Chapter 1- Dark Places
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Surface- Broken Hill Region
Outside Drock Dunlar Fortress

"You will have one chance, once you get there follow the path deep into the cave. You will eventually be forced to stop by a barrier, that is where you will need the sacrifice." the Lich informed me as I studied the bound form of the Priest at my feet. 

"I understand, I will not fail," I told him as I pulled the [Portal Scroll] from my Inventory before studying the dissolving bodies of the other Immortals as they turned to ash as they were sent to Respawn. 

"The collar will bind the Immortal for twenty-four hours, the power of the collar will be undone after that. Good luck." Abraxxus stated before turning and striding off, his minions in tow.

The bound Priest tried to say something, but the gag prevented anything intelligent. "Sorry, but you are not going anywhere and your life will serve a purpose. One that has actual meaning.' I told him before yanking the man to his feet. 'We are going on a trip, I need most of you for what I have planned but I can cut off parts of you. Understand?" I told the Priest causing him to flinch and nod as I broke the seal on Portal Scroll causing a greenish portal to snap open.

I shoved the Priest towards the portal and he disappeared in a flash of light. I looked around one last time and touched the portal causing the world around me to twist and turn around me before it stabilized. I fought the nausea-inducing feelings and looked around. We were on an island in the middle of nowhere, good. The Priest couldn't tell where we were, we could be in the Storm Sea that bordered the southern part of the Arakon continent, the ocean that wrapped around Ithea and made up most of the world's water, or the North Sea that lay between Arakon and Jingoon continents. 

Besides a few trees and boulders, the only significant feature of the island in sight was a cave entrance. I grabbed the Priests arm and started dragging him towards the cave. The Priest did his best to fight and slow us down. I turned and drove a fist into the man's stomach. "Stop, I will not warn you again," I told him before grabbing the man's hair and dragged him after me. 

The cavern was crude, hewn from the rock itself but as we went deeper and deeper underground, it was apparent something or someone had created this place. Yet the path eventually ended at a wall with a dais before it. 

Placed on the small raised platform was a pillar about waist high with a large bowl placed in front of it. Carved around the lip of the bowl was writing that matched what was carved into the wall in front of us. 

The images depicted people and battle, a big one with a bloody end. Nothing about the Compact or the power that was supposed to be hidden here. "What are we doing here Jacob?" I looked over at the Priest and smirked. 

"Yes cause telling you my plans always works...I know you Children of the Light are not the brightest, but did you think just asking me would get me to tell you?" I asked the Priest as I studied the writing. It was in Latin and while I was far from fluent, I had learned enough to determine a rough translation. 'Through sacrifice, we gained victory. Only through the same sacrifice can you uphold the Compact and unlock what is hidden.' A secret message, but with no apparent references. 

I studied the images on the wall in front of us. "You don't have to do this Jacob, I can vouch for you and still get you---" I turned and punched the Priest causing him to spin away.

"You fucking idiots let a snake into your guild. In the end, it will destroy you from within.' I told the man before going back to the image and studying the details. 'You have no idea what she is capable of and she hides it all behind a pretty face and words. If you knew what I know, and better yet could prove it, you would probably kill her in the real world." I told the Priest as I stopped and stared at the far right part of the wall. 

The losing army had died, but they had died for a purpose. Protecting the ones they cared about, families, and what might be a town or city. Only through the same sacrifice would I unlock what was hidden...I didn't need the Priest, just myself and the will to do it. I pulled the short sword from the sheath and walked to the dais and slit my wrist. 


Debuff Sacrifice of the Fallen: 1% of Base Health per Second


I read the notification as it disappeared, while blood pooled into the bowl for a few moments as my Health Bar continued to steadily drop. The Debuff had no timer and I had no idea how long it would continue. Ten percent, twenty, thirty the bowl was nearly full and the Sigils and Runes inscribed on the bowl started to power up as the Debuff disappeared as I stopped bleeding and the wound closed. 

