Chapter 8 – First Heat
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They say the first time one does anything will be the hardest.


There’s truth in those words.


At first, QiuRan thought there was a silver lining from being born as a man in this world. No uterus, no period, no pain. Or so he thought…..


When his first heat as an omega came, he was forced to swallow back his words.




QiuRan clenched his teeth tightly as he leaned weakly onto the headboard. The inside of his brain had turned into a gooey mush. His lips and tongue felt fuzzy and numb. His face and cheeks felt hot – his throat parched. The cave was freezing cold but he was set ablaze from within.


FuFu, QiuRan’s spirit crane, crooned softly from outside the cave barrier in an attempt to soothe her master as she looked worriedly at the young man.


QiuRan lay curled upon a stone bed, looking like a peony bud a day shy from blooming. A light hue of pink tinted his exposed skin. Squirming and thrashing about on the bed, his waist belt had come undone – his lapels wide open, revealing an expanse of whiteness. Crumpled white robes now askew, they looked like layers of snow wrapping the budding bloom – seeking to hide but pried open by force. Dazed grey eyes full of longing dimmed and gleamed behind trembling lashes.


He was already born looking like a HuliJing (fox spirit), now that he was sprawled defenseless on a bed, bleary-eyed and his lips slightly apart, one couldn’t help but tremble and gulp at the sight. Fortunately for him, he was alone.


Immediately after that little girl EnYi left, QiuRan had sought Fairy FangXin’s permission to enter seclusion. The Disciple and his Shizun both had prepared for QiuRan reaching adulthood moments and both had agreed that him dealing with his first heat in seclusion is the best scenario. As such, feeling the rising heat inside his body, QiuRan had retreated to his seclusion cave protected by a barrier exclusively set by Fairy FangXin herself – only QiuRan as a head disciple and Fairy FangXin herself knew the way to undo these barriers.


QiuRan whimpered as he tries to curl his body even more. The longing and discomfort was unbearable, yet at the same time he could feel the insatiable hunger inside him gnawing. The had taken the inhibitor pills and they had worked – to some extent.


But he could have made a better one.


He grasped the bed sheets and bit down on his lips. His fair face is now covered in cold sweat as  he frowned and clamped shut his eyes , clinging tightly onto a shred of sanity.


Even if the heat is unavoidable, he refuses to bend down to an omega’s instinct. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to suppress this body’s instinct and nature.



Mind clouded mind and bleary-eyed, QiuRan writhed and rubbed against the now damp sheets. The young man whimpered and sighed intermittently, letting out a cacophony of ambiguous echoes in the stone abode.


He chewed down on reddened lips and licked at the dryness for a semblance of comfort. Crimson dotted torn skin on his lips as specks of moisture wet his forehead. Breathless and restless, his dazed eyes blinked softly as he brought his thighs closer to himself. Raven black hair spread across white sheets. Like spilled ink, strands of loose hair clung to his neck, trailing down his collar bones. The colour contrast makes the alluring scene appear even more indecent.


QiuRan knitted his brows, his eyes foggy. Their corners were slightly red with wetness from trying to hold back the waves of desire. Without realizing it, his eyes dropped shut as he breathed out-ragged muffled heaves. Bunched up blanket pressed snugly against the space between his thighs. He reached down with his right hand and pressed down, clamping the bundle in place as he moved in rhythm.


But it was yet enough.




His lips tremble in dissatisfaction as he wished for mercy in his heart. The hand which pressed and rubbed onto the heat low in between his legs had gone numb and tired. However, he was nowhere near relief.


“want it…want to…”


Drops of water formed and gathered behind blue-grey irises as a translucent pearl of tears rolled down his flushed cheeks.




QiuRan suppressed a moan as his back arched forward, his buttocks pushed backward as he did so. With all the tossing and turning, his disheveled clothes stuck firmly in a tangled mess around his body. The two round mounds below his hip were prominently visible, wrapped tightly against thin robes.


“Mmph… haah….


As he can bear it no longer, hips started to sway without him realizing. As his hips shook forwards and backward in a slow rhythm, his right hand pulled loose his undone belt and slipped under his garments. Hot numb fingers slid beneath his hard member. The light touch sent shivers down the nape of his neck. As the fingers trailed upwards, they moved around a shaft and held it in a soft grip. The sensation of fingers wrapping around his member made him clench his thighs and calves as a prickling heat climbed up like vines from the tip of his toes up to his lower abdomen.


