Chapter 10
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Taking out the transceiver from my gambeson, I call out to my troops.

"Where are you right now? What's your status?"

"Lieutenant... Cabin...feel...sick."

That voice is Pink's!

"Pink, hang on, I'm coming. Wait! Anyone else?! Please respond!"

Seven seconds pass, and it is all silence.

Sheet! Why is this happening?! For the last two days, we have been scouring the whole ship, interrogating all the ship's crew, my troops and I included. But we still have not found the shapeshifting intruder. The knights keep insisting that they and their servants are safe. They also claim that since this is the first time we have met, interrogating them will be useless.

Those arrogant knights! This amount of casualties may have been prevented if not for their carelessness!

After a few more seconds, Pink talks once again. "Need, more, antitoxin... One, not, enough."

Pink's breathing sounds strained, and she can barely utter words. However, Pink, I'm amazed at your survival skills.

"Alright. I think I have advanced antitoxin potions inside my item bag. Just hang on, don't you dare die on me."


Pink no longer responds. I hope she just can't be bothered to reply and not dead.

By cabin, she means hers, right? I spin on my heel and sprint. However, from the corner of my eye, I see something move. Checking what it is, I catch a glimpse of a rat running about, unnerved by the death around it. When the rat realizes that I am looking at it, it stops on its tracks and squeals.

Its deep red eyes are looking straight at me. It may just be my imagination, but I feel like this rat is mocking me, its continuous squeals being that of celebration.

This tiny critter is no ordinary rat.

From curiosity, my stare is now that of rage. "You!"

What to do?
  • Leave the rat be and rescue Pink. Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Capture the rat. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Throw a knife at the rat, then rescue Pink. Votes: 3 75.0%
Total voters: 4 · This poll was closed on Feb 3, 2021 03:45 PM.