Approaching danger
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The sun shone brightly, illuminating the blue pure skies as a group of five people who claimed to be workers from an Estate agency took the sacred piece of land in which I had been placed in and decided to clear the area, including me. After clearing everything else, they stared at the strange blade in front of them and were confused as to what to do with it.

"The people around here say that this sword's legendary...", one man whispered to the other.

"You asked old people, right?", he waited but there was no response, "wow! it must be true then.", the other whispered back and walked closer. "Don't be an idiot! Let's finish our work fast!"

The other men stared at him, feeling reluctant to hold the hilt.

"Tch, I'll do it myself."

I grounded myself with the energy I had stored from last night's 'waning gibbous' and with the ability, I had, "discover" which enabled me to view the hearts of living beings, activated right after he had touched my hilt


The life of this man was brimming with sins and being the sacred sword that I was there was a reaction that caused intense pain to his right arm.

"You aren't suited to wield the legendary blade.", my voice echoed in his head as he immediately pulled his arm off. He fell to the ground, holding his arm with a clear and visible look of fear and anger on his face.


"Are you okay?! What happened?!", his comrades rushed towards him.

"Call the boss!!"

"O-Okay!", one of the men rushed back into their high tech van and began to dial a code into their holo communicator. I heard from afar as he discussed with an unknown person.

"Boss, there's an artefact here we can't get rid of."

"What do you mean by that?"

"One of our men was instantly pushed away after touching it"

"...", there was a brief silence, "Which area are you clearing?"

"Well., right now we are at the outskirts of Cell city."

"Describe the artefact", the man turned back and took a closer look at my enchanting form. After analyzing for a while, he returned to his call.

"It seems to be in a scabbard. Its colour is light that of the glowing night and there are ancient symbols on it."

After he said that, the unknown person called him closer and whispered something to him. There was a confused and concerned look on his face as he ended the call and returned to the holy grounds.

"The boss has ordered us to leave."

"What!?", the men were a bit troubled, probably because they were confused as to whether they would receive their pay or not.

"Yes, he says we should return to the company building and receive our pay."

The expressions on each of the men's faces brightened as they sighed a heavy sigh of relief but their happiness was shattered right after the man said, "After collecting our pay, we are to leave and never return."

There was silence as they all stared at him confused as to what to say. The man whose right arm I paralyzed walked up to him in a rage.

"What are you saying!?"

"He's...", the man hesitated for a while before mustering the courage to speak," ...going to hire personnel from DeV co." A look of concern was painted on the faces of the others.

"We must leave then.", the injured man walked away towards the van and was followed by the rest of the team. They stared at me from the van with sad faces as they left the area.

"Why do they fear this ' Dev co.' people they speak about?"

Rain clouds began to gather and the people who still lived in poverty, mostly the aged had packed their farm produce and were headed for home. A disturbing thought crossed my mind as they paid respects to me before continuing on their way.

"Could it be that those people may bring harm to the villagers?"