“Huu…Mmmn….more….a little more….”


Fingers wrapped snugly around the jade-white pillar, QiuRan started to stroke upwards and downwards as he hummed in satisfaction. FuFu looked at the scene of debauchery with big round innocent eyes. She crooned while tilting her heads, wondering if his master is in pain. The sight of the young man, all messed up and half undressed on a bed, hips swaying as his hand moved underneath white garments means nothing to FuFu, a teenager spirit beast who is still not well versed in such matters.




Warm air formed mist-like exhalations as QiuRan let out gasps in between shivers of pleasure. The more he stroked, the faster he finds himself going. The more he swayed, the tighter his grip became. Soon, he found himself face down on the bed, gasping mouth pressed against the pillow as he arched his butt upwards and moved his body in lewd abandon. Tears starts to slides down his eyes as he swayed and moved in rhythm. He could no longer think of anything else aside from the urge to satiate this hunger. Anything will do just to snatch that sense of relief which he was mere inches away from. His ragged breath became faster along with his hands. QiuRan could feel the wave of heat gathering in between his legs. He bit down on his lips as his hand and hip moved faster and faster before he felt all four of his limbs tense up– his toes curling as he wedged the blanket.




As he clamped down and felt his bones turned into a pool of liquid marrow, a wave of warmth washed over him from the tips of his head down to his toes. His face was hot and flushed from the warmth. QiuRan lay weak and dazed, disoriented from the pleasure.


However, it was far from enough.


It was far from over.

Instead of relief, all he could feel was the sensation of the heat dissipating into cruel coldness. Soon, another wave of heat started to spread slowly and steadily throughout his body again.


Soon, he found himself tossing around on his bed again, head tilted sideways in fatigue.


The slightest bit of sanity that he had regained went as soon as it came as he was taken over by his instinct over and over again. having realized that this fight is a fruitless one, his mind started to let go as he let himself drown in hunger and pleasure that comes and by.


Just like that, seven days passed and as if an eternity of torture has dawned, QiuRan awoke amidst damp sheets and tear drenched cushions. Patches of skin on unspeakable places are red from rubbing. With a still-clouded mind, he swayed unsteadily and tried to get up. He picked up his clothes that has been thrown to the floor to cover his body and walked slowly to the cave’s entrance. The moment the cave’s barrier came down, FuFu – who stood guard right outside – was struck dumb on her spot temporarily. A thick wave of fragrance, blossom scented, rushed out from the enclosed space. Soft-boned and frail from fatigue, QiuRan who did not notice this slumped down beside the entrance – breathing in the cold fresh air.


Dark shadows of exhaustion color the frame of his eyes – yet on him, they made him look even more bewitching.


He spent a good hour soaking under the moonlight, absorbing Qi, disheveled hair strewn across wildly as he regained his strength. FuFu seated herself beside to warm him – her white feathers fluffed up and soft. She crooned and purred in satisfaction as she took in the jasmine fragrance QiuRan’s body gave out. The scent of a yin body is naturally tantalizing to demon beasts. As a spirit crane, FuFu naturally feels enraptured by the scent and within her evoked a sense of protectiveness towards her master.


QiuRan leaned on the soft feathers and napped for a while before rising.


7 days…hah….”


Slowly recalling all the things that happen during the last few days. What followed immediately after rising was the slowly sinking realisation of his trampled dignity. Like a sort of realisation and disgust which slowly reared its ugly head. Never could he have imagined that this so-called heat is basically a whole week full of pheromone driven hornfest. QiuRan rubbed his forehead with one of his hand while rebuking himself.


From that day onwards, QiuRan worked like a bull, refusing to rest day and night as if possessed in order to perfect the inhibitor pill. As much as he hated pain and as much as he hates to admit it, he would rather have a period than heat. At least his dignity as a man is still intact.


After a hundred years of trial and error, he finally succeeded.


Fairy FangXin smiled sweetly as he looked at the red pill which gleamed innocently on her disciple’s white palm. The stark polarity in color made his skin looks even whiter – made one’s heart itch. She reached out to examine the pill.


Although it is not perfect, it is a far cry from the original prototype. Currently, QiuRan’s monthly plague is well controlled under this remedy.





