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The day I met you was the first day I smiled.

You were my light.

Even as no one else looked at me, you shined in my direction. When I was weak and lonely, you helped me up to my feet. We enjoyed ourselves even when the bells rang.

You took me to the café and we laughed together. You took me skateboarding and—while I stumbled—you held me close. Then there was the day you played your guitar for me. Oh what beauty my ears heard. Many may have laughed but I found your cracking voice angelic.


It was time for you to go. You stopped from your karaoke and took to leave, wishing me well for another day.

How silly of you, my love, didn’t you know I would miss you?

The next day came and you greeted me in the classroom. We chatted until one of the boys grabbed your attention and you turned your back to me.

Please, my love, don’t ignore me like the rest.

It’s okay, I told myself, just this once I’ll forgive you. Don’t worry, I still love you.

But it wasn’t once.

Love, why did you continue talking to them when I was so close by? Had you forsaken me? Did you take your light away?

The day ended and you looked at me with disgust. Whom had corrupted your shining eyes? You did not listen to a word I spoke. What had they whispered into your ears? Were those rumors flying about again?

You walked away from me when I asked. Alone we were, yet, you walked away from me even as I stood before you.

As I watched your receding back, I realized. No. I’m sorry for doubting you, love. Of course, you were simply testing my commitment, right? Of course.

I smiled and removed my knife.

Stabbing into your back, your scream rang as your voice cracked.

Oh, love, your cracking voice was still so angelic.

Fear crossed your corrupted eyes and so I removed them.

Left were the ears that heard whispers and so I sliced.

Your screams pained me but it was for the better. How could we love without hurt? I continued cutting you open to your core. I continued ripping all the needless flesh from your vessel. It took time, but you compromised by silencing yourself. Or had you passed out? Oh even your horror stricken face looked beautiful.

I opened you and held your heart in my grasps.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The crimson jewel beating atop my palms. I could feel your warmth and your kindness. Your light was clear in your heart.

I wanted it to myself.

I hungered for it.

My lips opened and I ate. I consumed even as vomit wished its way up. I consumed more naturally than ever before.

First came your heart.

Then came every piece of you.

I chewed slowly, surely, taking everything of yours into me.

When it was all done, and the ground soaked with your blood—when you left this world and entered another—I held my stomach with a gratifying smile.

On that day, you became mine and I became yours. I partook in your grace and spirit and we united.

We were one.

Just like mother.

Just like father.

We were one, my love.

Forever One.