6_Against Xianxia
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In a small village, two people met, they weren’t very special or exceptionally, only two foundation practitioners, except that the two were responsible for more destructions of sects that any other cultivator.

-I have ever wanted to meet you, Xia the sect slaughter.

-Likewise, Wong the sect destroyer.

-I like to know how you have destroyed so many sects, of course I will explain how I have done that too, if you like.

-Let’s sit in that cafe, and you start

That was a very rare sigh, two cultivators in a peaceful encounter willingly sharing their knowledge, but those two were doing that because the two of them wanted a peacefully world, something unthinkable by a normal cultivator

-Let’s start, as you know I never destroy one sect alone, I ever destroy sects in groups of two or three, right? That’s because I make them destroy each other, as you my know. To understand this, I have to start from the beginning. When I was a child, one of those demonic sects came to my village and killed nearly all of us for their rites, then a "virtuous sect" came an destroyed them, but at the same time killed nearly all survivors. Most people will say that maybe they weren’t able to protect them and killing that sect to prevent more blood spilling was necessary. That. Is. False. That sect went overkill in killing the evil sect, an most survivors killed weren't even near the sect, they were t the other side of the village, the only of us that survived were the ones that were outside of the village that time.

That was a tale as old as history, sects don't care for mortal people, even when they were virtuous sects that supposedly were protecting them.

-Since that say I decided to enact my revenge, but as a lonely cultivator, I don't have the resources or methods to gain enough power to do that, and also this will lower me to their level, so instead I practiced disguise techniques, and when mortals need to be protected from some sect, normally because the stupid son of some hight ranking member bullies and try to force some local girl to marry him, I look for  sect with a similar fighting power and impersonate on of their member, and I attack the bullied if he is of enough low level "to protect the girl." Of course, that let's to the attacked sect top ask the attacker sect to compensate and apologise for their actions, and the other party to denies everything. And because neither of the two stops and investigates properly what happened, their start a war, maybe not immediately. Most times the situation degenerates like this: Low level members of the sect start attacking each other, the losers go crying to higher ranking members for help, at some point someone kills another person, then the elders go to kill the killer, the elders of the other party intervene, and then you have a full war, all because sects are unable to talk their differences and investigate properly, and only know how to kill and be arrogant.

-That has been instructive, my method is a lot simple, I follow the way of karma, that makes me more powerful the lower the karma of the other party is, and as you know, event "virtuous sects" have killed a lot of people for no other reason that obtaining power or pride. Differently from you I never start a conflict, but due to my power, when someone tries something funny with me, they regret it, after all, bullies and the like don't have good karma, and when I win, some of them call they "big brothers" to take care of me, and those have even worse karma, so bad that if I aren't careful I may kill them even if I don't try. And if that happens then it's the same as you, the elders come, but the first ones are normally also rotten apples, so they normally die, and then came the ones that are supposedly really righteous, saying that even if I'm not in the wrong, they can't let me go because then their sect will lose face, but that it's only a self-justification to make them look good people, but the truth it's that they are trying to kill someone that as only defending himself, and they are the one that allowed that to happen in their sects, what’s more, they are the ones promoting this type of attitude, so they have also bad karma and fall for my attacks. In the end, because I only killed in self-defence, and ever tried to void killing the other party, and also that lots of those people had a really rotten karma, I have accumulated enough good karma, that even if some of the members of the sect that are attacking me have good karma, they will lose, of course, those will not die from my attacks, but the sheer difference in ours karmas gives me a very big advantage