004 – The Harem grows!
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Your favorite mentally deranged author is back, don't forget to follow me and give the chapter a like!

When I woke up, my back was resting on a soft bed. I wasn't naked, only my feet were bare. Someone had the decency to put me in my nightgown, and that someone better not be The Hero if he expects his life expectancy to be long. 

That idiot was sleeping next to me, semi-naked, with only his underwear on. His body was pressing against mine. What was I, his concubine? I sat on my feet, with my pillow in my hands, 'I wonder how he'll like it if I smother him.'

However, while I pre-meditated murder, I saw Emily sleeping conveniently next to his abs. 'Whore.'

Her white nightgown and blonde hair did not fool anyone.

[Healers are bound by oath to remain virgin until marriage]

'Shut up.'

[ :( ]

I am still sure she likes it up the ass, just look at her. Those eyes of hers scream, "I am a whore."

Wait... she is awak-

She lounged a pillow at my face. Throwing me off the bed.

"Bitch," I shouted. 


I marched towards her, and we were about to come to blows, but then The Hero uttered something while asleep. "Is b-breakfast r-ready?"

His tone was lovely and calm, as if he expected his lover or wife to answer with a "yes honey, breakfast is ready."

Emily glanced at me with her poisonous eyes. When our eyes met, I knew what she wanted to do, 'Oh, no, don't even think about doing that'

Cooking 1


I won't let her win. There is no way my cooking skills can be that bad - 'I hope....'

I don't think fried bacon is supposed to be this black....

"Pass me the salt," Emily said. 

[Blessing of Envy Activated]

'hehehe,' I gave her a half-opened flask of chilli pepper. Her eyes were love-struck until the entire pepper fell over the cooking pan. Her fried eggs were ruined. 

When I looked back at my pan, my eggs were pitch-black. 'Wait.... I don't remember setting the temperature to max...'

I confirmed my suspicion when my Elven vision detected magic traces on the stove's handle. Emily began to whistle a lullaby. 'This is war.'

"Could you pass me a bowl?" I asked. She laughed and walked over to where the bowls were. But my plan was complete. When she came back, I threw my crumbling masterpiece into a bowl. She did the same with her now scrambled eggs with bacon. 

"Go ahead, you first," I said. Her smile was all smug. 

With victory in hand, little Emily slipped to the ground. Her nightgown and toes were now all sticky. I made it past the cooking oil and then stepped on her food. "Oops." 

"Next time, look over where you walk, you pompous ass," I bragged. Suddenly and without explanation, I was pulled by my ankles and I nosedived my way from heaven - *Cute screaming intensifies* - to earth. 



We started bickering and brawling on the wooden floor. Above us, The Hero was sleeping like a baby, snoring, not realizing that an orchestra of war was blasting its trumpets just down below a few feet away from his bed. 

"Keep it down, stupid - you are going to wake him-"

"Jessica," The Hero uttered.

Emily and I halted our quarrel. No words needed to be spoken. We both helped each other back on our feet. When we climbed into the bed, The Hero briefly awoke. One of his blessings had alerted him of two murderous auras in the room.

"Oh, hey - good morning. What do you two- AAHHHHH."

The Hero was finally sitting on the kitchen table. With bandages on his head, a half-shut purple eye and swollen cheeks. His breakfast was served. 

He swallowed everything in the bowl, in one bite and just burped. 


The Hero took two cooking pans to the head.

With Emily in the party, we now had a healer, that is - as long as she remained a virgin. Her magic was dependent on her vow of celibacy.

I couldn't help but smirk as the Hero slept in a bed with two women that he couldn't have. 'Truly a wonderful harem.'

[You have now entered Amy's Dungeon]

We were met by a funny smell and total darkness. My night vision useful for once.

"See, I told you to buy a torch," I said. "Hold on to my hand and I-"

Emily launched an orb of light.

"Or that...," I continued.

Ever since our little food war ended in a draw, she has been trying to please The Hero in other ways, like the little whore that she was.

"See, we didn't need the torches after all," The Hero said.


We made our way down to the dungeon. The dungeon was carved out from gray cobblestone and lacked decorations and tack. It was a cookie-cutter dungeon for babies and newbies who wanted to set up their first campaign. The first floor was mostly straight, except for a few turns here and there, but at no point did it branch out. The design did nothing to stop our advance. The first enemy that we met was a slime.

We mounted a battle formation, with The Hero at the front, and Emily and me behind him as support.

It was silly.

[+2 shared EXP]

The Hero killed the slime with a single slash.

We encountered a few more slimes, but just like the first one, they were not a challenge at all. Perhaps this dungeon was just randomly generated.

[+26 shared EXP]

When we entered the second floor, I had to stop to sneeze. The smell was way stronger than before. My party was too eager to beat the dungeon they did not notice I had fallen behind.

"Hmm, a dead end," Emily said.

I did not understand what she meant; I was too far behind that my night vision activated.

"How much you want to bet, this will do the trick?" The Hero asked.

"Wait for me, stupi-"

As I made a run for it, the floor collapsed. I fell into a maze.

"Can anyone hear me?" I shouted. There was no response. My nose was now leaking. The powerful smell was now the only thing on my mind.

The smell lured me like a slice of cheese lures a rat. When my mind came back to me, I found myself at the entrance of a luxurious room. It seems I've beaten the maze and reached the living quarters of the dungeon core. I silently pushed the wooden door open and barged in, only to trip on some shoes misplaced directly on the trance floor. 

"Welcome, sister," a young maid said. "Please feel to come in, and make yourself comfortable, while I go fetch some tea." 

She was gorgeous. It was the first time I've ever seen a catgirl in this world. Something about her black hair and blue eyes mesmerized me. I felt like patting her. When I walked towards her, she coughed and pointed down below.



She didn't want me to step on the rugs with my muddied, slime ridden boots. Supposedly the leftovers of a slime are almost impossible to remove from fabric and other non-metallic materials. 

I took a sit on the living room when the Dungeon Core appeared. She looked like a half-elf, half demon girl. She was about my height, maybe an inch shorter. Her silver hair and color pigmentation were pale like mine. But her horns were pitch-black and on her sides, almost bull-like. Her malevolent black dress matched with the color of her nails, both in her hand and feet. 

"Sister, don't worry, I've formulated a plan of attack to defeat the Hero and rescue from your captivity," She said. Her red eyes shinning with honesty. 

"You are the dungeon core, correct?" I asked. 

"Sister- what type of question is- Wait, remain on the chair, the tea- Sister- Wha!-"

I shoved her to the ground and started stomping on her. "DIE." 

The pathetic weakling just covered her head for protection. 


I kept stomping on the pathetic dungeon core, then I heard hissing. Glass shattered, it was the tea cups. The battle-maid charged.



I threw her about five meters back into the kitchen; she got busted through the wooden door. 'Go back to where you belong.'

I kept kicking the dungeon core with all my strength. Why was I barefoot at a time like this?, with my enchanted boots, this dumb girl would've eaten lead. Stupid maid and her rules. 

"S-stop, s-sister, please."

I gave her no mercy. 

[Dungeon Core tamed  successfully]

[She has joined your party]

[DC's passive skill: Dungeon Creation]

[You have created a Demon-Hierarchy]

[Dungeon Core is now your pet]

*Hand rubbing intensifies*


My mind was overwhelmed with perverted thoughts.