Incredibly Uncomforting Comfort
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The next day, Niko felt better. Much better. He could stand and eat. But he didn’t like Mallomor’s continued presence.

Mallomor wanted to prove he could be trusted, and maybe make a new friend. 

They decided to interrogate each other.

Niko asked the first question. “How did you find me?”

“I can take human form. The people say that you’re the worst person who ever lived here, worse than the serial rapist from a few years back. Why is your skin that color?”

“Are you asking me about my heritage or…?”

“Yeah, that.” Demons were never known for sensitivity towards race. Or anything, really.

“I’m half Scottish and half Venezuelan. Why are you still hanging around me?”

“Anywhere is better than Hell, you know. Could you explain why I wasn’t able to possess you?”

“Because you suck at it. Next question-”

Mallomor grabbed Niko’s shirt and stared him directly in his eyes.

“I’ve possessed many humans in my lifetime with various backgrounds and personalities. And never, at any point, did the host body reject me.”

Niko turned away from Mallomor. “So you’re blaming me for your own incompetence? Very classy.”

Mallomor lost it, and scratched Niko’s face. “DON’T VILIFY ME FOR SOMETHING YOU DID!”

Niko’s shock became sadness. “I’m sorry. I guess I deserve it.”

Mallomor was confused. “Is this a kink or…?”

Niko rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You’ll have to come to that answer on your own.” Mallomor noticed a gleam in his eyes, and for a brief moment, he doubted there was much difference between him and Niko.