Chapter 18 – Danger
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Alfeios was now fully equipped and proceeded to lead the way. He decided to travel from rooftops to rooftops which in his mind was the quickest way towards school. They were solely focused on reaching their destination that neither one of them uttered a word for discussion. 

Alfeios, on the other hand, was occupied with thinking about the girl's safety. I hope you guys are safe by the time I get there, he thought. 

Not much time had passed when the three arrived at the school gates. The sight of the school building was a disaster. Half the school property was in crumbles and a fire was lit everywhere. Alfeios grasped his fist with a burning rage in his eyes. 

"Rockwell, let no intruders neither IN OR OUT," said Alfeios with the look of death on his face . 

"Rest assured, nothing will escape my claws," Rockwell responded. 

"Rosemary, you'll come with me in search of a few friends," said Alfeios. 

"Friends?" Rosemary said tilting her head. 

She then looked at Rockwell as if they had the same thought. Alfeios wasn't one to have friends so they were confused with what he said. 

"Yes and when we find them I'll leave them in your care," Alfeios responded. 

"You need not worry when the time comes," Rosemary replied. 

Both Alfeios and Rosemary set forth into the collapsed section of the building leaving Rockwell on guard. They entered an open entrance of the building. Alfeios signaled to Rosemary to patrol the area. 

She reported back to Alfeios, "It seems there's a fight taking place about five hundred meters from here" she said. Alfeios nodded then immediately headed that way.

*500 meter away from Alfeios while Rosemary was patrolling*

Two men were standing in front of a beaten group of students and agents. One had spiky silver hair with a frail skinny body. He stood there with a little hunch in his back. The other guy was built like a wrestler with slick black hair straight backward, pearly green eyes, and a scar on his left cheek. He had his hands folded while he stood there watching the other guy have fun. 

"Despicable, IS THIS ALL THIS TALENTED UNIVERSITY HAS! THIS IS TRULY SHAMEFUL," said the silver-haired guy. He immediately continued his speech. "You guys don't deserve to be called prestigious and talented but in anyways were looking for a kid-" 

Before the silver-haired guy could finish this sentence, he felt a hand with enormous strength took grasp of his head and buried it into the ground. The hand continued to drag the silver guy's head along the concrete floor before releasing him, sending him flying towards a wall with a massive crash. 



The silver-haired struggled to get up after that impact. He then raised his head to see a quite tall guy with blonde hair looking down towards him. 

"Wh-who the hell are you," said the silver-haired guy aggressively. 

The blonde hair guy didn't respond, instead, he went to finish the silver-haired guy with a punch. Before this could happen his fist was stopped. He realized it wasn't the silver-haired guy in front of him anymore but it was that of a wolf or so he thought. 

The figure was standing at least 8-feet tall with long limbs and a pale body. It had pearl eyes and fangs around six inches long. Its spine was revealed on its hunched back with two short horns amounting from its head. 

"Seems like I'll need to take this seriously," the unknown figure responded. 

"What the- a wolf," the blond hair guy muttered. 

"You're mistaken, this form I've taken on is that of the Great Wendigo," the figure rescinded. 

It then continued, "You see, I'm a descendant and the wrong opponent you've chosen to fight,' said the figure. 

It then launched a repulsive attack to the air causing a force to push the blond hair guy back. What an immense power he thought to himself. The figure released a tremendous speed before instantly appearing in front of the blonde hair guy dealing a massive blow directly towards his face. He continued with a barrage of fists and kicks that the blonde hair guy couldn't evade or block. 

The beaten students and agents only sat there in fear of what's going to happen. It seems we won't be meeting again the blonde hair guy thought when he saw his life flashed before his eyes. Just before the finishing blow was delivered a hand came in its path stopping the figure dead in its track. 

"Hey. Make another move and your dead." said a chilling voice from beyond the smoke.