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The aristocrats reacted to the Emperor's approval. Without talking to his retainers, the Emperor accepted the request of an alliance. 

Erande didn't know why the Emperor accepted it easily. Erande planned to use the weapons to his advantage but perhaps he didn't need it anymore. He smiled and nodded. 

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"We can talk deeper about this after the celebration."

Emperor waved his hand, signaling that they could now leave. Erande and the other three bowed their heads and greeted him for the last time. 

The Count came back to his position, some people were looking at him. They wanted to know what was his opinion about this alliance. The Entei was the most affected by the attacks that Rambaldon made. They believed that the Count would be angry, however, they didn't see any changes to his face. The Count was really hard to crack. 

The party started, the nobles inside the hall begun to talk about many things. Gossips would always be part of aristocrats. Still, they kept the hard matters to themselves, they didn't want to talk about heavy things that may cause problems… they would talk about it after the party. 

They drunk the highest class wines and they ate the rarest and delicious foods. The party was extravagant. 

The younger people had their own things to do. The females who were single were starting to do their jobs. For the brave and desperate women, they were the first who made move and asked for a dance. Some women mocked them saying that what they were doing was pitiful. As a woman, they must not lower their pride to ask for a dance, men should be the one to do that. 

The main targets of these hungry hyenas were the best marriage prospects.

Romero Saraza. He was one of the men who had a great future ahead. He would inherit the title of his father and become a Duke. He is handsome and strong although his last marriage proposal didn't work out. Romero was busy with the sword and he didn't have any time to romance. Still, many women secretly had feelings for him.  

Next was Dylan Fillan. He was still unmarried not because of his attitude but because of his career. Dylan was always busy working in the regime, he didn't have any time for romance just like Romero… And even now, he didn't attend the party. He was in the department doing his best to maintain and keep the administration working well. Now that his father became a Duke, many females were hungry for him. 

The last was Kaslan Caparal, this man was still young compared to the previous two but he was still the successor of his father, Duke Caparal. 



The Emperor and Prince Erande were facing each other. They were the only people inside the room. Julian picked up the teacup and drunk it. This tea was the favorite tea that his father drinks. 

Erande was still using his poker face, not giving any weakness. He already made a mistake earlier, he didn't want to make another one. 

The Emperor tapped his finger and listened to his intention. He agreed to the proposition of having an alliance but he wanted a deeper understanding of it. The Rambaldon was the country next to Entei, and their country was connected to the route of Inaudible Plain. 

Instead of fighting, Julian wanted to have a good trading business with the neighboring countries. As a man who focused more on economic, his plan was to make the Empire reached a higher development. And another reason why he did it was because of his sister. Aria and the Mellwood made an understanding, since the Count didn't have any successor anymore, they wanted to give the Entei to Princess Aria. 

Julian agreed to them, that's why he wanted to make the Entei. Not only for paying the things that Christopher did but for his sister too. 

As for Erande, the reason why he proposed an alliance was because he knew that fighting the Empire would be hard. That's why instead of facing them how about make an alliance and prosper together. He studied the route of Inaudible Plain and he knew that their country was an important part of the route. They could block the trading so that it won't reach the Entei. Well, Erande didn't want another war so he decided to do the best option he could have. 

The two leaders made calculations inside their heads. 

They started to open their mouths, after a couple of hours. They had an understanding of each other. The Rambaldon didn't want war and the Cransia wanted to prosper economically. 

They made a handshake. 

"It seems like the next King of Rambaldon will be hard to crack."

Julian said. 

"No no, it's still undecided."

Erande smiled. They both achieved their goals without shedding blood.