“Say, A-Ran, have you ever thought of adding WinterDew flower to it?”, FangXin asked while placing the pill back onto her disciple’s palm.


“En.”, QiuRan nodded, “It's just that this disciple has never come across it during these past decades. Why did Shizun ask?”


FangXin propped her chin onto her hand, the corner of her peach lips perking up.


WinterDew Flower – this, is a rare herb that only bloomed once every hundred years in the inhospitable climate of the North Continent. For years QiuRan had searched for these herbs with his and his Shizun’s connections – to no avail. Since he himself can not venture out too far, he can only rely on his fellow disciple sisters and his shizun.


“Shizun heard some WinterDew Flowers will be available for bidding in NanJiang’s Annual Auction this coming week. Say, you have never gone down the mountain by yourself all these years. You should probably want to go down to get it by yourself this time around? ”, Fairy FangXin asked as she moved to sit closer to her disciple. Her lean fingers patted QiuRan’s head, gingerly gathering up his raven black hair into a half ponytail.


This beloved disciple of hers rarely sees the light of the day.


Such a waste of such a pretty face, Fairy FangXin sighed.


Even though this beauty is a rarely found male omega, and she understood his anxieties about leaving the sect’s ground by himself, right now his pill’s formula has shown adequate effects. It is nigh time he ventures out by himself. After all, he can not depend on his disciple sisters and herself for the rest of his lives. Looking at him, Fairy FangXin feels an odd sense of pride and motherliness. In a way, QiuRan is a child she has raised and protected all by herself.


“What’s the matter, Shizun?”, the young man cast a brief glance at her as she finished tying up his hair.


FangXin sighed and placed a hand on her bosom.


Now, after so long, he was no longer a child but he still looked like he was barely past seventeen of age. He has a slender built and slim waist – truly a figure which roused the heart. Although it is a pity that despite him having reached adulthood long ago, he was still about the same height as her at 5 cun of height. If only this disciple of hers is a bit taller, he could have thrice the amount of female disciples crooning over him – not that he doesn’t have too many already. 


Being in seclusion, QiuRan had no need for disguise, so his black hair dropped like a curtain of inky strands of silk – straight and heavy – pouring over the sides of his face and scattering around his shoulders. He had not bothered to groom himself much and his hair had reached the length of the ankle. After Fairy FangXin tied them up in a half ponytail, they barely reached past his calves.


To make matters worse, framed in between those black curtains of his hair was that calamitous face.


With this face of his, as a man, he commands with the air of a scholarly gentleman, and as a woman, he beguiles with the charm of a graceful fairy.


Fairy FangXin sat opposite him and swept his bangs aside to take a better look as QiuRan had busied himself with the herbs and pills on his stone table.


 Sigh.., Fairy FangXin gave out yet another sigh.


This calamitous face, ah…..,she though to herself.


The irises are a light color a mix of gray and pale blue. His eyes follow the curve of a phoenix’s wings and his eyebrows slender as willow leaves. His lips were a rosy shade of pink – gleaming with slight moisture – akin to a ripened plum tempting one to take a bite.


Fairy FangXin shook her head in defeat.


Ah, maybe it’s a good thing A-Ran stayed inside. There are way too many hungry wild boars keen to take a bite of this treasured peach of MeiGui HuaYuan (rose garden) peak ah~…. If this old lady herself already thinks he doth appear tantalizing, what would the common folk think when they chanced upon him.


QiuRan looked up and caught sight of Fairy FangXin shaking her head. Thinking himself impolite for forgetting to reply to his shizun, he immediately stopped what he was doing, cupped his hands, bowed, and apologised.


“Shizun, this disciple was too engrossed and was impolite. Seeking Shizun’s forgiveness…”


Fairy FangXin smiled sweetly and waved her hand, dismissing his apology.


“No need~ No need~ Shizun just realized you have grown up ~”


QiuRan peeked up from under his scattered black fringe


“About the auction… then, if Shizun permits, this disciple will go by himself.”


Fairy FangXin froze for a moment before her eyes curved upwards as she let out a charming smile.


“A-Ran finally wants to go out?”


QiuRan had never stepped out from the sect’s grounds by himself for the past hundred years. He had often ventured out within the sect’s grounds by himself in multiple disguises. There was no shortage of Tops in the sect for him to take it as practice in daily life. Even within the sect’s grounds, countless male disciples have tried to contact him despite him wearing the guise of a poorly dressed, nest-haired disciple.


