Chapter 207
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Chapter 207: Presence

-Val’s POV-

Val: ‘Instinct? Was that it? That uncontrollable fury inside? That immense lust?”

My hand pushed against the left side of my chest. My fingers almost dug into the shirt, binding it closer to the center of my palm.

‘Is this burning feeling, it? Is this, the reason..?’

I turned to the bed.

“No, she caused this. It’s not my instinct.”

I tidied the bed and the papers that were cast on the floor for whatever reason.

Val: “Emelia…”

I thought of her smile and laughter. I couldn’t help but stop what I was doing and smile. The delicate way she caressed my face and asked if I was… myself…

‘Oh, yea, she asked if I was myself. Does this mean it was true? Did I lose control?’

I stood straight and went to the bathroom.

My reflection seemed the same. My eyes seemed clear.

My hands cupped some water and splashed it on my face. It didn’t help in any way. My eyes opened to a drenched face some of my hair dripping.

‘I was myself when she asked and when we started kissing. No, she was mad at me, then what? We were kissing.’

I rubbed my eyes and turned to the bed.

‘How did we start kissing then? Did I start it or… No, it must have been me. From what I remember, I had her in my arms. But still, how did it start?’

The bed felt quite comfortable and the smell from the sheets made me feel cozy. It was her smell, the sweet, alluring scent she always had.

As my hands gripped the sheets my mind drift to when my hands were with hers. Those soft, dainty hands. I felt strong, and protective when I had them. When I had her.

My arm throbbed, not in any way painful, however, it felt used.

His highness looked at me with disappointment as he held his neck, but how did we get to that point? I remember looking at Emelia and then all I remember afterward was His highness saying something and leaving. What did I say to him? What did I do? I understand his anger, seeing me, a loyal friend and servant canoodling with his younger sister. However, after that first initial forceful strike from him, what happened to cause such a dispute? Her smile and her voice, that’s the only bit that I remember.

‘Did I truly lose control? Why now?’


-Hugh’s POV-

‘Gotdamit! How could father allow this?’

I opened the door forcefully and slammed it shut. Sylphy turned up from her book. She laid on the bed in a slick nightgown that revealed enough to get me started. Her position was cleverly on her belly. It was as if she was waiting for me to see her in this position.

Sylphy: “What’s wrong, Hue?”

Her face was so attractive that I almost lost focus. After my mind blipped away from that alluring sight, my expression changed to what it was before. I walked to the bed and started taking off my shirt.

Hugh: “I just caught Val and Emelia playing around in his room. Father didn’t even react.”

She closed her book and looked at me.

Sylphy: “Isn’t those two being together a good thing?”

I stopped taking clothes off and looked at her like she was crazy.

Hugh: “What the hell are you talking about?”

She turned on her back. That nightgown was so thin and silken. It changed shape with her body well.

She softly laughed.

Sylphy: “Just think of us as them. My best friend is your sister. I’m Val in this situation. Isn’t it better to have someone you trust to be with your sibling instead of a stranger?”

The last piece of clothing fell to the ground.

Hugh: “Our relationship is different.”

Sylphy: “I remember Rose thought our relationship was weird. She still supported us because she trusted me as her friend. Shouldn’t you treat their relationship with the same respect?”

My hand put some weight on the bed.

I grasped my neck and spoke.

Val: “I don’t know if I can trust Val anymore. He’s changed from the last time we spoke.”

Her hands went through my hair as she spoke.

Sylphy: “You can always be a protective big brother, but don’t ruin what could turn out to be a perfect match.”

Her lips touched the tip of my nose and a cute smile appeared on her face.

Hugh: “…”

Sylphy grabbed her book and stood from the bed. I knelt there on the edge of the bed waiting. She made sure to stay in my sight and slowly move around. Her hand slowly undid the few ties on the nightgown. Such a light piece of cloth made no sound as it hit the floor. She smiled again and I made my way across the bed on my knees till our lips met. She still stood. My hands grasped her waist and easily forced her on the bed with me. She laughed again, reminding me of a child playing freely.

Sylphy: “Forget about being angry and just enjoy what you have..”

I loved how soft her skin felt against mine.

I melted in her presence.


To be continued