Chapter 8: A Warning of Times Ahead
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      I had a nightmare that night. I saw embers of mountains and spirals of magic in the distant sky. In my arms lay a small white dragon. It looked familiar, but I couldn't recall seeing it. There were dead surrounding us, some had the standout armor of Laquis garb, and others had Kesh armor. At the end of the dream, I heard a voice call out to me. It had no defining quality, save for it having them all. "Your journey shall begin when ash first falls," it spoke cryptically.

     I tried to ask what it meant but before I could, I awoke in a cold sweat. Archaios smite me, I haven't had a dream in decades, let alone a nightmare like that. Spirits are said to give us dreams but I never had a good relationship with their kind, so I knew this was of major import. I gazed out the window to find it still dark out. I swapped out my drenched clothes into a similar light grey tunic and brown pants and equipped my shortsword. I was going to go on a walk to clear my head and to find a better place to think.


    By the time I got back to the inn, it was already morning. Clarys was eating breakfast when I came in, and donned a confused expression when she saw me. "I thought you were still sleeping?" she asked, definitely confused. "No, I left earlier for a walk; wasn't too bad, got to think about some things." I didn't tell her about what I saw last night as I didn't need to make her worry. I ate as well and I went out for a little bit to do some touch-ups on my armor and shortsword. I took a couple knocks from the beasts and a lucky hit from the bandit boss. 

    After that, I found a vendor selling some exotic beverages from Adropos, an island country to the south-east, specializing in fish, and my favorite drink, juniper gin. I grabbed a few bottles for a little lower than originally and went back to the inn. "What's with the bottles?" Clarys asked referring to my gin.

     "It's mine and it's for when I want some good stuff. It's hard to come by here and I was lucky to get it. Anyway, how's your progress with the book?" She'd made good progress with the book on arcane magic, and was learning a new spell, {Lightfall}. It apparently lets you slow your and/or your target's fall to a 'satisfactory degree' according to the book. Before she could respond three men in city guard armor walked in. Already? Thought she'd take a bit longer. That, or some drunkard is in for a rough night in the jail. The lead one spoke up soon after entering, "By request of Lady Ciel Ne'erevar Cross, Sir Dorian Lutz and any close friends of his are called upon to make haste to the keep. This request shall be repeated at all places of gathering until He voices his agreeance." He idled for a second, waiting for an answer. Clarys gave me a look of 'what in the heavens did you do?'.

     I winked and spoke up to the guards, "Yeah don't worry, I will be seeing Her Duchess shortly. You guys can take a break now. And don't worry, I know my way to the keep." I turned back to Clarys, she looked completely bewildered, which, to be fair, is completely reasonable given the circumstances. "So, Clarys, wanna meet a Duchess?"


      It didn't take too long for us to get to the keep, Clarys decided to tag along as she was very curious as to what a duchess wanted with her teacher. At the gates instead of a guard like you'd expect, an old face greeted us instead. "Hey, Bertram! You're still alive! It's been a couple years, how're the grandkids?" "Greetings to you too, Sir Dorian, as well as the Lady. The grandchildren are happy as well, Thomas has recently enrolled in the children's school actually..." We continued our conversation on our way in the keep. As I greeted more and more people Clarys was looking more and more confused, and at the same time seemed to be picking up some bits of info from our exchanges.

     After a while of walking through hallways and corridors, we entered the gardens. "Lady Ciel is waiting for you too. She seemed excited when she learned of your entry of Randen yesterday and needed some Chamomile tea to sleep. I hope you all have a wonderful chat. And with this, I shall bid you farewell for now, and same for you, Lady Clarys." He gave us a bow and left. Now for the meeting. Clarys looked a little nervous so I gave her a light nudge. "Just think of it as your teacher meeting a friend. A very powerful one, but still." I gave her a grin and headed toward the center of the garden.

     There, in the middle of the garden in a gazebo sat a young woman, who looked to be in her twenties. She had long flowing red hair and sky blue eyes that seemed to be filled with ambition, but with a healthy hint of caution. Obviously, this woman was Ciel, a close friend of mine I made in a noble's academy when I decided to spend a while in the Isles. She was a wreck when I found her, seemingly scared of her own shadow, but even more so of some specific people whom she avoided at all costs, which was how I bumped into her. After all that happened there, I found a steadfast friend which I could rely upon.

      She was reading a book but looked up when she heard footsteps. "Dorian!" she shouted, setting her book to the side and running over to hug me. After a moment she let go, happy with the friendly embrace. "It's been what? Four years since the academy? And who's this?" she asked, turning her attention to Clarys, "I take it this is the mysterious apprentice I've heard whispers about?" This time Clarys piped up. I- indeed I am, Lady Ciel. It's a-an honor to meet you."

     Ciel and I took one look at each other before bursting out in laughter. I hadn't expected her to be so formal and neither had Ciel. A few moments later we died down and Ciel responded, "It's an honor to meet you too, but please don't be so formal with me, I can barely stand it when other nobles address me as such." Clarys blushed at that and Ciel gave a light chuckle. "Now please, won't you two sit down with me? I'll have some tea prepared while we talk." 

     We spent a while catching up and letting Clarys ask questions on how we knew each other. Ciel explained how a few years ago she was practically ostracized in a very prestigious academy in the Isles, which any noble in Ire is allowed to go to, as well as a few choice exceptions. She was hiding from a group of people who had been harassing her for weeks when I'd found her. I took a liking to her and we became friends, and after a rather public humiliation of her harassers as well as her graduation we ended up going our separate ways but still keeping in touch.

     After a few minutes of us all sitting in a pleasant quiet Ciel cleared her throat and straightened up. Uh-oh, she only does that when something bad happens, I thought, getting slightly worried.

    "Now that we have finished reminiscing of our own little escapades, I need your help."