Several times, he had ventured out accompanied by a big group of his ShiJies and ShiMeis [make a footnote] to nearby towns, including NanJiang towns and the outings had occurred uneventfully. Having secluded himself for nearly a century, he had become rather bored and wanted to go out for a while. NanJiang city is just a few hundred lis beyond the sect gate and it’s a very safe place for travelers. It is also not good to continue hiding himself lest Fairy FangXin grows suspicious with regards to his motives. Currently, Fairy FangXin had only known that he is an omega. However, none knew about this body’s other properties.


Deep inside, QiuRan also felt slightly embarrassed to keep troubling his fellow disciple sisters. Although he is like this, he is still a man. He had practiced for the past hundred years and his cultivation is second only to Fairy FangXin in this Rose Garden Peak. Having to be accompanied and protected by his disciple sisters whose cultivations are much weaker than him give him no face, to say the least.


Fairy FangXin hummed quietly for a while before agreeing.


“Alright. Shizun agrees. A-Ran really need do to go out by himself to gain more experience.”


She can not keep protecting this beauty forever. And this child is also no longer a child. Eventually, he will have to face whatever danger lies outside by himself.


“This disciple understands.”


With that, QiuRan started packing for his journey the moment FangXin left his room.


No one except QiuRan himself knows about his body bearing an extreme Yin predisposition and him being a Human Panacea.


EnYi didn’t remember what happened. The SirenSnake was killed by the Ancient Demon Beast. The Ancient Demon Beast which his blood awoken was killed by the elders.


QiuRan is currently mainly focused on finding out more about the two properties he had gave little attention to for the past few decades. They are the  Fated Mate (ABO) and Fated Mate (Beast Mate) feature which was attached to his profile. He was initially much more worried about his omega , yin body, and human panacea status. Now that he had spent a hundred years researching and strengthening his cultivation base, he more or less knows what is there to know.


Being an omega, the main thing he has to worry about is concealing his omega status, controlling his heats, and avoid provoking alphas. As long as he doesn’t meet a stronger alpha who goes out of his way to provoke him, he should be safe.


Being a yin body he had to make sure never to expose his blood in the presence of demon beasts, especially high or divine level demon beasts who are more likely to recognize the scent of his blood.


Being a human panacea he just has to not let someone consume part of his bodies and notice that he has healing abilities.


With regards to the Fated Mate (ABO) feature, his research has indicated that it is very likely, as per in many omegaverse settings, that he has a fated mate in this world. The existence of this fated mate is worrisome as this particular alpha has the ability to forcefully trigger his heat. However, to avoid this, it is likely enough to make sure his omega identity remains unknown. That can be taken care of as long as nobody goes out of their way to obtain a sample from him to perform a gender check on him. As long as his heats remain under control, no one will suspect he is not a beta either.


The Fated Mate (Beast Mate) feature is more confusing. According to what little he knew, apparently, Demon Beasts are born with a mate they can share a sort of “resonance” with. This is particularly troublesome as he cant find much literature on this subject nor is he familiar with how this so-called telepathy works.


What is this resonance thing?


QiuRan puffed out his cheeks and blew out a long exhale.


This business of surviving is tiring. It seems that it’s a good idea to find a girl to marry and settle down with soon.


One more step and he will be another level higher on the yaoi foodchain.


Having finished packing, QiuRan gathered his belongings and headed down the peak. The journey towards the town will take a few days so it is best to set out now.


FuFu chirped cheerfully as she saw QiuRan approach her in his outing attire. Her red and black chest feathers fluffed up as she crowed in delight. It has been a long time since she last went out with Master!


 “Alright FuFu, calm down a bit..”


QiuRan laughed as he stroked her beak and fastened a harness onto her. Having received an order from her master, she looked back to ensure that her master was seated properly before running and leaping off the peak’s cliff, her white wings spread wide as she took flight.


White veils fluttered in the winds, carrying the scent of jasmine with it.


A hundred miles away, the wind brushed past a dragon’s scales as it snaked through a dense pack of stormy clouds. Humming in nostalgia, the dragon took a deep breath and flew across the ocean, beyond the looming thunders.



Author Notes :


*1 cun   : 33 cm

So FangXin and QiuRan are both about 165cm or 5.5 feet tall.