Chapter 24 – Do You Wish to Be Enhanced?
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"How has business been?" The president of the club asked one of his road captains.  The guy sneered.

"Bad.  We haven't been able to get any new hustles going, and the neighboring territory is locked up tighter then a virgin's ass!"  He grumbled.  "Things weren't this way before that bitch took over."  The president lifted his eyes.

"You're correct, but also wrong.  We haven't lost a single man to the yard in over a year.  We've had an increase in club incomes of over ten percent, and an increase in legitimate taxable revenue by thirty."  He spoke quietly, in case the club members heard them air their laundry in front of outsiders.  These kinds of conversations could often end up in bullets and bad blood.

"That maybe true, but the territory beside us is only run by girls!  Girls!  That area is ripe!  We're talking an increase of over fifty percent!"  He was much louder, and had no respect.

"Those girls have a backer.  Someone who erased four clubs in a single night."  The president said in a whisper.  "Is that the sort of muscle that's ripe for the pickings?"

"We don't know what happened over there!"  The road captain leaned in.  "Listen, I've already talked to the rest of the guys.  Most of them are with us."  The president frowned.


"Except for the other two captains, Joe's men, and the VP, everyone is with us."  Then his eyes narrowed.  "With me."  The president nodded.

"So it was like she said it was."  The president pressed a button.  "Do it, boss."  The road captain's eyes went wide.

"You're a snitch!"

"No.  You're a traitor.  The boss knows how to deal with traitors."  Two women burst through the door and mowed everyone down, except for the ones the road captain mentioned.  It was brutal, efficient, and extremely quick.  Necks were twisted, jaws were punched so that the force spun the head and snapped the neck, or given an uppercut that detached the head from the spinal cord without a decapitation.  Before the first bullet could be fired, twenty men were dead.  The rest that were not at the club were already taken care of.

"Moving on to stage two."  Aline said in a monotone voice.  Inez nodded in response, and walked out.  The president shook his head.

"All you've done is guarantee that our territory is now hers."  He sighed sadly.

"You've done well."  A voice spoke from his computer.  "You'll be moved to another chapter nearby, to reinforce their numbers.  Some other locals had the same idea and want to move on our allies.  When you build your ranks back up again, this club will still be here.  Your assets will be moved to a safer area until you return."  His hand trembled.

"So you're not erasing us."  He said in surprise.  He heard a soft chuckle.

"The boss wouldn't dream of eliminating loyal allies.  However, she wants you to send your wife and daughter to her.  She'll enhance them, and send them back in a few months."  The voice was softer then the boss he remembered, so it had to be an assistant.


"Like the rest of us.  They will still recognize you as a piece of her organization.  Once they are enhanced, you'll be summoned.  She wants to see if you will enjoy the same enhancements that the Twin Stalkers just showed to you."  This wasn't Tandy's or the system's voice.  It was Jill. His eyes briefly registered his surprise.

"She'll offer a man this opportunity?"  He didn't expect that.  It went against all he knew about that person's methods.  She only favored females.  He heard another soft laugh.

"Her girls are hers alone, but she also knows that some have prior attachments to capable and loyal men.  Rather then destroy such capable people, the boss will now implement new protocols.  Wives who have good husbands can enter as a couple, and not have the same restrictions as her girls have.  However, your daughter will become an inner circle member as she's not currently attached to anyone.  And she also has some desire to get revenge on someone who didn't respect her right to say no."  Jill said, and was not surprised at his angry reaction.

"Someone hurt my baby?"




"Sienna.  Tabitha.  This is Danica."  The president, David, introduced a buxom lady to his wife and daughter.  "She works for my boss."  He looked at Danica.  "I have a few things to do, so let me know when to come back."  Danica nodded and watched the two women quietly.

"I've never seen David act so...."  The mother, Sienna, said. Tabitha looked at her mother.

"Yeah, mom.  Dad looked, I don't know, scared?"  The younger woman said.

"Not true, ladies."  Danica spoke in a soft husky voice.  "He wasn't scared.  He was respectful.  There is a difference."  Sienna watched her.  "Respect for someone's power isn't fear.  He doesn't fear what I can do to him, he respects what I can do."  Tabitha frowned.

"What you can do....holy fuck balls!"  Danica picked up an iron pipe and bent it in her hands as though it were made of thin plastic.  Sienna's eyes bulged.

"My boss enhanced my body so I have a lot of strength, as well as the ability to process information at high speeds.  Your husband is quite valuable to my boss due to his loyalty to her."  Danica said with a smile.

"His loyalty to her?  She's a woman?"

"Don't be jealous of her.  She has no interest in men.  However, she has quite a bit of interest in you two."  she said with a knowing grin.

"I'm not into chicks."  Sienna said firmly.

"She knows.  She's offering you and your daughter the chance to be enhanced.  When the both of you are, your husband will come to the lab and be enhanced as well.  Yourself, and David,  will do the jobs she wants, while your daughter will become one of her closer associates.  Someone capable of doing what I just did, protecting herself, and destroying not only the boss's enemies, but her own."  Tabitha lowered her eyes.

"Even him?"  She asked quietly.

"No matter who it is, you'll be able to tear his arms off, twist his neck, or rip him in half.  And that is only the physical enhancements.  With combat training, you'll be able to inflict pain in ways that will make him wish he had never been born."  Danica said with that small smile still on her lips.  She turned to Sienna.  "You and David will become an infiltration team.  Other clubs, gangs, and even large mob families, will all become your victims."  Sienna sat down as her legs could no longer hold her up.

"What is the cost?  There is always a price when something of this magnitude is mentioned."

"And people think that the head of a dancer is filled with nothing but air."  She growled.  "Foolish idiots who judge a woman based on her occupation and opportunities.  As to your question, the price is higher then you can ever imagine."  Danica watched as the woman seemed to curl up.

"I figured as much."

"But it's not what you expect.  Though these operations and enhancements will cost millions, the price is actually your loyalty.  Absolute and utter devotion.  You may not be her partner, but you'll be a dedicated and valued servant.  Think carefully before you say yes, or no.  The system you'll be enhanced with will not only prevent most forms of execution, but she'll be able to revive and rebuild you if you even have your lower half blown off.  But if you're ever disloyal, or turn traitor, the system will wipe your memories and your personality will be purged.  Since there is no way for anyone to fool her systems with false evidence, loyal people never have to worry.  Those who plan to turn traitor eventually will have to worry."  Danica waited.

"No way to fool?"

"Your memories can't be faked.  You may have a certain perspective in how you look at things, but your real memories aren't tainted by perspective.  They are analyzed, and emotions removed."

"How is that possible?"  Sienna frowned.  As far as she knew, memories were influenced by mood, and could be read and altered with time and intent.

"People believe that memory is fluid.  The brain stores the original information, while the RAM, the memory that people access, is fluid.  The original is hard coded.  It doesn't change with time, mood, or even brainwashing.  It's still there, just not accessible to the waking mind.  After all, the majority of humans only have access to a percentage of their brains potential."  Danica smiled, and with a different voice she spoke.

"Now, my question is - do you wish to be enhanced?"