Chapter 191
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Chapter 191: The Look

-Emelia’s POV-

I stood down a step from the bride. My sister stood closer to Sylphy. We were holding flowers and smiling as we watched the two love birds recite what they hoped, as well as what they would give to one another. My eyes wandered from my brother to a red-headed gentleman close behind him. He seemed more proper than the last time I saw him, but my attention wasn’t on him long.

The man, who was situated in the same position as I was, but on the opposite side of the steps, had my attention. His face was handsome as usual, his hair combed, his face freshly shaven. This fresh shave allowed me to see his lips move slightly at the end. His jaw, which was hidden by an occasional stubble or shadow, was sharper than what I perceived. His somewhat bushy eyebrows matched his black hair. His horns were prominent at the top of his forehead, slightly taking up room where his hair showed to form a line. Looking to the sides of his face I notice a little bit of greying of the hair. It wasn’t prominent badly noticeable just a few hairs that were mixed with the rest.

He was taller than the red-headed gentleman and his build seemed reasonable for that size. His sturdy hands clasped themselves together in front of him. This allowed his chest and shoulders to be even more pronounced.

His throat was just as pronounced. The length allowed one to see his muscle capacity and sturdiness.

Then after a few short seconds of my gaze, he matched it. He wasn’t looking at his close friend, just a few feet away, who was getting married. He wasn’t looking at my sister who did look quite pretty or the blushing bride. His eyes stared intently at me, just me. His violet eyes met with mine. They stayed that way for I can’t describe how long. As if breathing out a laugh. His shoulders and chest did a quick jump. He did a short gesture with his head to the two love birds, possibly saying that we should pay attention.

However, my mind wasn't focused on them. I might need to apologize to my brother for missing some of his weddings. I also might need to hear from my sister exactly what happened. I just didn’t want to take my gaze away.

It was like when our eyes first met that day a few months ago. He instinctually knew I was looking, it didn’t seem to bother him that day or even now. That same feeling I felt, the pull, the connection, whatever was making me gravitate toward him that day was happening again.

Even though he was trying to push my eyes towards the main event, his eyes never moved.

I would think he’d lead by example. Turning his body toward the show and watch the couple.

Quite ironic I thought.

I also thought it was ironic how he constantly persisted about me not attempting to get close to him and yet he keeps luring me in with his gaze.

Those eyes stayed on mine. This back and forth connection between us continued. One could also call it a stalemate.

A slight bit of heliotrope color resided in the innermost part of his eyes. It was different from the dark spatial bulbs that I’ve grown used to seeing. After he seemed to take a deep breath a quant smile arose on his face.

This made my smile increase in strength.

His eyes were back to what they once were, violet.

I then heard a loud, “I do”!

I’m quite sure it came from my brother, I think Sir Val and I’s interaction only lasted through the giving of the rings, I don’t think I missed much.

I watched the couple finally finish what they started. It took them all the years I’ve been alive to reach it, I’m glad they finally did. They kissed and smiled. The crowd cheered and my brother's entourage cheered in a more masculine manner.

I turned back to Sir Val, he was smiling and clapping though his eyes were on me even before mine could reach him. His clapping ceased slowly and his smile became more heartwarming and subtle. The couple walked down the elevated alter and were greeted by my parents. Some guests also greeted them.

The sun was close to setting. If seen from the middle of the aisle the sun would seem as if it were sitting atop the sea. As if a bright orange and yellow sea fairing ship was slowly sinking into the horizon. The sky had streaks of pink, orange, and red. As you looked from the setting sun to the mansion all the colors you’d ever dream of seeing were there. It was sad how no one but I noticed them. Though it was a happy day for our family. I hope it grows larger soon...


To be continued