Chapter 23: Raid on the Federal Bank. Stop, Jaakuna!
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The following morning, Naomi had went to the prison, where the Kurai Yohei recruits were being held. 

"Oh, Detective Naomi. You're just in time." said the chief of police.

"Any luck, getting any information out of them?" said Naomi.

"None, whatsoever. They're extremely tight lipped. From the little bit I've heard about them, I never expected such an organization, to have any sort of code of honor. That said, I can't seem to get anything out of them." said the chief.

"Leave them with me. I have an idea. Just give me some time with them." said Naomi.

"You got it. I'll leave them to you then. I'll go ahead and bring one of them to the interrogation room. Just let me know, whenever you're ready for the next one." said the chief, as he grabbed the keys, and escorted one of the criminals to the interrogation room. "Have a seat. If you won't answer my questions, then maybe you'd like to answer Detective Naomi's." said the chief.

Naomi then walked into the interrogation room, and sat across from the prisoner. An immediate sense of nervousness fell over the young Kurai Yohei recruit, as the woman who effortlessly defeated her; sat silently with her arms folded, and legs crossed, on the other side.. Naomi just sat there for almost a minute, just staring intensely into the recruits eyes, trying to get a read on her, while using a sort of intimidation factor at the same time. 

"So... I've been told, that you refuse to speak. Are you doing this out of a sense of loyalty, respect, or is it out of fear?" said Naomi.

"Wh-What difference does it make? If you're gonna sentence us to life in prison, just do it. I have nothing more to say to you." said the recruit.

"I'll be as honest, as I can be with you. Kurai Yohei stands no chance. They're done for, one way or another. All you're doing right now, is buying them a little time. We've already got leads on the prime suspect, Jaakuna. It's only a matter of time before she's arrested, and with Kurai Yohei's top gun out of the picture; we'll storm the headquarters, and take them down with lethal force. If you cooperate, I can shorten your sentence significantly. With your organization's days numbered, wouldn't you rather get something out of it? It would be in your best interest, to cooperate. " said Naomi. 

Naomi stretched the truth, to make it seem that she had much more of an upper hand in the case, than she actually did; in hopes of making the recruit cooperate. The recruit's eyes shifted downward, as her resolve began to waver, but she still managed to stay silent. Naomi could tell that she was slowly making headway with her.

"Oh, and here's some food for thought. I'll be bringing your teammates in for questioning as well, today and tommorow. Only those of you who speak, will have their sentence shortened. So if you stay silent, and your friends spill the beans, then was it really worth it? Think hard on that." said Naomi, as she got up from her chair. "I'll give you until tommorow to decide. It's up to you, how well off you want your future to be."  she said as she left the interrogation room.

"Hmm, impressive, but don't you think you should've pushed her a little more? It looked like she was on the verge of cracking." said the chief. 

"I prefer to do it this way. By giving them an ultimatum that proves beneficial on their part, that'll ensure the information I get from them, will be more thorough and accurate. It won't do me much good, to only squeeze out bits and pieces of random information. We're running out of time, after all." said Naomi.

"I see. That actually makes perfect sense." said the chief. 

"Go ahead, and bring on the next inmate. I'll  follow the same pattern for each one, more or less." said Naomi.

Elsewhere, at the Okinawa airport, Jaakuna and Zurui were boarding a flight to Tokyo. 

"It's been so long since I've been out of the city, since things have been so busy at the organization. What hotel did you book, Jaakuna? Is it one of those big resorts?" said Zurui.

"Listen.. This isn't exactly a vacation we're going on. We're on a mission, remember? Oh, and don't bother talking to me on the plane. I'll have my earphones on, the whole time." said Jaakuna.

"Oh, well ok, I guess....Man, I miss, Urayama.  We could've robbed the bank, and hit an amusement park, all in the same day." thought Zurui.

Sure enough, Jaakuna and Zurui, didn't say a word to each other, during the entire 2 hour flight to Tokyo. Jaakuna simply listened to music, while staring out the window, paying no attention at all to her teammate. Upon arrival, Jaakuna got the keys to their rental car, and drove to the hotel they would be staying in. 

"Oh my god, this is so nice! The swimming pool is gorgeous, and the smell of all these restaurants..."

"Not so fast! How many times are you gonna make me repeat myself? This is no vacation. I simply didn't wanna be stuck in a broken down shithole with the likes of you, so I went with this. Now.. let's head up to the room, and we'll discuss our strategy." said Jaakuna.

"Right, gotcha." said Zurui.

After Jaakuna and Zurui unpacked their bags, Jaakuna immediately pulled out her laptop, and inserted a disc containing schematics of the Japanese Federal Bank. 