The bowl started to drain as the blood crawled across the floor towards the wall in front of us. I had seen creepy and scary things since I had started playing Fate Online, but seeing blood move on its own, powered by magic I did not understand was the first and newest creepiest thing I had seen to date. "What did you do?" the Priest asked and I looked at him. 

The man was pale and his health was dropping by the second as some of the blood reached him and crawled all over his body. "When you respawn, tell that bitch, I am coming for her. Nothing can stop me and I am going to burn her world to the ground. Anyone who stands with her will get the same." I snarled at the other man as the blood reached his face and plunged into his ears, eye sockets, and mouth cutting off any response as he rose in the air as the ritual continued. 

The chamber rumbled as the wall in front of me started to break and collapse revealing the path continued deeper underground. I pulled up my hood, it was enchanted to give its user Dark Sight. Based on the darkness beyond, I would need every edge I could get. The path followed a tunnel and while I had no idea where it led, I quickly picked up we were going deeper and deeper underground. 

While I was a Ranger, and competent in the wilds of Arakon, the Underdark was more dangerous by far. Both monsters and sentients alike. Drow, Goblins, Orcs, Kobolds, all sorts of beings lived and called the Underdark home. 

Three hours later, I slowed to a halt. I had not come across any cross tunnels or large chambers, or any living things. The only difference was I could hardly see, the Dark Sight Skill used the ambient light to highlight shapes and depth around the person, but the Underdark was devoid of normal light and I could only see a few feet in front of me at best. Yet I was certain without a doubt, something or someone was tracking me. 

I had hoped it was the oppressive darkness surrounding me, but I had heard the occasional scuff of a shoe or armor as it crossed over the rocky surface of the Underdark. I turned and looked back the way I had come, "I can hear you, what do you want?" I asked and I heard faint laughter coming from all around me. 

"Ahh, the little mouse finally shows some teeth, we were wondering if you lacked ears." a voice called out, and based on the way it came back, the speaker was moving. 

"I have heard you pacing me for the last five minutes and while I was hoping for one stalker, I knew there was the possibility of more than one though.' I replied as I looked around but did my best to stay calm. Being afraid and showing it were two different things. 'I seek what was promised, I seek the power of the Compact. I followed the hints and clues, I found Abraxxus and returned his journal, and the Lich sent me here. Who do I need to talk to?" I told the people around me as once again laughter rang out around me.

"Ahh the mouse has spoken to the old bag of bones and speaks of things it is ignorant of.' another voice responded and I was tempted to fire blindly but I stayed calm. 'The Compact is broken boy, you should leave, only death awaits those who come here." another voice called in warning as others hissed in anger.

I ground my teeth in frustration, I hadn't come all this way and bet everything on broken promises. I triggered Barrage boosting both my Damage and Attack Speed for a short duration, but I moved in a blur firing off three arrows in three different directions. 

Two screams of pain sounded as I prepared to draw my sword. "ENOUGH!' a voice cut through the darkness as a small globe of light bloomed next to me as it and a man appeared next to me revealing a half dozen armed and armored figures facing us. 'Go, check the tunnel and make certain it has closed as it should." the man commanded and with more than one look of anger was thrown my way, but they turned and faded into the darkness around us. 

The man turned towards me, the cowl hanging over his face obscured his features. "You will be coming with me Immortal." the man told me as his hand blurred foreword and suddenly I was sent flying into the nearby rock wall as everything blurred around me as I fought to remain conscious and noticed another figure stepping into the light surrounding us.

"She wants him taken to the palace, alive and if possible unharmed Nathaniel." the second figure spoke to the first as the world continued to spin as they walked closer to me. 

"So many hopes and dreams pinned to one being, it should not be so, but I will do as she commands Ezekial." the man replied as I saw a boot descend towards my head and sending me into the welcome arms of unconsciousness.