2. Another Cliché
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<Two Years Ago>
One week later, on a sunny morning, when Argon was preparing his breakfast, he felt that he was being watched, but when he looked around, he did not find anyone, just as he wanted to continue eating breakfast, he felt something staring at him with very strong, like he was being stared at by a monster who wanted to devour him.
He felt the gaze coming from right above him, and when he looked up, he saw a wrinkled old man staring at him with a blank gaze, as if he looked dead. Argon was so shocked and scared that he couldn't even move.
"Booo !!"
“Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! Ghhooost!!!!"
Argon was finally able to escape, he immediately ran as hard as he could to the exit of his house, but when he opened the door, suddenly the figure of the old man was in front of him, then the old man laughed very creepily.
“Ghahahahaaa !! Ehhh ..? he passed out? Sigh, I think I'm too much” said the old man when he saw Argon fainted.
An hour later, Argon woke up and saw that he was in his room, he immediately examined his whole body and then was grateful that he did not find anything strange in his body.
“Brat, you are so rude !! What do you think I'll do to you, Hahhh ?" asked the old man irritably.
"Ahh ?? I'm sorry, I thought you were a ghost. So, what are you doing sticking to the ceiling of my house, old man ??" Asked Argon.
"Your house? Brat !! This is my house!!"
"What are you saying?? Hey old man, this is my house !! If you ask nicely I might let you stay here, but you suddenly come and claim this house, so, you can come out right away!” said Argon irritably.
"Brat, this is my house, I've lived here for 10 years!"
"You're lying, this house has obviously been abandoned by the owner, because it's so damaged and dirty .. Awww !! Why did you hit me old man !!"
"You say my house is dirty and damaged, of course I will be angry! Okay, I will prove to you that this is my house” The old man immediately took Argon around the old house. The old man also showed the hidden places in the house. Finally Argon believed that this was indeed the old man's house.
At this time, Argon realized that before he was very clumsy and impulsive, because before he passed out, he already saw that the old man was not normal, and might kill him at any moment, the words he said to the old man were also very harsh.
"Hmm .. looks like you've realized something. You have a mind that is more mature than your age"
"Old man, forgive me for my previous crude attitude, I did not know that this house has an owner"
"Well, no need to think about it, it's only natural after all, you've cleaned and repaired this old house"
"So ... can I live here ??"
"Yes, as long as you keep cleaning this house and also provide food for me"
"Of course, you can leave it to me!"
Finally, the old house is now inhabited by two people, an old man and a 9 year old boy.
The old man's name was Ol'gar Son Or'godal, other than his name, he didn't say anything else, and Argon didn't ask either, he did not mention his age, but looked 80-90 years old. When Argon introduced himself, he also didn't tell the old man anything else like he had told Tigril, because he felt that the old man would soon find out about his lie. Luckily the old man didn't ask him either, or maybe didn't care.
After a brief introduction, Argon had breakfast with Ol'gar and after that began his morning training in the backyard.
“Brat, why are you practicing? What do you want to achieve?" asked Ol'gar.
"I don't know, for now I just want to live safely, without worries" answered Argon.
“Live safely? From what ..?" asked Ol'gar a little curious.
“Of course the stronger beings, we live among them, and this world is a place of the strong who rule, and the strong can make choices. So, if I want to have many choices in life, the only way is to get stronger” Argon said helplessly.
“Yes, that makes sense, even if you don't have a clear purpose in your life. But it's still acceptable, after all you're still a little brat and you still have plenty of time to find your purpose in life” Ol'gar said with a nod.
Argon continued his training, while the old man watched him from the side.
One month passed, Argon is currently training as usual in the backyard, lifting weights, push ups, sit ups, running a few kilo meters etc. Ol'gar, who was always watching Argon's training from the side, was getting annoyed at the training he had been doing so far.
“Brat!! Stop, stop !!" shouted Ol'gar.
"Eh ... what's wrong ?? Why do you want me to stop ??" asked Argon, confused.
"Didn't you say that you wanted to become stronger ??" asked Ol'gar.
"Yes, of course. That's the reason why I practiced all this time" answered Argon.
"Practice? Do you think you've been practicing all this time?”
"Of course, what else am I doing?"
“Brat !! Are you stupid! All you've been doing is warming up, to me it looks like gymnastics, not training !! If you only do training like this, then it would take you 1000 years to become strong!” said Ol'gar scornfully.
"Usooo ... I've been training really hard all this time, and it's just a warm up ??" said Argon in disbelief.
"Hahh ?? Train hard?? Do you think it's harsh training?? You never even crossed your limits! You will always rest when you are so tired!” Ol'gar said irritably.
"Ehh ... ?? you mean I have to keep practicing even though I'm so tired ??"
"Yes!! You have to train until you feel like dying !!”
"Gulp ... looks like I can't do that, for now. I'm still too young, I'm only 9 years old, you know "
"Ghahaha ... of course you won't be able to do that, if you practice on your own. But if you have a teacher, I'm sure you will be able to do such training” Ol'gar said with a cruel laugh.
"You..??" Argon asked with a skeptical tone, then he looked at Ol'gar, an old man who was bent over, he even needed to use a cane to help him walk.
Suddenly Ol'gar disappeared and reappeared right in front of Argon. At that time Argon began to remember his first meeting with Ol'gar, immediately he started breaking out in cold sweat. He almost forgot it, because in this month he had never seen Ol'gar use his abilities, and just acted like an old man.
"I will train you, so, be prepared to die any time!" said Ol'gar with a cruel smile.
'Shit !! Isn't this like a cliché wuxia novel, where Mc accidentally meets a strong old man and becomes his student? But I feel that rejecting it is the best option!' Thought Argon.
"I ..."
"We'll start training tomorrow, from 4am to 7pm!" said Ol'gar, then he immediately disappeared.
"Oiii ... when did I receive it?? I refused !!" Silence, no answer, as if Ol'gar did not care.
And the next morning, Hell training begins.