to still exist. The books on the table in the living room couldn’t be touched, but if you were to shake the table they were on, they would move like books would on the table and would even make sounds if they fell on the floor. The issue was that Aumo had no way of picking them up.


It was around this time that LisiA turned on and saw that there was no Aumo next to her. She immediately got out of bed and rushed out the door, though she immediately calmed down when she went down the stairs and saw Aumo.


“Good morning?” Aumo was somewhat confused by why there was so much noise coming from upstairs for a moment.


“Ah, right, Good morning,” replied LisiA.


They didn’t need breakfast and the house didn’t have anything they needed, so they decided to head out almost immediately.


As Aumo and LisiA headed towards the door, Aumo heard some rustling behind her and she turned around to see what was going on. The books that she had dropped onto the floor were slowly floating back onto the table and back into the position she first found them in. The house was getting more and more mysterious the more she learned about it.


LisiA opened the front door and called out to Aumo that it was time to leave. Aumo followed LisiA out the door and as soon as the two stepped out of the house, the house just vanished.


“Where did the door go?” The doorknob that LisiA was holding to open the door just disappeared along with the entire house.


“Even the gate has disappeared,” said Aumo as she saw that nothing was left of the house. It was as if nothing was ever here, including the gate that they had gone through the day before.


Gates disappear once the dungeon linked with them is cleared. It is recommended to take everything you need before you leave,” confirmed Ria.


“Tell us that before we left that dungeon!” said Aumo.




After leaving the vanishing house, Aumo and LisiA walked for 2 more days before a city came into view. The walls were much bigger, but there weren’t as many weapons in it compared to Yuhsar. The city was visibly bigger, as the gate was so small compared to the wall that it couldn’t be seen at this distance.


After a few more hours of walking, the city got closer and closer, and the gate eventually came into view. However, what caught Aumo and LisiA’s eyes were the amount of guards that were positioned near the city. Behind the guards, the two could vaguely see something that looked like a door frame.


“There are so many guards on that gate,” said Aumo when she saw the guards.


“I don’t think we can get past the guards right now, but I think we can go ask,” suggested LisiA.


When the two got closer, LisiA slowly walked up to one of the guards.


“Excuse me, why are there so many guards here?” asked LisiA.

“I’m not sure either,” replied the guard, “We were suddenly told to guard a door frame, but we don’t really see what’s so important about it. We were also told to not let anyone through without the guild’s permission.”


“I see, thank you,” thanked LisiA.


“No problem. There hasn’t been anyone interested in this door frame and we were getting quite bored,” replied the guard.


LisiA quickly regrouped with Aumo and shared her findings. 


“We should drop off the supplies at the guild first then,” said Aumo.


The two made the rest of the way to the gate of the city, which was also huge up close. It was actually crazy how they couldn’t see a gate this big when they first saw the walls of the city.


“Should we get in the line or should we show the gate guards our cards?” asked Aumo.


“Let’s play it safe and get through the gate the usual way,” suggested LisiA.


The two got in line, and it took a long time before they entered the city.





Name: Aumo

Core Level:8

XP: 5/300

Status: Normal

HP: 2200/2200

MP: 1200/1200 

MP Stored: 169.6


Skills: Mana Manipulation, Mana Sight, Mana Sense, Mana Analysis, Mana Item Storage, Levitation, Mana Vibration, Small Fireball, Ice Throw, Air Slash, Body Reinforcement, Body Strengthening


Upgrades: Map, Gate Detector


Stored: Heater, Giant Breadstick, Box of Carbon Steel

 I decided that it was about time that I cut down on all the spaces to take up space, so that my chapter looks like it’s as long as every other chapter. If you were wondering, and I believe I might have probably mentioned this somewhere before, I type up all my chapters in google docs. I doubt I mentioned it here though.


Anyway, they reached the next city, and the second gate was surrounded by guards. What type of dungeon should be in this gate? Also, I would like to point out that the tutorial dungeon was so lazily made that it actually left out many of the important things, just like many game tutorials these days. 


Anyway, I was told to do a lot of things this week, and I got some of them done. I was told to learn how to drive, so I had to get a learning permit first. It wasn’t fun, since the manual was quite long. I got my tablet back like an hour after publishing the last chapter, which was nice, but I got dragged through 3 states in the US and didn’t bring it with me. It was not a fun week.