"So.. They've got two main guard stations on the upper floor, not to mention the place is laced with security alarms. I should be able to hack into their system, and disable the cameras and alarms, but we'll need to take out both guard stations simultaneously, or there's a good chance they'll call for backup.  I wanna get this over with as soon as possible, so lets not make this any messier than it has to be. Once the security system has been disabled, I'll give the signal. That's when you'll take out your target, and I'll take out mine. From there, we'll break into the safe, and steal the money. Any questions, dumbass? Or do I need to break it down further?" 

"No, No.. I got it. Sounds pretty straightforward. You can count on me. " said Zurui.

"Hmph. I sure hope so. We'll begin at 3:00 a.m." 

"Hm? Why so late? Why not midnight?" said Zurui.

"Use your head. The later we wait, the less alert the guards will be. If it were just me, I wouldn't really give a shit either way, but we need every advantage we can get with you here." said Jaakuna.

"You still think I'll hold you back? I know I'm not the best member of the organization, but it's just a bunch of dumb guards. This'll be a piece of cake, even for me." said Zurui.

"Always be prepared for the unexpected. Like I said, if you screw up, I'll have no problem abandoning you, and I'll laugh my ass off; as I fly back to Okinawa, alone." said Jaakuna.

"Ok. Ok. I get it. I won't screw up." said Zurui.

Late that night at 2:55 a.m., Jaakuna and Zurui arrived near the Federal Bank, and stood on top of an adjacent building. Jaakuna was wearing a special pair of glasses, that could be set to night vision, and sense body heat. As Jaakuna viewed the bank through her glasses, she could see body signatures congregating at two separate sides of the building. 

"How's it look, Jaakuna? said Zurui.

"It's as I thought. There's two guard stations, with three guards each. You remember the plan, don't you?" 

"Yeah, I got it." said Zurui.

"Good.. first I need to shutdown the security system." said Jaakuna, as she pulled out her laptop, and hacked into the security system. "There, it's done. Now let's go. I wanna get this over with, quickly." she said as she put on her communication earpiece.

Jaakuna and Zurui hopped on top of the bank's roof, and quickly dropped through the top door, and headed towards the guard stations. 

"What the hell, happened? The camera's just randomly, shut off?" said the confused guard.

"Zurui, are you at your post yet?" said Jaakuna, over her earpiece.

"Yes, I'm here." said Zurui.

"Now, on my mark. 1..2..3!" she said as they both, bursted in the security rooms. 

One of the guards went to grab Jaakuna, but she grabbed his arm, and kicked him in the face. She immediately whipped her leg hard to the opposite side, which caused the second guard's neck to snap, as he flew across the room. Jaakuna then rammed the first guard's head into the third, cracking their skulls. Zurui also made short work of the three guards at the other post. She jumped on one of their shoulders, and rammed her knee in their face. She then gave a hard uppercut, to one of their chins, before kicking the last guard in the stomach. 

"All targets have been neutralized, Jaakuna." said Zurui.

"Perfect, same over here. Now then, let's hurry to the vault." she said as she and Zurui, rushed out of the guard posts.

As the two got close to the vault, Jaakuna pressed the button on her wrist device, and summoned her doom saber. She then simply stuck the saber into the vault's door, and carved out an opening large enough to get in. "Go on, start bagging it up." she said.

Zurui grabbed a few large briefcases, and started to take all of the money. Suddenly, alarms started to go off in the building. Back in the guard post that Zurui attacked, one of the guards just barely managed to press the alarm trigger, before passing out. 

"What the? What the hell is going on? Someone sounded the alarm. Zurui, you idiot. I thought you said, all your targets were neutralized." said Jaakuna, frustrated.

"I-I know I knocked them all out. They couldn't have gotten up, after that." said Zurui, nervously.

"You sniveling fool. You should've just killed them all. Just hurry up, and keep bagging! The closest police station is still 10 minutes away from here. " said Jaakuna, as she jumped in to grab more of the money. "Damn. I can't believe you've got me of all people, in a shitty situation like this. We're gonna have to escape by rooftop. It'll be too risky to escape on the ground, the police might see us. " said Jaakuna. "(Shit, this is bad. The last thing I need, is to become a top wanted criminal in Tokyo. I've got enough on my plate, dealing with Naomi, in Okinawa. If the police even see us, they'll have to die. In the worst case scenario, I might end up having to kill everyone involved here.)" she thought.

Police cars began to rush towards the federal bank. "Looks, like their's been a break in, at the federal bank. Send in a team of 20 s.w.a.t officers. along with two armored vehicles. We're dealing with criminals, capable of breaching a government facility.  We need to be prepared, for the worst." said the sheriff. 

Thanks to Zurui's insufficient attack on the guard post, the girls find themselves in a very bothersome situation. Will they be able to escape the cops without incident, or will this escalate to a point of no return?

To be continued: 

Next time: Escape, from Tokyo. Run, Jaakuna, Run!