Chapter 31: Throwing Out Trash
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Amid the ship rocking back and forth, Pink and I return to the ship's deck.

Aside from the remaining few Knights' servants currently hiding in their cabins, everyone else is still in the open air.

Yellow immediately stares at us the moment we appear.

Captain Green absentmindedly looks on at the vast sea and its harsh waves. The guy looks like he wants to jump off or something.

The traitorous Red is now surprisingly tied on his wrists and legs. His face contorts still at the [Flesh-Eater Shroom]'s effects.

We forgot to remove the shroom from him, huh? Who tied him, though? I guess it doesn't matter now.

White sits defeated at one corner, just several feet away from the door where we stand.

Before any of them can realize what's about to happen, Pink stealthily approaches White and slaps him with a pouch of [Sleeping Powder]. The powder swiftly takes effect and drops White before he can grab the hilt of his sword or even roar in anger.

"What's happening?" Yellow shouts, grabbing the attention of the rest.

Red, still disoriented and delirious thanks to the shroom, barely get to snarl at Pink. His head flies in a spray of red liquid and Pink kicks the head high into the air until it drops into the sea, never to be seen again.

Crap, she works quickly. Too quickly.

I, on the other hand, am closing on Captain Green slowly. Is he going to fight back? Is he going to surrender peacefully? My head simulates several different approaches for either possibility.

However, Captain Green's glassy eyes keep looking at White's unmoving body. Green does not even register my existence until I touch his shoulder. Even after I touch him, he barely reacts. I gently guide him into his office as Pink slits Yellow's throat at the corner of my eye.

Earlier, my innocent self confidently suggests that we spare Yellow but that thought evaporates when Pink and the Shapeshifter list out the crimes Yellow commits in his realm. How do they even know all of those? None of the crimes deserve punishment by death, but all of them combined does. Here I am thinking Baron Baffoon is at least half-decent.

Pink carries the unconscious White to Green's office as well.
The deck gets cleared of bodies in less than a minute.

Yo, Pink can do almost everything by herself.

"At least I helped a bit," I mutter under my breath.

Inside the office, I raise an eyebrow at the Shapeshifter currently in Orange's form. She's sitting there, just smiling at us.

While my lazy ass wants her to help with something, it is true that the discussion earlier concludes that having the Shapeshifter there may cause the knights to be a lot more vigilant. Thus, she stays hidden in the office.

"What happened to him?" The Shapeshifter points at the ship captain.

Green simply stares blankly at his table littered with maps and navigation tools.

I shrug. I do not even want to answer that.

"Now what?" I deflect.

"I guess we drop by Arkbay," Pink says.

"Indeed," the Shapeshifter agrees.

Why Arkbay? I don't hear a lot of good things about that town.


We all look at the captain as he finally talks, albeit softly. He produces a parchment from his coat and gives it to me, or perhaps no one in particular.

I snatch the parchment and read it.


"It's the royal order for the ship captain."