The Half-Demon and the sword Scar
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The ten strong novice then followed their hall leader. The lot of them are now heading into sword skill library, On their way, they passed on several buildings inside the vicinity of sword knight institution. Their area is a six hectares wide in space area. Wide enough to build up a town inside. They too passed on several sword wielder like them. Seeing the hall leader passing by on the streets, several sword wielder bows their heads whenever they meet him. The rest of them continued walking following the hall leader in their front.

"As expected of the Hall leader" claimed by one of the ten student.

"He is well respected" claimed by the girl sword wielder with a green hair.

They continued walking for quite some time, and after their long walk finally they reach the front gate of the library building. It has a four layer basement floors, tall enough compared to the average building around them. It is wide too enough to cater large quantity of student at a time.

"This is the sword skill library. This is where you are going to get your swordskill today. Our school library only allowed the student to borrow two books every month. Every end of the month, you have to return the borrowed book to them. Not only that, the skill that you will borrow will depend ofcourse based on your power rankings. Since this is your first time inside the library, I the head leader will allow you to pass the 2nd floor of the library to get any Rank A Sword skill that you want, in the lower basement, there you can find the Rank B down to Rank E sword and body skills. You are not allowed to enter the 3rd floor of the building since all of the class S sword skill are located into that floor. I will instruct the library guardian to monitor all of your actions inside the library and will inform them that you are all allowed to enter the 4th floor where in the Sword Scar can be found, any other than that is restricted. Thats it for now, after getting your books and entering the 4th floor you may now do as you please. I have already told you the location of your dormitories, after having your business inside the library you may now access your dormitories. For now, lets enter the library building." claimed by the sword hall leader as they walk inside the library hall.

At that moment, the library guardian then welcomed the hall leader. " Greetings to the Leader, welcome students, I am the library guardian, my name is Zong, please dont hesitate to ask me if theres anything you want inside the library" claimed by the library guardian.

At that moment,ten student then dispersed out of the group and started to separate themselves to each other, looking out for every skill inside the library. That moment too, the hall leader instructed the library guardian about the 10 novice student. Later after that, he then move out of his way leaving the 10 student inside the library building.

Meanwhile, at that time, cless took his time up to the fourth floor basaement where in the sword scar is present. On his way, he saw several senior student reading books of sword skill inside the building. Some of them noticed him, while the other payed no attention to him.

"Seems like there are several strong ones here too" claimed by cless as he saw their aura covering their whole body while they read the book.

He then went up to the fourth floor to inspect the said scar. As soon, as he set his foot on the fourth floor, a surge of killing intent welcomed him. He almost feel like dying himself due to the sudden intent, it was so powerful the he feel like his body is about to collapse due to the intent alone. He then sees the large empty hall around him on its center was a giant cracked atmosphere. It seems like that the atmosphere itself was teared out by a massive sword slash.

"Such a massive scar in the atmosphere, so this is the sword scar" claimed by cless

Cless then stepped his foot one more time and this time a massive sword slash several times larger compared to his normal sword slash flew out in a speed of light out of the sword scar. Cless unable to drew out his sword, was enveloped by the slash itself. The moment that the sword slash covered him, his body feels like he is being shreaded into small pieces. Sweat covered his head due to such experience. That time, he thought that he is dead. He thought that the sword slash is a real sword slash but it isnt, its just an illusory slash filled heavy killing intent. Yet to him it already feels real.

"I almost died thinking that it was a real slash" claimed by cless while he wipe the sweat on his forehead.

He stepped his foot once more, this time three huge slashes welcomes him immediately. He wants to dodge it, but he cant. His foot are stuck on the ground. Unable to move further, once again cless was covered by the three huge slashes. Cless was covered by the three consecutive strike and at that moment, his knee gave out making him fall into two with a palm facing into the ground. The killing intent is around them which makes it more difficult to breath. Such a murderous aura around the fourth floor.

"Death, this floor sends normal swordsman to its death" claimed by cless while another set of sweat poures down on his forehead.

Even with his strong physique, receiving three sword slash at once feels like his life is being shreaded into bits. Cless slowly stood up once more. He then gathered his courage and stepped his foot for another time. Another huge sword slash came out out of the scar, however to his surprise, this time, dozens of sword slash welcomed him. Unable to react swiftly, he was once again covered by the huge slashes. Cless was once again sent down into two.

"Such a powerful barrage of attack" claimed cless "However, this time, i noticed something into the scar itself" added by him.

He then stood up, and once more, he stepped his foot unto the ground. Twice as much as before, the sword slashes flew out towards the currently standing cless. He then focused his vision unto the scar alone and at that moment. disregarding the pain of being shreded by the slashes, Cless noticed the flow of the air into the scar itself. It was like a normal sword slashes, the only difference is that, it tears out a huge portion of air atmosphere sending out several sword slashes towards him. The last slash then covers him and at that moment, once again, cless was send into the ground.

"To think that a normal slash could shatter the air atmosphere to the point of creating a scar on it. This sword slash must be pretty heavy" claimed by cless as he pondered about it, cless then remembered his uncles words and his sword slashes during their rigorous training unto the mountain "Just keep on practicing your kendo and in time you will reach to that level"said by cless. He then stood up and once again, disregarding the pain from the illusory sword slashes, cless accepts the sword slashes in his arms. The more he gets closer to the scar, the more number of multiple slashes it bounce back to cless. Yet cless is persistent. He continued moving his feet near and near to the scar, observing the scar itself, while visualizing the sword slashes into his mind how the slashes tears out the huge atmosphere around it.

After several moments of being shredded into piece, one by one, each of his fellow classmates started appearing on the fourth floor. They too were welcomed by the strong killing intent and by the illusory slashes. Unable to defend themselves from the slashes, the rest of them were stucked on the entrance of the fourth floor. In front of them, several hundreds steps from their current position in the middle of the fourth floor. One man finally stood up from his sit. He then starts to move back his feet to the fourth floor main entrance. His entire body is filled with sweat almost looks like he had just finished taking his bath. His eyes are tired and weary enough from the frequent sword slashes. This guy is none other than cless klouster. He went pass on the fourth floor entrance passing his fellow classmates who are currently facing the illusory slashes too. One of his classmates asked him.

"Have you learned something?" asked by a male sword wielder to cless.

Cless waved his hands in response trying to say "Please dont bother me" thing. Seeing cless went on his way, his fellow classmates let him be and they too started to move inside the fourth floor. Cless himself, went straight to the 3rd basement floor where in the strong sword student are around.

"Look, he is bathed in sweat" claimed by one of the sword student.

Laughter then filled the entire floor seeing how pitiful he looks after meeting such terrifying experience. Never did know that the young man himself was able to make it half-way to the sword scar itself. Despite of how they laugh at him, cless move his feet back to the second floor where the class A skills are located.