Chapter. 14 | Dragon Dragon Dragon
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I have to write... But... I am not in the mood! I have to write... but I have to get in the mood... I have plenty of time, just... Not in the mood! I have to get in the mood! But... dragon social relations are so hard... Who cares about who can breathe the most fire out? So lame... Ha... Although it was fun... but... I have to write! It's been so long! I want to! I want to write!!! AAAAAAA... How many novels have I read? How many overpowered protagonists have I seen? Uuu... I want!

I'm preserving the author notes. 

Dragon Dragon Dragon

This was way longer than usual, but it was extremely fun to write! Although there might be a ton of grammatical and redaction errors because I just typed with my massive claws as I giggled like a little girl. Ha, taking me back to those days. It was fun to go back and think when the world was simpler. Seriously, lava baths are hard to find now...

Also hopefully this chapter was more entertaining, because I know chapters have been feeling kind of filler since nothing really happened. But now we will get a bit of an actual story. Although this might cause some pacing fuck ups, so please bear with it.