Chapter 12
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“Dr. Yodice... you suck as a teacher”. Dark muck crept down the hall, oozing like an open wound. All the while Dr. Yodice and Valery watched as students opened their doors in horror to the noxious refuse slipping beneath their door.

“I will admit I’m not as accustomed to your abilities as a hexen,” Dr. Yodice began “but I pride myself on-”

Suddenly a soft rattle slipped through the walls. Valery could sense the surrounding pipes. Their iron veins rushing with refuse. The subtle valves that slowly met her invisible touch, yet before the intention could be met the yawn of stressed metal anointed the halls. Allowing a second avalanche of amber liquid to roll past the dorm rooms.

“Would you stop doing that!” Dr. Yodice screeched. Valery could do little more than smirk at the principal’s antics. The past days had revealed Dr. Yodice’s short fuse, a spice that accented his icy demeanor. Yet as the chaos stopped and the pipes dripped empty, the smell still lingered. Leaving Valery to marvel at the wrinkled disgust that layered Dr. Yodice’s face.

“Well, I guess that ends my training for today. Huh?”

“Y-yes,” Dr. Yodice said holding his displeasure “I believe we should start on an even smaller basis for your powers, maybe a light bulb or a phone”

“Or” Valery chimed “you could take me to the mysterious place that shall not be named”. Dr. Yodice stiffened; it was the typical reaction Valery had found the past few days. Every question about other hexen or meeting other witches was met with a sudden stiffness and a swift dismissal. With a leading hand Dr. Yodice pulled Valery away from the scene, yet a deft swipe annulled the attempt.

“I’m sick of this already!” Valery muttered “I know you’re all powerful and everything but you just keep saying to go smaller and smaller but it’s not working! I know you must be a master of magic or something, but I need a hexen teacher!”

Suddenly a gust of air overtook the hall as doors and windows slid by in a haze. The hall’s dimensions warped to dr. Yodice’s design. Valery started at the man before her and for a second she was taken aback the softness in his eyes had returned. Something warm and young beneath the icy shell. Valery had tried in the past to open Dr. Yodice despite their disparity in skill. Yet as she stared into his eyes Valery could only hang her head in shame “I-I’m sorry sir, I know you’re doing your best and-”

“No, you’re right.” Valery perked up at his words, finding only his back to greet her. “It was wrong for me to shelter you like this you are well beyond age for your decision and a proper teacher should be appointed but let’s get you there proper wares first”

Without movement or gesture the halls reformed. Translocating and affixing themselves into the area just outside Dr. Yodice’s office. A place now familiar to Valery’s eye and though she went to reply to Dr. Yodice's announcement, the defiant “clack!” of his door ended the conversation.

Valery stood for a moment, hoping the door would open again. Affording her the chance of an apology, yet it was clear such a chance wouldn’t come. Meandering through the halls, Valery considered Dr. Yodice’s words. Maybe starting small wouldn’t be so bad… But I need a real teacher, not vague trial and error. Suddenly a burst of warmth engulfed her skin, though the sensation was drowned by a passing scream. 

The seamless slip of time chilled the sky with a dreaming gradient. The stars once again spiraling to see their greatest actors. Though to their surprise, a new player had entered the stage.

Hooves beat across the asphalt, painting a crimson trail behind it. The beast’s mighty horn rose proud against its silky mane and just behind it a darkness encroached. Bolts sang through the air, forcing a reaping cry from the mare’s throat. Its hooves stormed down the street until the silver bite of steel claimed its knee, forcing the creature into a crumpled heap. Key could barely watch the scene before him. 

Crimson stains dotted the serene as the unicorn’s eyes floundered about. Its weak attempts at escape were met with swift attacks, leaving no room for safety. All there was, all there could be were the creatures pained screams. Despite the unruly butchery, Key was satisfied with his experiment. There were at least twenty other unicorns he could retrieve from the tome, though something ground against his nerves. Who's even attacking it? Usually people are hypnotized by its presence and get pierced by its horn. So who could be-? Suddenly the feed froze as a figure walked into view. 

Its form was awkward, a dark amalgamation between shape and form. For a moment Key wondered if the figure was even real. That is, until its hooded maw gazed into the unicorn’s eye. There was nothing beneath the hood. Only a starved darkness that clawed through the very screen. Finally, the feed went dark. Yet Key couldn’t tell if the unicorn was truly dead or if the shadow simply consumed the creature.

It was on this night that two things became abundantly clear; Key needed to hasten his plans and something was hunting him.